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LOGS : 15 -23 JULY 2013

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 21:46 pm
by Ray Lalleu

9 days of logs, for a change.
Still at home with + - 0,2 kHz analog readings (often better, and 1 kHz digital steps).

* * * * * MON. 15 JULY 2013 * * * * *

6260,0 0416-0421 SW GOLD, weak \some PLC and atmos, mx, ID

6070,0 0422,0627 R. 6150 %, pops, 0424: "tests FM-AM from international waters in the North Sea"

6293,7 1707-2245 UNID, mix of D mx and else, 1708 C.Europe mx? 1825 Auld Lang Syne(adapt.), 1832 euro-W singer

6400,0 2017-2028 R. CAROLINE INT, \noisy, 6400,2 hum, mx, 2023 ID+@

4026,0 2031-2036 UNID, v.weak \loc.noise, atmos, traffic in sp. on 4030USB. mx, tk. - - - - [ cf LHH ]

6299,7 2217-2225 R. MORNING STAR, Judy in disguise, Lady Madona, ID, Chuby Checker

6285,0 2221-2224 R. RONEX, clear, pops, ID+@

6400,2 2227-2233 UNID, e.weak, "It never happened to me"(?title), more pops. (2240 gone) [ cf CAROLINE INT ]

6910 L 2235-2240* BALTIC SEA R., strong, mx, ID.

6323,9 2213-2248 UNID, e.weak \noisy, no details.

* * * * * TUES. 16 JULY 2013 * * * * *

6070,0 0645,0935,1440,2343 R. 6150 %, weak / v.weak pops

6285,0 1327-1328 UNID, e.weak \PLC, mx - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf OSAKA ]

6304,7 1845-2114 R. MERLIN INT, \atmos > strong \atmos,RTTY. mx, IDs. 1925 Stand by me, 1947 Waterloo sunset

6325,0 1848-1853* UNID, v.weak \atmos, mx, on/off audio

6400,1 1854-2059 UNID, v.weak \atmos, non stop mx. - - - - (new LP testing ? )

6900 L 1911-1914 BALTIC SEA R., \6895 strong stanag. "Sweet Caroline", ID+@, more pops.

4026,0 1927-2204 UNID, weak \noisy, atmos, mx, tk (no copy) - - - - - - - - - - - -[ cf LHH ]

6734,9u 1935-2025 COOL AM R., \some atmos, occ. traffic. IDs, mx.

6290,2 1951-2005 UNID, v.weak\atmos, rock, 2001 Kraftwerk"Radioactivity"

6240,1 2029-2119 UNID, song, yodl played by brass band, polka, polka... [ cf VIRGIN ]

6325,0 2032-2121 R. KILOHERTZ, good mike and mod :-)), Monkees, rock, tk in G, ID, Hippy shake, Yesterday man, 2042 G pops, "My friend Jack", The last time, Summertime blues, 2058 ID in G, Beach Boys, etc...

6285,1 2043-2044* UNID, tk over G rock, g's, bye-bye. - - - - - - - - - - [ cf BLACK ARROW ]

6289,6 2053-2118 WITTE REUS, low mod at first, 2110 Something stupid, g's, ID White Giant, c'/d, 2118 accordion

6734,9u 2347-2400 COOL AM R., mx, "It's 5 o'clock"(?title), ID+web

6900 L 2516-2530* BALTIC SEA R., strong +peaks! R&R and IDs, Johnny B.Goode, See you later alligator...

* * * * * WED. 17 JULY 2013 * * * * *

6208,0 0606-0622 UNID \fading, pops, etc... - -(0649 gone)

6070,0 0650-0710 R. 6150 %, programme from Laser 558.
6070,0 1526-1626 R. 6150 %, \noisy, some atmos. 1528 "I can't explain"

6745,2 1536-1547 PIONEER R., e.weak \atmos f'/up, mx, 1546 ID+@

6324,8 1811-1849* R. NORTON, \PLC, later atmos. D songs, accordion, waltz. 1846 c'/d ID.

