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LOG : 26 AUG. - 01 SEPT.

Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 00:36 am
by Ray Lalleu

Still an old log carefullly cross-checked, except for tips not found elsewhere.

* * * * * MON. 26 AUG. 2013 * * * * *

6925 u 0232-0300* UNDERCOVER R., fair > strong, galactic tale with "space" mx background, c'/d by Dr Benway

6930 L 0303-0315 BALTIC SEA R., v.weak \traffic, mx, IDs with seagulls

6925 u 0308-0316 UNID, traffic-like ? \bad ut.QRM

6304,9 0700-0812 R. PAARDENKRACHT, e.weak+peaks \PLC, 0700 Matthew & son, 0811 ID

6304,6 1350-1619 R. MERLIN INT, \occ.PLC, occ.het. IDs+hl, mx, "All right now", "Hurricane", 14 ment' Underground

6299,6 1609,1617* R. RAINBOW INT, 1609 trace, 1616 ID+@, then s/off.

6289,9 1611-1624 UNID, D mx, then 1609 Friday on my mind, Shaking all over. [ cf TELSTAR ]
6289,8 1714-1851 R. TELSTAR INT, rock, 1719 ID, 1844 Sweet home Alabama, g's...

6299,9 1713-1718 UNID, e.weak \splash, traffic. mx, 1715 "Call me". [ cf ZEEWOLF ]

6306,6 1847-1849 COOL AM R., v.weak \muffled, atmos, row of IDs, 1849 long blank (end?)

6399,9 1852,1909 UNID, 1852 mx, 1909 mx (Balkan ?). [ cf METROPOLIS ]

6934,7 1855-1906 UNID, e.weak \atmos, tk: "free radio" ??, mx, faded out

4026,0 1910-2205 LASER HOT HITS, \atmos, Staying alive, IDs, mx..

6304,8 1918-1940 R. TIDAL WAVE, strong/v.strong \so-so mod. R.Sones live in studio, 1926 ID, etc.

6289,9L 2100-2211 UNID, difficult \atmos, "Sexual healing", 2115 T.Jones"She's a lady".. [ cf OVER 60° ]

6929,9 2105-2108 UNID, switching AM/SSB ?, Russian ? mx, then f/out. [ cf BSR ]

* * * * * TUES. 27 AUG. 2013 * * * * *

6299,9 1717-1723 UNID, v.weak noisy,PLC, tk over mx, ment' Osaka, D song, closing down ? [ cf N.PIRAAT ]

6324,6 1847-1848* UNID \atmos, mx with audio breaks, and s/off

4026,0 1859-2003 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak>weak \atmos, mx, tk, 1917 FSN, OEM, ID

6325,3 1920-1921* UNID, instrul mx and s/off

6300,0 1922-1926* UNID, strong \hum 6299,7 for e few seconds, C&W, Zodiac-Mazda-B.Arrow QSO

6299,7 *1926-1931* R. ZODIAC, fair/atmos Walk don't run, rpt mod. for Mazda-Odynn-B.Arrow, ID, 19.31'47"*

6289,9 1932-1932* UNID, a few seconds of D mx, and s/off

6299,7 1934-1938 UNID+UNID, both with mx, then both giving reports, 1937 accordion, 1938 both are off

6300,0 1938-1943* R. BLACK ARROW ?, strong \fading, mx, ID?, reports, ID?, instrum mx, off at 19.43'37"

6299,8 *1943'58"-1946 R. ODYNN, some D carnaval mx, QSO reports, 1946 c'/d ID

6985,0 1948-1958 UNID, e.weak \atmos, hard to hear mx, 1952 a few words ?, mx again.

* * * * * WED. 28 AUG. 2013 * * * * *
6070,0 1840-1844 R. 6150 % _PLC,atmos. mx, 1844 ant in E, no copy.

4026,0 1845-1912 LHH %, \v.noisy, atmos. mx, tk in E, more mx...

6295,0 1913-1920* UNID, e.weak\atmos, mx, long blank/undermod?, bit of mx and s/off [ cf N.PIRAAT ]

6284,7 1920-1957 UNID \atmos, D mix, 1933 "These boots...", D "lalala", allo.., Daddy Cool [cf GOUDENSTER]

* * * * * THURS. 29 AUG. 2013 * * * * *

6285 V 1835-1851* UNID, drifts + - 0,5 kHz, \ut, atmos, mx, tk, ID+@ no copy. [ cf LLR ]

6299,8 1844-1854* R. ZODIAC INT, \het 6302,atmos. mx, 1852 ID en E, mx, ID in D, and s/off

4026,0 1857-2132 LASER HOT HITS, weak \noisy, sp.traffic4030u, noisy ut4022. Usual format, ID, POB till October

6204,1 1906-1922* BLACK ARROW, E+D, tnx rpts, "Rasputin", c'/d IDs, We will rock you/We are the champions

6304,6 2057-2057* UNID, e.weak, tk, and s/off.

