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RNI - Radio Northsea International

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 17:21 pm
by Guest
Who can help me? I'm looking for the "Video" from RNI "The Show Must Go On..!" ( 200 Mb. )

Reactions to email address please! TnX!


Re: RNI - Radio Northsea International

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 19:11 pm
by Lanta
Anonymous wrote:Who can help me? I'm looking for the "Video" from RNI "The Show Must Go On..!" ( 200 Mb. )

Reactions to email address please! TnX!

Hi, I'm a new member as from to day and this is my very first post. I'm a Offshore Radio Freak for more than 35 years know. And the Video you are looking for i did see it myself about 10 to 14 day's ago for the very fist time

I did search for yopu on YouTube but i can not find it back any more mabey it is be deleted ??

Ps Be a ware that the letters RNI was aslo be used by Radio New York Internationl in the mid 80's ho was a short lifed Offshore Radio station near the coast of the state New York.

So i'm sorry i don't think i can help you out. Mabey this hint can help you search in google for " Offshore Radio " and forum good luck