6290,4 1815-1903 R. SKYWIRE, e.weak \occ. strong sp.traffic 6285U. mx, 1840 tech tk, 1902 ID, from the NL, gd ev'

4026,0 1905-2115 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak \noisy, mx, tk, IDs, 2115 ad for FSN

6324,9 1944-1950* RONEX/NACHTPIRAAT, mx, tk, accordion, RONEX ID, g's, NACHTPIRAAT ID?+@hotmail

6435,5 1959-2001 ZWARTE PANTER ?, good signal+peaks \bad mod. mx.

6399,9 2009-2122 R. YELLOW SUBMARINE ??, part of the Beatles' song as ID, canned ID very distorted.

6305,0 2013-2023 CUPID R., mx, live IDs in E and D, g's, over chattering background mx. 2021 ID+@

6291,8 2018-2019 R. MAZDA, strong, mx, g's, ID+@

6425,05 2026-2044* R. ZEEWOLF, strong peaks, Judy in disguise, 2041 ID+@, s/by for readymix, "Get it on"

6900 L 2029-2103 BALTIC SEA R., \stanag on 6896, mx, IDs no copy except for seagull noises

6450,4 2045-2121 R. READYMIX, reply to Zeewolf, tiki mx, D songs, brass mx, pops, 2120 ID +@

6424,9 2135-2137* UNID in D, from the Readymix-Ronex-Nachtpiraat QSO

* * * * * THURS. 18 JULY 2013 * * * * *

6290,0 2031-2035* UNID, mx, mike? test: 1-2-3, 1-2,2-3,2-3-4-4-5-5 etc... - - - - - - [ cf PYTHON ]

6399,9 2035-2123 R. CAROLINE INT, \occ. het 6401,25(Tesla ?), mx, IDs, JIDs, 2109 "Africa"

6070,0 2043-2108 R. 6150 %, progr. from Laser 558

4026,0 2047-2119 LASER HOT HITS, weak\4020u traffic > good, mx, tk, IDs, hl

6980,0 2218-2243 ROCK R. NETWORK %, strong \some drift, atmos, traffic. pop, rock

* * * ** * FRI. 19 JULY 2013 * * * * *

1602,0 0150-0221 R. SEAGULL, much QRM from Spain here, but Seagull heard and IDed at times

6324,9 1610-1732 UNID, weak>good \atmos, polka, waltz, accordion. - - - - - -[ cf NORTON ]

6324,8 1920-2050 UNID, >strong, \atmos, D or G songs. - - - - - -[ cf NORTON ]

6260,0 1623-2212 SW GOLD, \PLC,atmos, pops, 1630 ID+@, 1732,1918 QRM (CVC?), 2141 "Blue monday"

6284,9 1927-2018 R. PYTHON, \atmos, PLC, mx, instrum mx, 2016 ID, g's to U-Boat.. ID.

6400,1 1932-2029 UNID, \atmos,strong PLC, mx, techno, boom-boom. - - - -[ cf CAROLINE INT ]

6421,8 1941-2225 UNID, \atmos,strong PLC, 1944 Kids in America, 1948 hello..ID??..DrTim.., tac-boom, later BZN ?, D mx, 2123 strong now, France Gall "Poupée de cire", 2225 v.weak - - - - - - [ cf STUDIO 52 ]

6920,0 1954-1958 R. TRANSEUROPE, mx, tk, ID+@, "Telstar", song (2032-2049 : trace on 6919,0)

6240,1 2005-2100 UNID, mx, 2008 M+W giving IDs (no copy), then tk' in E. - - [ cf MUSTANG ?? CAROLINE INT ?? ]

6375,3 2020-2136 UNID, e.weak \atmos, 6379 strong Morse, mx, 2105 tk (no copy)

6914,8L 2034-2034* BALTIC SEA R., Sweet Caroline, seagull-ID+@, and switch off.

