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LOGS : 11 - 17 AUG. 2014

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2014 22:46 pm
by Ray Lalleu

Many stations on the air, but still weak signals on daytime. Unusual stations were hard to identify (not only here!), also some 'stereo' problems, so IDs (from mine or [from others]) are less than 100% sure.
Look for : Dokkum, Robbie, Barones, BZN, Columbia, Alex-W, Holland AM, Akai, Kipspies, Over the Horizon, Condor, Dubbel XX, Brabantia, Polaris (and no names).

R.Likedeeler was on almost everyday, extremely weak, sometimes relaying Skyline R. Germany.

* * * * * MON. 11 AUG. 2014 * * * * *

6265,7 0641-0820 WEEKEND MUSIC R., v.weak\PLC > e.weak,ut.QRM; mx, IDs "from Scotland", 0642 Move it on over

6290,0 0740-0801 UNID, v.weak\PLC,noisy; D mx(song, accn, polka, tiki)

6095,0 0759-0800 UNID, music heard on the channel before s/on of v.strong TRANSPORT R. at *0800

6290,0 0806-0819* UNID, strong \on-off audio, mx, Plaisir d'amour, Red River rock, tiki, off-back, D mx, 0819* sudden

6305,1 1707-1858 R. MERLIN INT, fair; mx, occ. tk and IDs, reggae. (1821 \D stn QRM on 6305,0 for a few min.)

6310,0 1710-1711 UNID, weak; mx, mx from Asia ? (1714 gone)

6295,0 1714-1718 HITMIX R., weak\fading; instrum mx, tk(sounds muffled), ID, kind of D mx.

6290,0 1807-1807 UNID, QSY on 6295

6295,0 1807-1823 UNID, ex-6290, v.weak, mx, tk(sounds muffled), ann' 6295, bye-bye c'/d, 1813 Alain Bashung "Osez Josephine", 1817 ID (no copy), 30 ? watts, tnx, 1823 tk in G; Bzn. - - - - - -[cf HITMIX ]

6210,0 1820-2235 SW GOLD, \occ.Traffic QRM; usual 'dead' radio.

6265,7 1819-1951 R. GSV ?, v.-e.weak \het,atmos; mx, tk, IDs not OK, 1944 Tainted love. (see WMR later)

6305,0 1821-1823 UNID, stronger than Merlin, D mx (1842 gone)

6319,9 1837-1921 UNID, v.weak\noisy,atmos; instrum mx, 1856 clarinet. (1953 gone) - - - - [cf UNID ]

6284,85 1845-1846* CUPID R., strong\fading; mx, tk in D, ID, cheerio, and off

6285,0 *1846-1846 R. ROB, from Rotterdam, rpt for Cupid (voice only)

6295,0 1858-1900 UNID, some islands mx by brass band, then D mx.

6204,9 1905-1906 UNID, e. weak; mx, then lost.

6295,0 1922-2020 ZARA R., weak+strong peaks, wide bandpass \fading,somme RTTY; tk in D, polka, brass band, 2002 Sail away, synthe mx, 2015 ID+@, 2020 strong, Daddy Cool.

6285,0 1928-2029 UNID, e.-v.weak\often undermod, noisy,atmos; Crunchy Granola, 1930 dit ist Radio - - -, jingle, tk, tk, 1958 mx, 2001 ID no copy, mx, tk, 2023 in E+D, Radio .. studio .. Blauwe .. 2029 Radio Null site (??), Shadows

6220,5 1951-1951 R. TANGO ITALIA %, tango (2031 gone)

6322,1 1953-2020 UNID, fair +odd peak, mx, 2017 phone call (other voice hard to hear, in D +E?) - -[ cf R. PYTHON ]

6304,85 1955-2011 UNID, good \light mod, on-off audio; mx, 2005 CCR ? then "Barracuda". - - [cf UNID ]

6255,1 2030-2037 UNID, strong fighting with 6256,1; mx, 2036 part of "Blowin' in the wind" (reprise)