6285,0 2058-2138 R. TINA, weak \atmos, polka, g's, pops, 'IDs', 2112 "Osaka" song

6220,0 2106-2112 SLUWE VOS R., weak \atmos, mx, ID+@ in E+D, g's...

7613,1 2115-2127 UNID, e.weak\PLC,atmos, non stop mx.

* * * ** * FRI. 30 AUG. 2013 * * * * *

6285,7 1445-2210 FOCUS INT, >strong, "Veronica story" song, Send me a postcard, ID, etc... 1526 Aug.'74 story 1655 "Blue monday", 1839 hl, POB(2€).. later: retro songs programme

6324,7 1510-1511* UNID, yodl, and s/off.

6324,8 1531-1836 UNID, weak, D mx (songs, brass, accordeon), but some pop/rock at times. [ cf NORTON ]

6205,0 1616-1629* UNID, \v.noisy, mx, 1626 a few words, more mx and s/off. [ cf TINA ]

6316,0 1632-1654* UNID, e.weak, D (or G) songs.

6295,1 1710-1720 UNID, e.weak, mx, 1714 "On SW this is ....", mx, 1720 D or G song

6304,6 1716-1719 UNID, trace, trace of mx.

6294,9 1836-1850 R. ODYNN, R.Stones special, Paint it black, Satisfaction, Race with the devil, 1850 QSY

6292,9 1850-2014 R. ODYNN, QSY from 6294,9 - 1851 ID+hl, mx, 2009 Black Betty

6300,0 1842-1859* UNID, e.weak \atmos, mx, 1846 W singer, sudden s/off just before 1900.

6267,0 1902-2016 UNID, e.weak \atmos, non stop mx, 2016 v.weak \ut.noise, atmos

6300,0 1912-1913 UNID, good/strong, mx, mx. (1929 gone)

6279,9 1922-2149 R. TELSTAR SOUTH, \squeezed(ut.and Focus), ID, Petula Clark, memories, typical sound

6315,8 1947-2008 R. MAZDA, pops, 1952 g's, ID

4026,0 2003-2155 LASER HOT HITS \atmos, mx, 2007 Mike Andrews

6239,9 2128-2153 MUSTANG, v.strong, mx, tk, ID, "low power" !, mx, transe/techno mx. (2209 gone)

6210,0 2139-2234 UNID, weak>v.weak \atmos, "falling in love with you", tacboom, 2231 Siver Nanny

6745,2 2143-2218 UNID, fair+peaks\atmos, C&W (some in D), 2218 All night long. [ cf PIONEER ]

6660 L 2211-2217 UNID, strong, Rock around the clock, Tutti Fruti, audio dropouts, Georges Moustaki "Ma lycéenne", A.Franklin "I say a little prayer for you".

3905,6 2221-2227 UNID, v.week(light mod.) \much atmos. tacboom mx, mx.

* * * * * SAT. 31 AUG. 2013 * * * * *

6284,7 0703-0809 FOCUS INT, mx with Terry Philips and Steve Archer, fading down \PLC
6284,7 1214-1227 FOCUS INT, weak \strongPLC, mx, ID, mx
6284,7 1622-2114 FOCUS INT, 1622 ID, 2047 old jazz, 2114 history

6095,0 0810-0845 KBC, v.strong, E.Rosko quiet today with "Coast to coast country".
6095,0 1211-1213 KBC, strong \fading, R&R around 1960: Bobby Fuller, E.Cochran, ID.

6423,0 1216-1225 UNID, e.weak \strong sticky PLC, mx. [ cf NMD ? ]

6300,0 1623-1638 UNID, D versions of "St Tropez", "Le ciel est bleu", D songs. [ cf TOWER ]

6204,9 1627-1637 TECHNISCHE MAN, tacatc mx, ID, D song

6745,25 1631,2100 UNID, 1631 mx, 2100, mx. [ cf PINK PANTHER ]

4026,0 1640,2036 LHH %, 1640 e.weak \hiss, mx, 2036 talking \very strong ut.noise on 4024 approx.

3905,7 1641-1645 UNID, e.weak, pops, then traffic ?

3904,8 2032-2033 R. ALICE, \atmos, ID, g's, instrum mx

6324,7 2039-2235 UNID, \atmos > v.weak \atmos,ut upside, non stop mx. [cf NORTON ]

6300,0 2043-2113 R. TOWER, \het 6302, mx, 2044 ID.

6240,0 2047-2115 BOGUSMAN %, much tk, "Power to the people" song, etc...

6309,9 2209-2235 R. TELSTAR SOUTH, undermod., mx, ID, typical sound.

6285,7 2214-2234 FOCUS INT, \strong China 6280 QRM, rock, 2234 ID.

