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Thank you to a NL station for song in French

Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2006 22:06 pm
by Guest
This night Saturday 15 July, on about 1664 kHz with strong signal was a NL station with international program with songs from 60's years including a song in French.
At 21h48 UTC " Buterfly " from Daniel GERARD in French.
Country song from USA.
" San Francisco " song.
DJ in NL language. Sorry but the NL is very hard for me to understand.
Thank you for this 60's program and for French song.
Message to some NL stations : you could have a jingle in different languages including French, Castellano and English on a cassette to put on the air and help the listeners to have identification. I presume a lot of DX'ers can record announcements on a cassette, CDR or MD for you.

Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2006 07:38 am
by alfred
Good idea fabian,, and for those who would like some id's in other leaguage, contact me, Thinking of puting up a board aswel fpor people that can help others making sutch id's listeners in france could make for example one for an station if they are willing. so maybe a sort of jingle contact place or something

Adr. for the Dutch MV station.

Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2006 14:53 pm
by Goran

Would it not be nice if we could have a link on the Superb Alfa Lima Int site just covering the MV-stations of Netherlands, and adresses to these stations. I'm very interested to send reports to those I hear but it's very hard for me to find adresses. Is there some P.o. Box adr you can send to, like Wuppertal or the SRS adr in Sweden?

What do you others think? Some of you guys may know these guys transmitting on the MV, ask them and see if we can make a list on Alfa Lima.

Buy the way, Thanks Techniche Man for the nice QSL-card. Much appreciated!

All from a very warm and sunny Halmstad, Sweden :P