6256,1 2030-2037 UNID, strong fighting with 6255,1;
6256,0 2050-2141 UNID, strong, wide band, jazz, pop, mx, 2119 \het on 6255 again; more pops. [cf UNID ]

6265,8 2030-2140 WEEKEND MUSIC R. - R. GSV(?), v.weak; mx, 2113 Every shalala, 2114 S.Wonder"Supertitious", 2118 ID (both), 2129 Play that funky music, 2134 ID(both)

6239,9 2032-2050 R. ROBBIE, 2038 ID, in duplex with R. ROB (2nd voice, weaker), voice only, sounds like traffic

6220,0 2039-2049 UNID, e.weak\atmos; tk (in G ?), mx. - - - - - - [cf LIKEDEELER ]

6965,0 2059-2111 LITTLE FEAT R., fair-good \atmos,traffic on 6965u; pops, 2100 ID+@, g's to Montferland, 2105 ID

6240,0 2124-2141 SLUWE VOS R., \F fishers on 6234,5u; some techno mx, 2127 ID+@, mx, more IDs, g's

* * * * * TUES. 12 AUG. 2014 * * * * *

6265,7 0625-0736 R. GSV (?), v.>e.weak \PLC,occ.traffic; Play that funky music, ID (not quite OK), Hot stuff, 0736 Radar love

6145,0 0723-0734* UNID,, powerful \short breaks; test loop: mx and @

6305,4 1648-1716* UNID, trace>weak, 1650 QSY 6304,9 and back, 1658 blues, pop-rock, audio breaks, sudden s/off

6290,0 1651-1658 UNID, trace>e.weak\PLC, accn, instrum, polka. (1702 gone)

6220,0 1715-1936 SKYLINE R.G. ?, trace, 1817 e.weak\PLC,atmos; some mx, 1842 rock, tk SW.. 1906 tk over, jingle, mx, etc, 1928 v.weak\more atmos; ..Germany.. "Skyline(?) Radio -- --". (Then long blank, still at 2151)

6265,15 1703-1715 UNID, e.weak; part of "Lily the pink", 1706 allo, test amateur.. 1707 gd ev' this is ..., N. part of the NL, 50 W at the moment (over CCR ?), g's. From 1712 : \hum, QRM about same level [cf ALICE ?? ]
6265,05 1712-1715 UNID, \hum with 6265,15, 1715 both stns: tk+mx. (1720 both gone) [cf SATURNUS??]

6285,0 1717-1816 R. TELSTAR INT, good\PLC; Them?, live ID, Who"Won't get fulled again", JID, Jailhouse rock, tk over instrum, ment' R.Python, 1814 tk, ID, instrum mx

6210,0 1722-2217 SW GOLD, 1722 trace, 1826 e.weak\PLC,atmos, mx, ID, 1935 Let's all chant, etc (also 2331)

6305,0 1846-1906 UNID, weak \PLC, atmos; mx, pops

6290,0 1912-1921 WITTE REUS, weak \PLC,atmos; pops, short tk, no ID but QSY on 6295
6295,0 1921-2112 WITTE REUS, weak \bad PLC,atmos; ex-6290, 1922 ID (also White Giant), 1936 Have you ever seen the rain, tk over, ment' R.Rob, R-Adelaar..., 1949 The way I like it, 2009 Paint it black, 2013 RxReport, Stairway to heaven, 2022 S.Blue, ID, \light mod. 2100 weak\atmos, Race with the devil, 2112 Dragonslayer

6945,0 1954-2058 UNID, e.weak \noisy, atmos, hard to hear; mx, bit of tk at times. (2134 gone) [ cf PLUTO ]

6295,0 2130-2217 UNID, strong peak; D mx, 2209 tk, anorak mx, 2217 Blue Monday. - - - - [ cf BARONES ]

6265,8 2101-2217 R. GSV, \occ.traffic; pops, 2105 Love shack, 2108 ID by W, more pops and IDs

