LOGS : 24 - 30 NOV. 2014

Logs from pirates on shortwave.
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Ray Lalleu
Hardcore Gold Piratear
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LOGS : 24 - 30 NOV. 2014

Post by Ray Lalleu »


Bad news here, bad new local noise growing and growing on 48m, worst on 76m, soon I would find it HUGE on LW and MW, 24h a day, and coming from my 'uncooperative' neighbour. That noise stood for more than a fortnight, till a major ISP here sent a strong raid to identify the culprit because several Internet users had lost their ADSL link. The commando found the same location, and that noise was coming from a failing cable TV subscriber box with bad power supply. Since that, one more Internet user neighbour has switched to the CATV company: that sounds like an unfair competition as such CATV box failures are quite common (it already happened in the same house 3 years ago).

* * * * * MON. 24 NOV. 2014 * * * * *

6425,0 1621-1650 UNID, v.weak\loc.noise; non stop pops. (1653 gone). [ cf CARRIERWAVE ]

* * * * * TUES. 25 NOV. 2014 * * * * *

6150,0 0803-0836 EUROPA 24, "Have you ever seen the rain", 0831 tk, weather report, 0833 ID. Also 1510 ID

6287,0 1628-1631* HITMIX, instrum mx, ID + fq, bye-bye, "now c'/d"(noname, canned).

6380,05 1633-1722* LITTLE FEAT R., weak\sticky PLC; pops, R&B, R&R, 1646 g's in F, ID in E, pops, g's, IDs...

* * * * * WED. 26 NOV. 2014 * * * * *

7265,0 0812,0839 HLR %, in AM-USB, \noisy ut. on 7267a; tk in G, sermon??, 0839 still the same

6325,0 1327-1328* R. PYTHON, v.weak\loc.noise; mx, ID, ..on 6-3-2-5, end before 1329

6205,2 1329-1332 UNID, e.weak\PLC+loc.noise; mx, 60s pop? (1337 gone) [ cf NORTHSEA ]

6295,0 1439-1500 UNID, e.weak\drowned in loc.noise > trace. (1506 gone)

6283,0 1438-1505* BLACK BANDIT %, 1441 accn, R&R, 1448 D v. of L'Americano, some words in D, waltz, movie crooner ? , C&W, C&W, f'/up to strong, but end without annt.

6243,2 1534-1543 UNID, e.weak \PLC, blipping ut.; D songs, "Corina Corina", 1542 tk, allo, then end ?

6295,0 1545-1710 R. PYTHON, strong \light mod.; rock, tk in D, ment' R. Sifony(??), rock.. 1556 instrum, test-1-2, ID, mx, tk in D, 1610 techno-rock, 1612 IDs, tk in D+E, 1631 "Hello Klaus, what's the carrier offset?", 1636 F song, etc, 1707 f' down a bit, mx, g's , 1709 ID, "c'/d in about 10 min"

6285,0 1553-1613 BLACK BANDIT %, strong; known voice, ID as MIGHTY FOX, schlager, 1555 "Heart of gold", 1606 tk, g's to DrTim, .., C&W (1630 gone)

6305,1 1601-1609 R. BONTE SPECHT, fair\RTTY6302a; polka, 1605 tk in D, ID, accn, 1608 accn, ID.. (1614 gone)

6379,9 1615-1641 UNID, e.weak\RTTY6377,8; pop-rock, 1624 Mony Mony, 1639 tk (1652 gone) [cf CARRIER WAVE]

6746,9 1652-1847 PIONEER R., weak\noisy; Red River rock, Bzn medley, accn, D mx, \f'/down, 1822 ID, brass mx

6285,0 1702-1706* BLACK ARROW, in D+E, g's, c'/d, ID as B.A., over Albert King track, mx patchwork..., bye

6379,4 1755-1801* UNID, e.weak\atmos; mx, 1757 ID?, rpt, in E (hard to hear), mx. cf ZEEWOLF ]

6290 v 1832-1850 LLR %, e;weak\PLC, quick drifting around, mx, 1842 music box, ID=?, --shortwave@gmail, mx

* * * * * THURS. 27 NOV. 2014 * * * * *

6150,0 0813-0816 EUROPA 24, Bzn "I believe in angels", ID, 0815 news in G. (also 1055 v.weak, QRM ?)

6205,0 1410-1425 SLUWE VOS R., v.weak\PLC; russian style songs (also D song), 1423 ID+@, mx

6070,1 1910-1924 UNID, weak \spur, splash, noise ut.; somme mx 'heard' under all that noise

* * * ** * FRI. 28 NOV. 2014 * * * * *

6150,0 0745-0748 EUROPA 24, weak\much atmos; ID and news in G, ID, pop

6239,2 1432-1618 R. MARABU %, \big RTTY 6243; mx, rock, tk in G, 1438 ..Magic Music Box.., 60s pops in G. (2015, 2203: bit of a trace)

6305 a 1521-1523* UNID

6395,7 1534-1624 R. GSV, v.weak\loc.noise,het6400; mx, 1540 ID over anorak medley, jingle, ID+@, mx...