6305,2a 2050-2137 UNID, v.weak \atmos,side RTTY, mx, 2053 tk, mx. (2000,2150: blank) [cf MORNING STAR ]

6279,7 2056-2157 R. MAZDA INT, strong\atmos, Proud Mary, D song, 2140 ID, g's, 2157 ID+@, c'/d

6209,9 2100-2205 MUSTANG R., booming in, pops, tk, 2145 g's, W voice on side, "Blue monday", 2203 ID

6450,25 2124-2133 UNID, \atmos,ut.upper side. mx, song in E, etc... non stop. - - - - - - - - [ cf READYMIX ]

4026,0 2147-2147 UNID, mx. - - - - - - - - [ cf LASER HOT HITS ]

6294,9 2150-2156 UNID, e.weak, "Loco-motion", other track, then f'/down to a trace.

6306,6 2158,2228 UNID, e.weak \some TTY noise, 2200 seagulls?, 2228 trace, maybe mx too.

6289,9 2205-2227 UNID, mx, 2208 Jimi Hendrix, 2213 the Doors.. 2227 pop - - - - - - - -[ cf ODYNN ]

6920,0 2216-2222* UNID, mx, Sha-insha (title?), 2221 "Bette Davis eyes", sudden switch off.

3905,5 2225 approx., UNID, good \atmos, instrum mx. - - - - - - - - [ cf SALLANDSE BOER ]

* * * * * SAT. 20 JULY 2013 * * * * *

6260,0 0535-0540 SW GOLD, strong peaks, ID, mx. - - (not at 0644)
6260,0 0820-0828 SW GOLD, weak \PLC, mx, ID, mx
6260,0 1221-1320 UNID, v.weak \PLC, mx, 1303 tk in E, DX or pirate news ?

6260,0 1413-1502 PLAYBACK INT, v.weak \atmos,PLC, mx, IDs, 1458 music box, 1500 ID
6260,0 2021-2050 PLAYBACK INT, pop-rock, IDs at 2023

6260,0 2202-2336 SW GOLD, 2202'55" time pips and ID, 2203'13" again !, 2303 Sail away, 2336 ID

6095,0 0822-0826 KBC, v.strong, ID by Emperor Rosko, C&W

6205,0 1223-1256 UNID, e.weak \PLC at first, rock, 1252 "Indian reservation", 1255 ID+@ no copy. [ cf SATURNUS ]

6295,1 1241-1248* UNID, trace, but some mx and tk more guessed than heard.

6400,1 1415-1507 UNID, e.weak, odd good peaks, pops, > \PLC, atmos. - - (new LP testing ?)

6400,1 2002,2115 UNID, 2002: mx \6404 RTTY, atmos. 2115: e.weak on 6400,0 maybe a different stn.

6325,8 2004-2111 UNID, mx, tk, reverb, 2006,2058 www.- - - .co, distorted ID, ~ R.Anaconda?? [ cf ANDROMEDA ]

6304,7 2009-2254 R. MERLIN INT, soul, rock, IDs, 2101 hum, QRM. 2254 c'/d, giving live correct time.

6305 a 2101-2112 UNID, hum with Merlin, 2105 apologies seem from Merlin. - - - - - - - - [ cf NORTON ]

6295,0 2014-2106* R. NORTH POLE INT, "Apache", live ID, OK rpt, instrum C&W...

6279,6 2017-2020 UNID, 60s instrum mx. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf MORNING STAR ]

6250,15 2024-2050 R. NORA, J.Cash ?, rock, 2028 ID in D+E, from the NE part of NL.

6210,0 2029-2444 R. POWERLINER INT, ID in E+D, much g's, mx, 2110 Hello Josephine, 2344 ID, 2444 "700W PEP"

6287,5 2033-2049 UNID, strong, oldies, messing in studio, 2038 CCR"Proud Mary", 2049 blank.

6276,9 2039-2048 R. MORNING STAR ?, weak \PLC,atmos, "Surfin' USA", tk in E, then repeat of 6279,6 but with IDs added (2048 ID at last almost good, after "Let's twist again").