6256,0v 2103-2130 UNID, e.weak\drift to 6259,8; Bzn?, tk in D, 2116 This is R. ---, gd ev', 2120 mx,tk,rpt, breaks [cf BZN]

6950,0 2134-2156 R. PLUTO SW, \atmos, mx, IDs "R. Pluto SW, music radio station"

6324,0 2202-2204 UNID, mx, 2203 long blank

6323,0 2207-2218 UNID, mx, 2208'30" break, 2210 blank, 2212 "OK, ready, let's go", techno, 2215 strong peak

6204,0 2331-2343 UNID, mx, laugh jingle, crazy rock (CWR ?), mx, 2343 long blank

* * * * * WED. 13 AUG. 2014 * * * * *

6265,8 0744-0815 e.weak\noisy,PLC; "No more heroes", mx, tk \too noisy. 0815 end? [ cf GSV ]

6305,0 1707-1710 UNID, mx, 1710 "Ma belle amie". (1719 gone)

6219,9 1711-1719 R. COLUMBIA %, e.weak\PLC; mx, tk, hotline, mx... 1815 squeezed \traffic6217u, stanag 6224
6219,9 1837-2056 R. COLUMBIA, e.weak\PLC, hard to hear; tk,, slogan, in D or E?, mx, 1916 ID no copy, 1918 'stereo' for a few min. (beating), 1945 ID (+@ no copy), D song, 1948 beating again, 2002 Man of action, tk\stronger traffic, atmos, now on 6220,0+, mx, 2056 tk in E, flute

6210,0 1713-2359 SW GOLD, v.weak\PLC > fair, computer programme, canned IDs

6291,9 1818-1834 UNID, mx, "Sing a lalala"(title?), then D songs. - - - - [cf NMD ]

6265,7 1821-2215 R. GSV, e.weak \hard to hear; "Scotland the brave" in a loop, more bagpipe, later pops, IDs, 2046 Echo Beach, No more heroes, 2213 Love shack.

6285,0 1929-1952 UNID, Save your kisses for me, Tiger feet, Ma Baker, Down on the corner, QSY to 6290
6290,0 1952-2023 UNID, strong \some hum; Yesterday man, Wooly Bully, YMCA (2045 gone) [cf RODE ADELAAR ]

6255,0 1941-1942 UNID, \fading; "radar love". (1958 gone). - - - - - - - - - -[cf MERLIN ]

4025,0 2014-2019 LASER HOT HITS, strong \bit of ut., bit of fading. mx, tk, ID+@, ann' 6950. (2155 and later: blank)

6304,9 2025-2123 UNID, e.>v.weak \PLC, mx, 2028 tk, rpt, this is Radio ---, 2033 ..Int'l.., D mx, 2108 ment' Powerliner, 2117 Fox on the run, 2120 Pretty woman, 2022 dull voice, mx. - - - - - [cf RONALISA ]

6298,0 2044-2210 R. MONTFERLAND, good\fading; accn, islands mx, rock, pop, accn, 2132 ID over cancan, Moricone, 2145 accn, Johnny Halliday "Pour moi la vie va commencer" (g's over mx), accn

6290,1 2057-2213 RNW, e.weak\splash; tk in D, mx, pop, 2125 c'/d here, 1-2-1-2, testing, 2128 "Osaka", 2135 jethro Tull, 2147 ID, g's, 2152 I can't stand the rain, 2200 ID "on 6-2-9-zero", "See Emily play".

6322,0 2110-2138 R. ETHERFREAK, e.weak; mx, ID+ ..master(at), mx, 2137 ID+@, mx

6802,9 2139-2208 UNID, fair \PLC,ut.QRM; instrum, 80s synthe club, 2204 "Should I stay/I go" in D, D song [cf PINK P.]

* * * * * THURS. 14 AUG. 2014 * * * * *

6237,6 0649-0653 R. GSV, v.weak\PLC; ID, mx.

6205,0 0655-0737 HITMIX, e.weak, later\PLC, mx, 0700 ID, tk, mx, 0720 accn, ...studio1A.., D song...

