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Logs from dave Valko in Dunlo New York

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2004 18:26 pm
by alfred
6307.99 R. Delta, Noted a healthy het here at 2205. Came back later at
0042 to record and caught final anmnt by M w/what appeared to be IDs as
"Delta R." and phonetics given. Ended w/pleasant song w/male vclist. Off
at almost exactly 0047 (within a couple seconds). Not that bad of a
signal, but I was getting quite a bit of local QRM. Also some SSB traffic
QRM. (20-21 Nov.)

21 NOVEMBER 2004: Last weeks stormy (solar) conditions made it senseless
to go out to the remote listening QTH, so I was anxious to see if
conditions would improve enough to make it worthwhile this
weekend. Indeed, conditions were better, but only fair at best. Hearing
Laser Hot Hits at home prior indicated it was worth a shot. Fading was a
problem this morning. Besides some deep fades, there was very quick fades
as well. Its nice hearing stations past 0900 again!!

RX: NRD-535D
ANT: Beverage of 300' at 40-50 degrees.
QTH: State Game Lands #26.
Duration: 0550-0925 UTC
Solar Indices: Solar Flux = 99 A Index = 18 K Index = 1 No storms.
WX: Damp and dreary, but a warm 50 degrees (10 C.)

6290 Someone here amidst pulsing UTEs at 0552. Mx and W anncr. Very
weak. Sounded like just a regular broadcaster, but strength that of a
pirate. Gone at 0601. (21 Nov.)

6300.08 R. Merlin Int., 0603-0917+, End of song and M anncr w/UK accent
w/ID as "(song anmnt) R. Merlin Int. on 6300 khz..." and addr., more song
anmnts and into "Werewolves of London" by Warren Zevon. More (short
anmnts) and mx followed including what appeared to be the song "Ballroom
Blitz" by Sweet at 0614, and "Give Me Just a Little More Time" by Chairman
of the Board at 0627-0630. Then M over mx again w/presumable addr
phonetically, and ID "You're tuned to R. Merlin Int. on 6-300
khz...". Caught another ID during short anmnt at 0639. More anmnts and mx
followed. Recognized the songs "Hey Jude" by the Beatles at 0639-0644,
"Magic" by Pilot at 0646-0649, "Its All Over Now" by the Rolling Stones
0653-0656, and Reminiscing" by the Little River Band at 0656. Very weak
signal and wasn't even budging the S-meter, even w/AGC off. QRM from
occas. SSB traffic and a horrible jet engine-like UTE for a time. Checked
back w/this at times throughout and hrd past 0917. (21 Nov.)

6209.98 LHH, 0637, End of song then M anncr w/E-mail addr and URL for Web
site. Just strong enough to copy and seemed //6218.98 and pretty sure was
//4025.33 at this time. 7464.93 extremely weak w/bits of audio. 4025.33,
6209.98 and 6218.98 all // at 0810 w/"Upside Down" by Diana Ross. Could
finally tell 7464.93 was // at 0919. (21 Nov.)

6531.48 A weak het, possibly someone here; maybe Hamamelis or Pacman??
0659-0736. (21 Nov.)

6303.4 Continental R., 0700-0917+, "Green Green Grass of Home" by Tom
Jones at t/in, hard Rock song, then long anmnt over mx 0705-0708 by M in EG
and DT, and possibly GM w/many IDs, ment of the Netherlands, and e-mail
addr "...listeners good morning....from the
Netherlands in the 48 meterband 6305 kilocycles. I hope you...some records
for you ?? (Some laughing briefly)..." Mx consisted of a variety from Hard
Rock, to oldies, Dutch Pops, and Polkas. Except for a very short Dutch
anmnt of a few words at 0727, he played at least 9 songs in a row,
including "Sugar Sugar" by the Archies 0714-0716, and "Angie" by the
Rolling Stones". 0740 M returned w/anmnt in DT including e-mail
addr. Came back at 0748 in mid-anmnt w/M giving e-mail addr again
clearly. Another anmnt in DT and EG at 0656; "...Listeners good
morning. This is...from the Netherlands. You can send us an e-mail ?? ", and into "Gimme All Your Lovin" by ZZ
Top. Another anmnt followed w/ment of the Netherlands and e-mail addr
given again. There wasn't very much EG, and no snail mail addr given. Not
really strong, but better than R. Merlin Int. below. Some occas. SSB
traffic QRM and also from a nasty UTE from 0747-0751. Faded quite a bit
between 0710-0722. Still in there w/very weak het at 0917. (21 Nov.)

6275.31 Orion R.?? A very weak het at 0805. Possibly mx at 0807. Much
to weak to be certain, but it sure sounded like audio at 0813. (21
Nov.) Achim Brueckner reported Orion R. here at this time.

6290.65 R. Pirana Int.?? Definitely someone here at 0823 t/in, then M
anncr at 0824 w/positive ment of "radio", and back to mx. M anncr returned
very briefly at 0829. Way too weak. UTE QRM on the low side. RPI?? (21

6260.77 R. Robby?? A distorted carrier at 0833. Possibly mx at
0839. Just too weak. No chance. (21 Nov.) Achim Brueckner reported R.
Robby here.

6239.6v JRRI?? 0841 unrecog. song, 0843-0845 M anncr, but just too much
horrible slop QRM from pounding UTE every 12 seconds on 6245. 0845 Rock
song, and into another song at 0849. Faded badly at this time. M anncr
again at 0852-0854. Frustrated with the UTE, so tuned away at
0855. Really weak by 0855. A slow song at 0900. The fade seems to
suggest this might not have been JRRI. Was drifting quite a bit like JRRI
though, from 6239.68 at t/in down to 6239.52 by 0916, and even further down
to 6239.49 when I got home and checked at 0945. (21 Nov.)

6300.83 A het showed up here at 0857 along w/6303.43 (Continental) and
6300.09 (Merlin) still coming in. so possibly 3 stns within 4 khz
here!! (21 Nov.)

6204.91 R. East Coast Holland, 0903-0915, Rock mx. 0906 M anncr
w/definite ment of the Netherlands, but that was all I could copy. 0907
back to mx. Fading quickly and barely getting audio by 0915. Drifting up
a little to 6204.94, and 6204.96 by 0920 check. (21 Nov.) Achim Brueckner
reported this was R. East Coast Holland.

That's this weeks report from here. Not too bad. At least half a dozen
stations and maybe as many as 10. At least there were no dead periods (I
was writing virtually all night!!). If you can identify any of my
unidentified signals, please drop me a line. Thanks.

Take care 73's Dave