6802,8 1542-1624 UNID, weak\atmos,ut.; D song, C&W in G, 1554 "Video killed..", 1624"Last night.."[cf PINK PANTHER ]

6925,1 1543-1552 UNID, strong; pops, "..signorina"D song, D song, 1552 speeding bpm, noise jamming (see 6940)

6292,0 1555-1604* HITMIX %, e.weak,loc.noise, atmos; mx, 1602 ..Gunter .. bye-bye .., noname c'/d

6304,9 1605-1609 UNID, e.weak, barely heard mx. (1618 gone) [cf ALEX W ]

6266,1 1609-1623 UNID, weak\loc.noise,atmos,etc; Hendrix"The wind cries Mary", Tubular bells, pop-rock [cf ODYNN ]

6245,0 1614-1618 UNID, *under* scratchy spur and RTTY; mx, 1616 tk, Radio - -. [cf AC-DC ? ]

6940,0 1625-1628 UNID, ex 6925?, good-strong \jammed again. rock

6300,0 1628-1631 UNID, e.weak + weak peak, pop. [cf MONTFERLAND ]

6263,4 2120-2202 OZNRH %, e.weak \scratching spur, PLC; mx, quiet jazz, occ. annt (no copy).

* * * * * SAT. 29 NOV. 2014 * * * * *

6239,2 0741-0935 R. MARABU, strong \strong RTTY 6243, mx, G songs, tk in G, 0908 ID, mx
6239,2 1406-1700 R. MARABU, mx, tk in G, 1438 ..Magic Music Box.., 1604 ID, 1645 "My sweet lord", 1700 ID
6239,2 2122-2359 R. MARABU %, fair\RTTY, loc.noise,PLC > e.weak; pops, occ. tk no copy, mx..

6205,0 0743-0847 UNID, weak\light mod > quick to e.weak\loc.noise; mx, mx, mx. (0909, 0935 trace) [cf KING SW ]

6325,1 0829-0931 LITTLE FEAT R., fair\fading > v.weak\loc.noise; mx, reggae, 0839 g's, ID

6280,0 0835-0932 UNID, v.weak\loc.noise; mx, tk(no copy), 0848 Kraftwerk"Radioactivity". [cf COSMIC ]
6280,0 1402-1452 COSMIC R., v.weak\loc.noise,bad fading; mx, 1410 ID

9510,0 0915-0921 R. CITY %, strong \fading; pops.

6095,0 0921,1453 MIGHTY KBC, v.strong, 0921-0929 C&W, ID, usual ads. 1453 mx, tk, C&W

6210,0 1407-1409 UNID, weak\deep fading,splash,noisy,PLC; mx, pop, then lost [ cf SRG, KUNKHAUS ? ]

7265,0 1414-1445 HLR %, in AM-USB, weak \bad QRM from 7270; in E, "DX Club", contacts, trad. jazz

6306,2 1422-1703 R. JOEY, weak\loc.noise; pops, 1450 ID, g's, 1602 D songs, "La vie en rose" in E

6290,0 1429-1429* UNID, mx, s/off.

6325 V 1600-1708 LLR %, e.weak \quick drifting around, mx, music box signature, tk, 1701 "- - gmail.com"

6290,0 1602-1620 UNID, v.weak; hip-hop, JID no copy, mx, schlager [cf HITMIX ]

6279,9 1621-1644 UNID, e.>v.weak; mx, tk in E over mx ..here on 48 mb.., mx, tk.. [cf ALEX W ]

6289,1 *1627-1707 MAGIC AM, *1628 mx(pop-rock), DJ, 1633 gd ev', "Oh lala", IDs, in D+E+G, g's+@, pops...

6298,0 1650-1706 BLACK BANDIT %, strong, Kampiernikkel(?, = L'Americano), some words in D, D mx, C&W

6379,9 1709-1714 UNID, v.weak\PLC; pops. [cf CARRIERWAVE ]

6300,0 2119-2216 BLACK BANDIT, strong\deep fades > trace; C&W, ID as BANDITO NEGRO, C&W, tk in D, accn
6300,0 2341-2356 B.B.R. RADIO, good-strong; mx, 2351 ID, g's, c'/d, "Marilou" polka, etc... (2359 gone)

3905,0 2325-2332 UNID, some mx, *under* bad new local noise. (still a trace at 2403,2409) [cf CWR ]

3929,9 2338,2404 UNID, some mx, *under* bad new local noise, 2404 tk ..- - dot com.., 2405 end ? [cf BATAVIA ]

* * * * * SUN. 30 NOV. 2014 * * * * *

6239,1 0617-0624 R. MARABU %, e.weak\PLC,loc.noise, 2nd carrier hum(6239,2?); mx, tk, not sure what I heard
6239,1 0802-1139 R. MARABU, good>fair \noise6237a,RTTY6243; pop, rock, 0846 ID, 1035 ID in G
6239,1 1549-2228 R. MARABU, fair-good\RTTY,loc.noise; mx, tk in G, 1704 ID+web \scratching spur; Georgia on my mind, 1744 Jacques Brel "Ne me quitte pas", 1849 whispered ID, 1941 e.weak\atmos,etc...;