6290,0 0831-0833* RODE ADELAAR, ID, g's to Gunter, D mx, and end.

6285,1 1310-1325* R. NORA ?, e.weak\PLC; rock, tk in D, Joe Dassin "L'été indien", \deep fades, tk, guitar, 1322 JM.Jarre "Oxygene", tk over, ment' Nora twice, but not a positive ID, end.

6266,0 1522-1529* RZ. ALICE, weak-fair\fading,PLC,atmos; polka, tk over song, ment' De Reus, 1527 IDs

6150,0 1530-1720 EUROPA 24, e.weak\bad PLC; mx, rock, IDs in G+E+D

6220,0 1543-1719 UNID, trace\PLC; trace of audio at times
6220,0 1802-1822 UNID, trace-e.weak \noisy,traffic; mx, 1810 tk: five watts (?)
6220,0 1931-1950 R. LIKEDEELER, e.weak \6219,8 hum till 1943; mx, 1941 ID, My Sharona, 1946 spelled ID, bye-bye
6220,0 2053-2111 UNID, e.weak; tk, mx, "Silver machine", 2109 QRM from vocoder traffic

6290,0 1550-1642 UNID, trace \sticky PLC, some mx at times. - - - - [ cf HITMIX ]

6300,0 1625-1806* TELSTAR R., e.weak\PLC > strong, 1626 D/G song, 1634 tk, 1716 Get it on, ID, 1720 rockabilly

6210,0 1709-2054 SW GOLD, e.weak\PLC > v.weak; mx, 1711 ID, 1940 tired computer, audio dropouts

6266,0 1755-1808 UNID (after a trace), mx, D mx, bastringue - - - - - - [cf ALICE ]

6324,9 1755, 1824 UNID, weak-fair, 1755: D mx. 1824: "Radio - -, the NL" (muffled mike), accn - - [cf >NORTON ]

6305,1 1823-1840 R. MERLIN, e.weak-fair \PLC,atmos; mx, 1837 tk, IDs, g's, mx.

6290,6 1841-1958* R. ALEX ..., e.weak, f'up v.slowly; mx, 1856 tk:QSL, ID no copy, 1903 "Listen music", 1911 ID, then mx and more annts (not better , even when spelled), 1956 bye-bye. - - - -[cf R. ALEX-W ]

6320,0 1928-2040 R. POEMA, tk in D, then mx, mx, 2027 said c'/d, Poema.AM(at, 2034 Walk don't run, tk in E+D, said other stn just after, "Eine cigarette", ID+@, "Wiedersehen" song.

6265,2 1929-1955 R. NORA, mx, tk in D, 1950 Mlle Ninette, tk in G, DJ is 70(?), ID, c'/d, TX 1 tube, modiulaor 2 tubes, Joe Dassin "L'été indien" (repeat ?).

6424,9 2002-2023 UNID, e.weak \often below noise; mx, D mx. - - - - - - [cf RONALISA ]

6950,0 2011-2151 LITTLE FEAT R., weak-fair \atmos; pops, IDS, 2147 "Pour que tu m'aimes encore"

6975,7 2013-2149 ROCK R. NETWORK, strong /bit of drift; rock, hard rock, 2119 ID, RockRadioEurope (@yahoo)

6319,8 2042-2110 R. ZARA (after carrier on 6319,8), strong;mx, rock, 2110 ID, from the NL, c'/d, song again

6300,0 2044-2103 BLACK BANDIT %, strong; D song, 50s rock-C&W"Sweet cherokee maiden"(?), 2103 D version of "Papal'Americano". (2110 gone)

6284,9 2050-2050 UNID, weak \noisy, mx, singer in E. (2111 gone) - - - - [cf UNID ]

4026,0 2056-2155 LASER HOT HITS, good+peaks \it.traffic4030u; mx, tk, ID (also 2355 Dragonslayer background)

* * * ** * FRI. 15 AUG. 2014 * * * * *

6305,1 0953-1014 UNID, e.weak \deep fades; 0954 long row of Caroline jingles, 1013 tk, mx