6239,6 2051-2057 UNID, v.weak \atmos, instrum mx. (2109 gone)

6279,9 2107-2113 R. MAZDA, g's, ID, ment' Centurion, D songs, maybe BZN.

6423,3 2116-2119 UNID, \ut noise around 6421. mx, pops. - - - - - - - -[ cf LOWLAND ]

6745,3 2119-2249 UNID, \atmos, kind of samba, mix of mx. - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf PIONEER ]

6900 L 2123-2126 BALTIC SEA R., \6896 stanag, "Sweet Caroline", ID+@, more mx

6920,1 2127-2152 TRANSEUROPE R., mx, g's to lisnrs, ID+@, Smooth operator, 2150 Rita Mitsouko, ID...

6980,1 2128-2249 ROCK R. NETWORK %, rock, 2133 Treat me right, mx, mx...

7600,4 2137-2253 SUNSHINE R. MUSIC, strong peaks, R&R-disco medley, Don't worry be happy, 2143 JID, pops, kind of Brasilian mx?, 60s mx, drifting to 7600,25

6272,7 2159-2202 R. MORNING STAR ?, e.weak \PLC,atmos,traffic. "Lady Madona", tk in E, ID (not sure), off ?

5800,5 2205-2209 R. TOWER, mx, ID, "on 5-8-zero-zero, c'/d here", 2207 bit of mx, 2208 long blank.

3910,5 2210-2440 UNID, D instrum medley, brass, 2305 Scorpions, funny song... - - [ cf TECHNICAL MAN ]

4026,0 2213-2442 LASER HOT HITS, weal \fading, atmos, usual format.

6425,0 2218,2238 UNID, accordion under strong stanag - - - - - - - - [ cf NMD ]

6435,6 2218-2219 UNID, e.weak, mx, D song. - - - - - - - - [ cf ZWARTE PANTER ]

6450,0 2239-2243 R. UNIVERSE, synthe mx, ID+@, tnx rpts, mx

6300,0 2255-2303 WIZARD R. + UNID, hum, allo-1-2, R&R vs accordion, 2259 ID, calling CQ

6300,0 2330-2333 UNID + UNID, Elvis "All shook up", 2nd station no details - - - -[cf CENTURION and ?? ]

6300,0 2338-2443 R. TRX, strong, mx, 2342 row of IDs, early 60s pops, 2347 What'd I say, 2442 mess with R&R

6290,0 2334-2357 NMD ? R., accordon, ID noted NRV(?) or NRD(?), +hotmail, racing car noise, pops, 2353 ZZ Top

6250,5 2336-2337 WIZARD R., 2337 ID, standing by (maybe QSO with Armadillo ?)

6450,0 2345-2346 UNID, Be bop a lula, Speedy Gonzalez. - - - - - - [ cf READYMIX ]

6400,1 2445-2452 R. MORNING STAR, mx, ID, mx, then strong het

* * * * * SUN. 21 JULY 2013 * * * * *

6260,0 0623-0737 SW GOLD, mx, IDs at 0626 and 0713. (later : UNID > e.weak>trace>1409 v.weak \PLC, UNID)

6250,0 0627-0720 UNID, e.weak\PLC, atmos, rock, 0703 "Mony Mony" on 6249,9 then tk, mx... [ cf SKYLINE R. G.]

6205,0 0707-0712* UNID, e./v.weak, mx, then blank and off. - - - - - - [ cf N.POLE ?]

6292,0 0927-0929* UNID, e.weak, mx, tk and s/off - - - - [ cf SCOTLAND INT ]

6295,0 0930-0930 UNID, e.weak \under PLC - - - - - -[ cf ROB ]

6292,0 *0931-0934* R. SCOTLAND, g's to R. Rob, ID, "now c'/d" (0935 prob. reply of Rob on 6295)

6304,6 1055-1058 R. MERLIN INT, v.weak, ID+@, mx

6295,0 1056-1058 UNID, v.weak, pops. - - - - - - - - - -[ cf SUMMERFEST ? ]

6095,0 1250-1252 KBC, v.strong, pop-rock, by Rosko

6284,9 1403-1438 UNID, e.weak\PLC, ut., atmos. mx - - - - - - - - - - [ cf OSAKA ]

6324,8 2113-2145 BLACK BANDIT, good mod \messing, blowing in the mike, 2131 some ID, more messing, etc..

