London Calling.

Logs from pirates on shortwave.
Log van piraten op korte-golf. (Ned & Eng)

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Andy Richards
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London Calling.

Post by Andy Richards »

Interesting to see how Pirates seem to be avoiding 6200 to 6290Khz.6.3,6.5 and 6.9Mhz seem more popular.

Variable conditions again today,but quite a few stations heard.

I wondered briefly,who the huge signal was on 6940 this morning and kicked myself when I heard the voice.......
....Boomi of course!Who Else?

I don't understand why Laser have still not moved from 4015.......the het is killing the signal,which is very good at times.

After Boomi,the next best signal was Black Bandit.Very good signals from Mustang,Laser,Orion,Paardenkracht,
Grutte Pier,Rising Sun,Geronimo SW and a few UNID's.

Friday 13/01/12

3905Khz - 2035-2040 - Skyline Int Radio - 45323 - Middle of the Road - "Chirpy Chirpy,Cheep Cheep".Deep fading.

Saturday 14/01/12

4015Khz - 1502-1507 - LHH - 43333 - pop Song.Het.
6095Khz - 1507-1512 - KBC - 55534 - Rock'n'Roll Music.
6300Khz - 1425-1430 - UNID - 34333 - Traditional Music(Greek?)Rock song.
6310Khz - 1435-1440 - UNID - 24332 - Led Zeppelin - "Stairway to Heaven".
6320Khz - 1430-1435 - Radio Osaka - 35333 - Instrumental version of "Strangers in the Night","I am a 1 in 10".
6330Khz - 1512-1513 - UNID - 45433 - Bob Dylan - "Blowin' in the Wind".Off at 1513.
6392Khz - 1514-1519 - UNID - 45434 - The Pretenders - "Back on the Chain Gang".Same station as 6330?
6920Khz - 1442-1447 - Radio Mustang - 45444 - Polka's.Tina Turner - "Simply the Best".CD 1457.
6930Khz - 1457-1502 - Irish Music Radio - 25433 - Dance Music.
6970Khz - 1452-1457 - LHH - 35433 - Playing an old Offshore Pirate recording.
6985Khz - 1447-1452 - UNID - 25432 - Music.

Sunday 15/01/12

4015Khz - 0915-0920 - LHH - 43433 - Dire Straits.Het.
5820Khz - 0905-0910 - Orion Radio - 45434 - Doing his "Dutch/German Corner".CD 1034.
5835Khz - 0910-0915 - UNID - 45434 - Instrumental.CD soon after.
6095Khz - 0920-0925 - KBC - 55544 - Rock'n'Roll Song,Helen Reddy.
6294Khz - 1253-1258 - Free Radio Victoria - 35433 - ELO,Red Hot Chilli Peppers.
6295Khz - 1104-1109 - Top Radio - 25332 - Dance Music.
6305Khz - 1035-1040 - Radio Paardenkracht - 45434 - Rolling Stones,Shocking Blue.Undermodulated at first.Fixed later.
6305Khz - 1248-1253 - UNID - 44333 - Dutch talking over CCR.
6325Khz - 1003-1008 - Wizard Radio - 35343 - Pop Music.
6376Khz - 1100-1101 - 6376Khz - UNID - 45323 - Dutch.Oldies.Under Black Bandit earlier.CD 1101.
6385Khz - 1055-1100 - Black Bandit Radio - 55434 - Country Music.Moved here from 6375 where he was flattening another station.
6388Khz - 1040-1045 - UNID - 35433 - Dutch Music.
6390Khz - 0925-0930 - UNID - 34333 - Vangelis,Dutch accordian tune.
6422Khz - 1008-1013 - Radio Grutte Pier - 45434 - Music and Jingles.CD 1130.
6450khz - 1133-1138 - UNID - 24332 - Dutch/Country Music.Slight Het.
6510Khz - 1138-1143 - Radio Rising Sun - 45433 - Pink Floyd - "Money".
6920Khz - 0930-0935 - Radio Geronimo SW - 45434 - The Who - "Won't get fooled again".Later The Dave Scott Show.
6930Khz - 0935-0940 - Irish Music Radio - 35333 - Pop Music.
6940Khz - 0940-0945 - Radio Boomerang - 55544 - Dire Straits - "Brothers in Arms".CD 0945.
6970Khz - 0945-0950 - LHH - 35333 - Giving advice about how not to get raided as an FM Pirate in the UK.
6985Khz - 0950-0955 - Radio Waves Int - 35333 - Country Song.
9480Khz - 1025-1030 - MV.Baltic Radio - 45434 - John lennon - "Give Peace a Chance".

Andy Richards.
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Re: London Calling.

Post by JoJo »

Hello Andy,

Thanks again for the log.
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