6240,0 1229-1234 SLUWE VOS R., mx, short audio break, 1233 ID. (1236 gone)

6210,0 1402-1512 HOLLAND AM, e.weak \PLC, mx, 1408 ID no copy, tk, mx, 1505 HollandAM (at, hard to hear, 1509 c'/d, 1512 mx

6289,9 1651-1653* R. AKAI, guitar, ID, Let's go, c'/d ID

6289,9 *1653-1656* UNID, reply to Akai, \hum from other stn calling on 6290,1; 1655 bye

6289,9 *1656-1700 R. AKAI %, guitar, ment' Akai, that's the QSO going on

6283,0 1700-1705 UNID, v.-e.weak; drums and accn, mx.

6240,2 1705-1707 e.weak, Mungo J."In the summertime", 1706 tk,

6220,0 1707-1827 UNID, e.weak \hard, vocoder traffic..; mx, occ. rock~, 1815 D? song, 1826 "-- SW"

6215,0 1708-2027 UNID, v.weak; mx, funky?, soul?, 1810 synthe-drums, 1813 TX hickup, 2021 low tk. [cf ROZ ]
6215,0 2120-2320 R. OSCAR ZULU, e.weak +good peaks; mx, 2256 gmail, soft rock, 2259 in E, from the NL; only 10W at the moment, 2318 eurobird(?), ID, mx

6210,0 1708-2121 SW GOLD, e.weak; mx, IDs; audio dropouts, also some carrier dropouts.

6305,1 1835-1836 R. ALTREX, tk, ID, mx. - -(1840 gone)

6290,1 1836-1848 UNID, e.weak \noisy, v.hard to hear; mx, soon only a trace and no f'/up.

6324,0 1840-1842 MUSTANG R. %, good \fading; Tutti fruti, mx.
6322,0 1846-2038 MUSTANG R. %, v.strong; Elvis, folk, Sound of silence, Ma baker, soul, mx, mx, mx

6280,0 1843-1947 UNID, v.weak\PLC,atmos; mx, jingle, Bzn, ID?, mx, 1925 funny singer, 1942 RNI clip [cf DOKKUM]

4026,0 1857-2125 LASER HOT HITS, good \F fishers 4025u; mx, tk, Laser, Laser Int, 2124 ID.

3905,0 1900-2123 SKYLINE INT R., weak at first, 1903 ID, g's, rock, 1910 ID over "Get it on", 1911 ID, later mx

6220,0 1930-2308 UNID, e.weak \stanag6225, traffic6217u; mx, tk??, 2305 gregorian singing ? [cf SKYLINE R. G. ]

6290,0 2007-2038 RODE ADELAAR, accn, 2014 Knock on wood, 2028 ID, 2037 If you be..

6280,0 2024-2036 UNID, \splash; mx, tk, ID?, MungoJ"Summertime, 2029 long instrum track, ID?,mx [cf SUNRISE]

6290,0 2111-2122 UNID, endless synthe-bpm, maybe with stealth ID under ? - - - - [cf SUNRISE ]

6240,0 2015-2314 UNID, synthe-tchacs(medley?), 2115 tk \stanag burst6238, techno bpm, 2308 strong "Stop in the name of love", (232 gone). - - - - - - - -[cf EXPERIENCE ]

6404,3 2039-2044 R. GSV, weak \PLC; No woman no cry, ID+@, My little runaway. (2110 gone)

6920 L 2050-2132 R. PLUTO, weak-fair_ut.6915a; IDs in E+F, Days of Pearly Spencer, techno, 2126 What is love

6950 u 2100-2131 UNID, e.weak \noisy; mx, 2107 techno drums, mx. 2131 lost. - - - - [cf KIPSPIES ]

6300,0 2243-2330 R. POWERLINER, strong > fair, mx, g's to stns(later Smolinsky), IDs, 2323 Smoke on the water

* * * * * SAT. 16 AUG. 2014 * * * * *

6220,0 0655-0816 UNID, mx under noise, slowly f'/down, 0748 tk then mx, under noise, trace.