6239,8 2216-2226* UNID, mx, some tk, D song... [ cf ASCONA ]

6259,9 2225-2253 BORDERHUNTER R., v.strong, mx, IDs, testing.

6925 u 2236-2301 PIRATE R. BOSTON, strong \noisy,traffic, 20th anniv., IDs+@+POB, mx, rpts, duo tk.

* * * * * SUN. 01 SEPT. 2013 * * * * *

6324,8 0152-0220 UNID, euro mx, Moonlight Shadow (reprise), Morning has broken, W singer in G?, in D.

6285,7 0201-0208 FOCUS INT, \slow fading, mx, IDs
6285,7 0635-0953 FOCUS INT, strong, mx, duo tk, IDs, 0813 Kinks"Sunny afternoon"
6285,7 1447-1650 FOCUS INT, pos, rock, IDs
6285,7 1819-2109 FOCUS INT, "Send me a postcard", tk: Veronica, Eurovision (repeat!), 2103 Kinks (repeat)

6210,4 0635-0652 UNID, e.weak\all!, mx, 0639 tk, number incl' ..09..

6070,0 0642-0822 R. 6150, weak > v.weak. ID+@ (first ID for a long while), pops (also 1619 Man of action, pop)

6924,9 0646-0650 UNID, trace +e.weak peaks, mx, W singer

6304,7 0812-0952 R. MERLIN INT, weak, medley, 0819 psious, "Major Tom" canned ID, 0832 time check OK ..

6217 a 0818-0818 NOISE STATION with only a trace of music

6095,0 0821-0949 KBC %, v.strong, mx, 0949 phone tk with a W singer

6005//7310 0822-0825 R. 700 %, in G, mx and tk, weak on 6005, good on 7310.

7265,0 0826-0830 MV BALTIC R., in AM-USB \loc.noise, Janis Joplin, Man of action, ID and fq's in E+G

6325,3 0848-0925 UNID, e.weak \PLC, brass mx and accordion, \f'/down, 0925 end ? [ cf ALIVIABAR ]

6295,0 0902-0923* Z. SHADOWMAN %, strong \low mod, pops, ID (can't understand 'shadow')

6240,0 0926-0953 UNID, v.weak \under strong ut.noise. mx [ cf CASANOVA ]

6199,9 0944-0954 BORDERHUNTER, ID, "6-2-hundred", rock, 0949 ID+@+POB, 0954 R&R

6305,0 1445-1526 TECHNISCHE MAN, v.weak\6310 splash, D mix of mx, tk in D, 1520 ID, c'/d

6219,8 1448-1552 SLUWE VOS R., v.weak, Bacara"Yes sir..", Gainsbourg&Birkin, 1510 ID, mx..IDs..

6310,0 1455-1556 R. TELSTAR SOUTH, > strong, mx, IDs, jazz, Marrakech express, 1539 break, 1543 back

6325,3 1527-1536* UNID, e.weak, deep fades, splash. rock, pops, tk(reverb), J.Cash"Ring of fire" (1539-1542 same?)

6305,0 1553-1615 trace or blank

6745,3 1601-1625 PINK PANTHER R., v.weak, tk in D, IDs+@
6745,3 1916-1920 PINK PANTHER R., mx, live ID, g's ( 2039 still on)

6310,0 1821-2100* R. TELSTAR SOUTH, clip of Caroline South, 1840, Booker T, Peggy Sue, breaks, 1850 Black night, tk, chachacha, mx, IDs, Baby it's a wild world, 2025 offshore memories, 2100 sudden off.

6324,9 1826-1849 UNID, e.weak \noisy. pops, 1840-1849 on 6325,1 1846"Listen music", 1849 ID? [cf N.PIRAAT]

6219,8 1832-2045 SLUWE VOS R., relay of Artem, mx from everywhere, IDs added. 2045 c'/d, Ghostbusters

6204,5 1833-1953 WNKR, pops, Mr Postman, Dancing in the street, 1939 JID, mx..

6245,6 1854-1950 R. UNDERGROUND, early 60s mx, D waltz, cool jazz, IDs, stns on this ev'.

6299,9 1913-2320 TECHNISCHE MAN, pops, live ID, D mix of songs, 2101 Teenage queenie, 2316 accordion

4026,0 1958,2113 LASER HOT HITS %, 1958 \huge noise on lower side, 2113 tk.

6324,9 2001-2023* UNID, mx, many annts, dull voice, best ID ~ R. Nice 48 (@hotmail). [ cf R. NACHT PIRAAT ]

6324,9 2030-2038 UNID, "rpt fot the night piraten", and for Ronex, Odynn... (accordion)

6263,9 2317-2318 UNID, e.weak, Greek(?) mx

mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, ', c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility, SM=summer meeting ad
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline
> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
"Strength" notes (from e.weak to V.strong) are rather S/N notes by ear, not S-meter levels.