6205,0 0803-0803 UNID, v.weak; mx. (0850 gone) [ cf KING SW ]

6305,1 0803-1134 R. MERLIN INT, (alr. 0629?), weak>v.weak\PLC,loc.noise; 0807 ID+hl+@, rock, 11.34 ID
6305,1 1547-1614 UNID, v.weak\loc.noise; mx, 1614 Jingle bells (1721 gone)

6280,0 0808-1139 UNID, v.weak\PLC,loc noise; mid-60s pops, GB offshore story. [cf COSMIC ]

6380,0 0811-0837 R. CARRIERWAVE, e.weak\PLC,loc noise; 0811 "Final countdown", 0835 ID, v.gd m'

6200,0 0852-0852 trace under that new local noise [ cf SKYLINE R. GERMANY ]

6095,0 *0900-0952 MIGHTY KBC, v.strong, Trucker R., C&W-rock, 1553-1600* Ron O'Quinn "Rewind", c'/d

7310,0 0906-0909 UNID, \loc.noise; "Yellow ribbon", tk in G, more pop. (*not* // 6005) [ cf R. 700 ? ]

7300,05 0910-0913* UNID, v.weak\loc.noise; some jazz, tk (swamped), .. MW & SW.., off [cf ARCADIA ]

7479,5 0917-0929 THUNDERBIRD R., v.weak\loc.noise; mx+tk in G?, 0918 ID, JID, 0923 IDs, mx

7584,9 0929-0936* UNID, good\loc.noise; disco, el.guitar, sudden s/off at 0935'55" [ cf VOTN ]

7600,1 0936-1141 R. WAVES INT, v.weak>good \loc.noise; mx, IDs, C&W, 1141 Michael Jackson

6219,9 0952-1140 UNID, trace\loc.noise; peaking e.weak\loc.noise; at 1036-1042 with mx [ cf QUASAR ? ]

6005,0 0955-1001 R. MI AMIGO(.es), weak\loc.noise,PLC; ID+@, Be my baby, ID+@, Jr ID, Suzy wafels, 1000 in D

7479,9 1021-1032 UNID, \loc.noise; mx, R. - - INT'l, R.Stones"Start me up", \swamped by noise. [cf CWR ]

6324,9 1042-1044* UNID, e.weak\loc.noise; mx, blank, off.

6298,0 1044-1049 UNID, weak(would be good but \loc.noise,PLC; D songs. [ cf BLACK BANDIT ]

6382,0 1602-1605 UNID, tk. [cf ROB 007]

6383,1 1608-1613 UNID, v.weak\loc.noise,atmos; "Peter Gunn, allo-test, ment' R. BAKEN 16, mx [cf INTERSOUND?]

6284,2v 1614-1718 UNID, strong\light mod, atmos,fading; Xmas time mx. Drift to 6283,8 (1722 gone) [cf JINGLE BELLS]

6210,0v 1624-1729* R. UNDERGROUND, good\loc.noise,atmos; DX news, IDs, mx, 1706 on 6210,2. 1724 Bzn 1729 QSY

6382,0 1632-1637 UNID, ment' many stn names, which one is the ID? [ QSO round ]
6382,0 1650-1654* UNID, v.weak\loc.noise; "Lust for life" [ QSO round ]

6305,1 1730-1745 R. UNDERGROUND, ex-6210, \PLC,atmos; "RMI ? OK, we continue", Bzn"I believe in angels", IDs

3905,0 1851-1944 SKYLINE R., \much loc.noise; mx, tk, 1853 ID, C&W, 1922 Bzn, 1944 CCR

6307,0 1925-1941 R. CAROLINE INT, v.>e.weak\loc.noise,etc..; mx, IDs, JIDs, also 2203-2217 (2228 gone)

6284,0 2218-2312 UNID, much tk, some mx, IDs no copy, v.weak \strange audio. [ cf "fake"(?) WMR ]

6295,0 2228-2229 PAARDENKRACHT, e.weak\loc.noise,PLC; tk, ID, then lost

kHz UTC1-UTC2 Station-ID, signal \QRM-QRN etc...; details

(Sometimes : UTC1,UTC2 : no intermediate check)

Tips are in time order, except when linked with a "|" in the spacing line.

mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, sp.=Spanish, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility, SM=summer meeting ad
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline, accn=accordion
> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
"Strength" notes (from e.weak to V.strong) are rather S/N notes by ear, not S-meter levels.

General Trouble maker
General Trouble maker
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Joined: Mon Aug 15, 2011 18:07 pm
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Re: LOGS : 24 - 30 NOV. 2014

Post by ulx2 »

Ray Lalleu wrote:Bad news here, bad new local noise growing and growing on 48m, worst on 76m
Here is the same, Ray. 43 mb is completely killed by noise now. Even antenna phasing doesn't help. One solution for me: outdoor DX-ing with portables.
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