4026,0 0755-0800 UNID, e.weak\loc.noise; mx, tk, ..e-mail..

6095,0 *0800-0810 MIGHTY KBC, v.strong, triumphal entrance of Emperor Rosko's, C&W, gd m' truckers!
6095,0 1014-1025 MIGHTY KBC, Beach Boys"Silence is golden", offshore era memories, ad for KBC
6095,0 1243-1412 MIGHTY KBC,good \fades, R&R, 60s pops, 1347 Shame on you, 1417 Happy birthday sweet 16

6290,0 1017-1019* UNID, e.weak\PLC, mx, end

6305,1 1245-1416 R. MERLIN INT, v.-e.weak\PLC, mx, ID, 1348 H.California, 1412 T-Rex"Children of the revolution, 1415 ..challenge the law.., (Also 1612-1649: v.-e.weak \traffic 6300u, mx, 1639 ID)
6305,1 1935-2330 R. MERLIN INT %, \traffic 6300u it., later ut.QRM; mx

6746,9 1253-1403 UNID, e.weak +v.weak peaks \PLC; mx. - - - - [cf PIONEER ]

6205,0 1349-1400* R. CASANOVA, e.-v.weak\PLC; mx, 1355 tk, ID, g's, D accn, D song

6802,7 1404,1620,2119 UNID, 1404: mx\noise. 1620: v.weak\PLC, King Creole. 2119: fair, mx, 2121 end? [cf PINK P.]

6294,9 1613-1652 UNID, v.weak>weak \PLC; D/G songs - - - - - -[cf RODE ADELAAR ]

6725,0 1623,2128 UNID, 1623 soft rock, D songs, tk in D. 2128: D song. 2220: D song, strong peaks. [cf TOWER ]

6319,2 1634-1648 MAGIC AM, mx, tk in D, IDs in E, mx

6150,0 1645-1653 UNID, weak+peaks; mx, instrum mx.

6310,0 1649-1652 UNID, wobbling; mx, 1652 lost

6319,9 1932-2132 UNID, strong\fading > weak\v.weak; pops, D songs, 2045 Koto?, 2130 Kraftwerk [cf CARRIERWAVE]

6289,5 1936-2229 OVER THE HORIZON R., good; quiet instrum mx, 2034 chansonnier on 6289,6 and ID over that, 2047 J.S.Bach ?, 2051 rock on stage, 2103 musical movie, 2108 Zarathustra, 2148 ID, chansonnier in E

6283,0 1939-2228 UNID, weak; H.California, D.Straits"Sultans.., 2039 undermod., 2149 many Elvis songs

6260,0 1942-1944 UNID, strong \fading, beating-hum(with CVC %), hip-hop, 1944 lost

6239,6 1945-2327 SKYLINE R.G. (1946 ID) & R. LIKEDEELER (2325 ID), v.weak\atmos, 1947 Black betty, 2059 ..low power.. Germany.., 2208 tk, ment' Likedeeler?, mx

6220 a 1949-2044* UNID, wobbling (only noise in ECSS), pops, 1953 Dust in the wind, 1956 Simon &Garf."I'm a rock", 2022 Jungle rock, 2043 Logical song, 2044 sudden s/off. - - - - [cf POWER AM ]

6210,0 1959-2327 SW GOLD, v.weak\noisy, mx, 2000 ID as SWC, 2100 \stanag noise, 2207 ID, many dropouts

6204,9 2001-2206 UNID, v.weak\atmos; tk, mx, 2024 break?, 2205 rock, dropouts, blank [cf FLYING DUTCHMAN ]

6253,9 2012-2058 R. PANDORA, v.weak\atmos, often under noise; pops, 2016 ID+hl, DX news??, mx, 2040 tk, reverb.