6304,7 2138-2146* UNID via ODYNN, some new fancy unclear ID, mx, rpt via Odynn, 2145 anthem [ cf EEK A MOUSE ]

6256,7 2147-2315 BOGUSMAN, typical long chats, mx, 2238 Bogusman is here.

6294L? 2155-2218 UNID in SSB, mx, tk too short to clarify signal :-(( under splashes - - [ cf OVER 60° R. ]
6294 L 2222-2358 UNID, 'clarified' at last, IDs like "R. Zamossa..FM"??, drifting ? QSY ??, 2236 "The dock of the bay"

4026,0 2246,2321 LASER HOT HITS, mx, tk ID

6204,8 2316-2319* UNID, weak\noisy,atmos, R.Stones"We love you", then sudden s/off

6299,5 2515-2515* UNID, \QRM6297, "That will be the day", sudden off

6297,3 2516-2552 UNID, in LSB, mx parts (bad contact?), drift to 6297,6 ?, ID Marabu ????, still bad contact

6249,8 2520-2550 R. ARMADILLO, mx, 2527 Ian Dury, 2536 ID, 2548 Paranoid

* * * * * MON. 22 JULY 2013 * * * * *

6745,3 1607-1624 UNID, v.weak \atmos,PLC. mx, Bob Marley, mx - - - -[ cf PIONEER ]

6259,8 2055-2136* R. MAZDA, \PLC, pops, then D songs, 2135 ID, tnx rpts, ID in G.

6240,0 2100-2114* UNID, weak\atmos, mx, oldies?, 2113 ID Radio - - - FM, mx, off. [ cf JAGERMEISTER via CAR.INT]

6294,9 2116-2218 R. BLACK POWER, strong, mx, 60s sounds, 2127 ID, Tequila, Teenage queenie, etc

6324,9 2117-2219 MUSTANG R., v.strong peaks, 60s hits, 2150 g's, The wall, etc... 2159 ID

6207,1 2131-2206 R. CAROLINE-RAINBOW, ID, mx, mx

6249,7 2137-2143* WIZARD R., cold start at 6249,9 (fast settling), mx, ID, rpt for Mazda, ID TUVENA ?? in D, 2142'55*

6250,3 2154-2308 WIZARD R., low mod? at first, then wide band, 2204 ID, g's, drift to 6250,6, 10m high inverted V

4026,0 2208-2329 LASER HOT HITS, \atmos, mx, tk, Scatman ?

3905,0 2209-2306 UNID, \atmos, mx, tk(from the record??), mx, mx. [ cf ACTIVITY ]

6285,0 2246-2257 UNID, e.weak \atmos, mx, tk (no copy), Red River rock, 2257 bye-bye [ cf ETHERFREAK ]

6290,6 *2248-2326 R. CAROLINE INT, mx, JID, mx, 2306 news in G., \atmos

* * * * * TUES. 23 JULY 2013 * * * * *

6295,0 2115-2126 UNID, e.weak \atmos, mx, 2125 tk, mx - - - - - - [ cf QSO ? ]

6285,0 2115-2216 R. ODYNN, weak \atmos, H.California, ID in D, J.Joplin, tk, 2209"Hurricane", 2213 CCR

6400,0 2120-2121 R. CAROLINE INT, mx, JID

4026,0 2130-2136 UNID, mx, W voice. - - - - - - - - - - [ cf LHH ]

6924,7 2412-2426 UNID, v.weak\atmos,traffic(Brasil?), mx, Led Zeppelin, "-- -- Radio on SW"+@, rock, radio

mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, ', c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility, SM=summer meeting ad
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline
> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
"Strength" notes (from e.weak to V.strong) are rather S/N notes by ear, not S-meter levels.