4026,0 2026,2223 LHH %, 2026: \Morse QRM; Mike Andrews p' Alan Jackson. 2223: mx

6384,3 2111-2112 R. UNDERGROUND, mx, known voice, robot voice JID, Asian? mx.

6404,2 2113-2129* R. GSV, weak\fading; rock, A.Brown"Fire", 2128 ID (also @, no copy).

6950,0 2122-2122 LITTLE FEAT R., ID, "Winchester cathedral"

6299,9 2132-2216 R. AKAI, rock, C&W, 2215 ID. (2229: blank and s/off)

6267,9 2153,2329 UNID, 2153: some reggae mx (2155 gone). 2329: trace - - - - [cf UNID ]

6262,5 2154-2200 WIZARD R., mx, allo-1-2, ID, .., c'/d in a few min.

6255,9 2201-2228 UNID, A.Brown"Fire", pops, 2213 Knock on wood, 2225 tnx Ross/Scotland, rock. [cf ODYNN ]

6319,9 2216-2331 UNID, fair+peaks; mx, 2323 War of the worlds ? - - [cf MONTFERLAND ]

6382,0 2218-2219* UNID, v.weak\atmos; mx, Michel Polnareff mx, and end.

6940,0 2333-2336* PREMIER R. INT, fair\stanag6935; "bc' live from the republic of Ireland", QSY to 6945

6945,0 *2336-2340 PREMIER R. INT, fair-clear, mx, gd m' Alex/UKR.., ID, Anita Ward"Ring my bell"(alt take)

* * * * * SUN. 17 AUG. 2014 * * * * *

6305,1 0647-1222 R. MERLIN INT, \occ.traffic6300u it., later v.weak; 0647 ID+hl+@, mx, IDs, 0718 Queen of hearts, Highway to hell, jazz, Hocus pocus, 0934 Grocer jack.

6320,0 0744-0831 UNID, e.weak\PLC, fades; mx, 0802 rock (Clapton?) (0851 gone) - - [ cf CARRIERWAVE ]

6150,0 0750-1035 EUROPA 24, v.>e.weak \PLC; pop-rock, 0755,0818 canned IDs in G+E+D. (1230-1331: trace)

6095,0 0800,1037 MIGHTY KBC, v.strong; 0800: ID, Trucker Radio Show, C&W. 1037: pop mx. Also 1222: pop

6205,0 0809-0933 UNID, e.weak+v.weak peaks\PLC,ut.QRM; mx, 0809 tk(no copy), mx,mx [ cf KING SW ]

6240,0 0820-0842* R. CASANOVA, weak\PLC; ID, accn, whistlers' song, D song, 0840 het 6240,3

6294,6v 0832-0929 R. CONDOR, v.>e.weak \PLC,drift to 6295,0; 0832 ID, mx, IDs, 0851"Radioactivity", 0929 anorak

6240,3 0840-0847 UNID, 'stereo' w.Casanova, schlager? then long blank, 0842 alone, long blank [cf SKYLINE RG ]

6260,0 0844-0846 CASANOVA R., whistlers medley, 0845 ID in E+D, mx (0853 gone)

6199,9 0854-0854 trace, included because heard elsewhere - - - - [ cf RONALISA ]

6236,1 0855-0857 UNID, e.weak, bit of mx, then blank

7375,0 0904-0918 UNID, only v.weak peaks above noise; R. London story, clips, jingles, general

6285,0 0920-0935 BLACK BANDIT %, good, You got me singing the blues(title?), blank, C&W, accn...

6320,0 0927-0935 UNID, e.weak > trace; mx, a few words, f' to a trace

6250,1 0930-0940 UNID, e.weak\PLC, v.hard; mx, 0940 s/off ?

6236,2 0931-0931 trace, included because heard elsewhere - - - - [ cf RENALDO ]

6300,2 1225-1225 trace, seemed with audio, included because heard elsewhere - - [ cf VAT69 ]

6309,8 1255-1320 UNID, e.weak\deep fades; mx, D song ? - - - - - -[ cf DUBBEL XX ]

6236,0 1300-1307 UNID, e.weak; mx, 1303 Larsen effect, tk in G, ..und dreizig kHz", mx, 1307 lost [cf PERFEKT ]

6299,8 1337-1422 UNID, e.weak at best \PLC; mx, 1346 hotmail, 1407 and 1415 Man of action [cf DUBBEL XX ]

6297,1v 1532-1542* UNID, under ReflEur6295 sideband; drifting to 6296,6; mx, 1542 s/off

6950,0 1545-1718 LASER HOT HITS, weak-e.weak; mx, 1547,1550 IDs, mx, 1706 g's

7310,0 1554-1557* R. SLOVAQUIE INT, in French, via R.700 %, duo tk, song in F. (then R700% in G, news, mx, 1602*)

6150,0 1606-1725 EUROPA 24, mx, rock, 1613 triple ID

6210,0 1710-1825 SW GOLD, e.weak \ut, Morse around, dropouts; mx. Also 2113, mx, 2318 ID

6305,1 1719-1719* UNID, mx, false start? then s/off

6305,0 1820-1837 UNID, v.weak \fading,noisy,PLC,splashes...; mx, 1822 ID no copy, 1831 yodl, rock [cf HITMIX ]

6240,0 1823-1830 RODE ADELAAR, fair;"Apache" (overmod.), ID, barrel organ, live ID, 1829 ID+gmail, polka

6399,3 1838-1838 trace, included because heard elsewhere - - - - [ cf UNID, DrTim news ]

6802,7 1839-1841 UNID, weak-fair\fading; D song. - - - - - - - - - - [cf PINK P. ]

6915,0 1842-1844 UNID, v.weak \fading,noisy; mx, " - - Radio Int'l" in E. - -[cf PREMIER ]

6945,1 2032-2031* UNID, mx, but off or QSY. - - - - - - - - [cf LITTLE FEAT ]

6920,0 2032-2044 LITTLE FEAT R., mx, Bonsoir Marcel, ID, ..move a couple of times.., ID+@, Bonsoir à nos écouteurs en France, 2042 player problem, 2044 TinaTurner ?

6320,1 2045-2056 UNID, weak>v.weak \hets,hard; mx, tk in D, comedy+laughing box, 50s R&R ? [cf BRABANTIA ]

6305,1 2048-2147 PAARDENKRACHT, good +peaks\fading, mx parts, IDs, tk, Man of action, ID in E, mx, 2123 She works hard for the money, mx, 2147 ID

6255,0 2058-2134 R. TELSTAR SOUTH, strong, last day of R.London in '67, long clips, later typ. Golden Boys sound

6242,0 2102-2150 BOGUSMAN, good\fading. tk: Solidarnosc era in Poland, indie rock, Sensational Alex Harvey Band

6325,1 2114-2215 UNID, v.weak\RTTY6328; mx, "Mr Cannibal", tk in D, 2123 - - free radio, 2141 D waltz, Loco-motion \traffic, 2150 Witch queen of New Orleans, 2210 tnx report Belgie, 2111 Mrs Robinson. [cf BRABANTIA ]

6404,2 2136-2215 R. GSV, fair; 2138 Riders on the storm, 2154 IDs, mx

4026,0 2156-2207 LASER HOT HITS, mx, tk, Laser Int, mx

3905,0 2158-2207 UNID, mx, rockabilly, Elvis. (also 2326 Rammstein). - - [cf POLARIS ]

6289,9 2314-2328 UNID, \China6280 splashes; pops, 2317 Janis Joplin ?, 2321 C&W on 6289,8 \f'/down

kHz UTC1-UTC2 Station-ID, signal \QRM-QRN etc..., details

(Sometimes : UTC1,UTC2 : no intermediate check)

Tips are in time order, except when linked with a "|" in the spacing line.

mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, sp.=Spanish, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, ', c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility, SM=summer meeting ad
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline, accn=accordion
> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
"Strength" notes (from e.weak to V.strong) are rather S/N notes by ear, not S-meter levels.
