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LOGS : 19 - 25 NOV. 2012

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2012 00:43 am
by Ray Lalleu
  • * * * * * MON. 19 NOV. 2012 * * * * *

    6070,0 0757-0800 R. 6150 test %, mx stronger than Canada% \splash from Vatican 6075 in Arabic

    6985,1 1947-1947 UNID, e.weak, rock. [ cf LIGHTNING ]

    4026,0 1950-2335 LASER HOT HITS, \fading, mx, tk, ID, 1956 "Batman" then A.Parsons Project annonced

    3470 L 2019-2034 UNID, mx, ID (no copy), mx.. later techno

    3435 L 2024-2024 UNID, Greek mx

    3955,0 2330-2330 UNID, hard rock, bad audio, muffled and broken almost at every second ! [ BNL ROCK R. ? ]

    * * * * * TUES. 20 NOV. 2012 * * * * *

    6070,0 0745,0956 R. 6150 test %, usual mix with Canadian stn and spits from 6075. 0956 "Laser", still a 2nd carrier

    6005,0 0752,0955 R. BELARUS in German at 0752, R. 700 in German at 0955

    6304,0 0957-1009 UNID, weak \fading, loc.noise, D mx, 1007 "amateur test1-2, morgen, dit ist R. ----. [ cf VENDOR ]

    6290,6 1655-1724 BABY R. / R. ANT..., weak, mx, IDs, later JIDs sounding like R. AMIGO ?? [ cf R. ANTIGOON ]

    6210,0 1656-1706 R. BATAVIER / WITTE REUS, mx, g's to stns, ID, mx, R&R, 1701 f'/down

    6325,2 1719-1818 R. GOLF VICTOR, \noisy 6320 ut. D waltz-polka-songs-schlager, occ. europop, 1818 IDs, c'/d

    6265,0 1747-1756* UNID, e.weak, mx and tk over, 1756 small mx, a few words? and off

    6300,0 1759-1804 TOP R., pop-rock, 1803 ID, slogan, JID, info@[distorted] then "H.California"

    6289,0 1805-1820 UNID, mx, strong > e.weak on 6289,2 and f'/out [ cf RAINBOW ]

    6985,1 1816-1818 UNID, e.weak \fading, pop-rock [ cf LIGHTNING ]

    3497,0 2011-2320 NEW R. CAROLINE, in AM, e.weak > weak, mx, 2126 ID

    4026,0 2119-2321 LASER HOT HITS, \fading, pops, IDs, 2300 Laser Goes DX (Rainbow on LHH, Blackbeard...)

    * * * * * WED. 21 NOV. 2012 * * * * *

    6070,0 0747,0841 R. 6150 test %, mx mixed tk (CFRX %) splash, 0841 LHH recording \traffic on 6066 USB

    6265,9 1734-1932 UNID, e.weak \drowned in PLCnoise,drift to 6265,5.

    6915,0 1736-1750 MIKE R., v.strong, tk in E over "Pop-corn", stn hardware, 330 W (1,2 kW PEP), etc..

    6985,05 1741-1814 UNID, \noisy,atmos. mx, 1744 "-- -- S.W.", 1747 C&W, 1813 ID? v.hard to hear. [ LIGHTNING ]

    6289,1 1814-1826 UNID, strong, mx: instru, rock, songs in E... [ cf RAINBOW ]

    4026,0 *1828-2221 LASER HOT HITS, \fades, 4020 ut. mx, ID, mx. 2208 Laser 558 tape

    6985,0 2228-2243 UNID, quite different from usual Lightning R., strong, tk in E over mx (US style), but giving a (phone?) nr twice : 07934..... Maybe Cruise FM ?

    * * * * * THURS. 22 NOV. 2012 * * * * *

    6070,0 0754,1018 R. 6150 test %, 0754 J.Jett "I love Rock 'n roll" \usual splash, 1018 v.weak, soul mx on LHH tape

    6325,2 1748-1751 R. GOLF VICTOR, \squeezed,PLC. accordion background, tk, ID (not R.Constrictor!), 20(?) watts

    6289,2 1841-1851 R. RAINBOW, \very mushy carrier, occ.fax, on/off noise. tk, mx, 1851 ID.

    4026,0 1852,2217 LASER HOT HITS, 1852 tk, jazz background, 2217 Platters?, W DJ \deep fading, mx, IDs.

    6985,1 2213-2213 UNID, e.weak \noisy, mx [ cf LIGHTNING R. ]

    * * * ** * FRI. 23 NOV. 2012 * * * * *

    6070,0 0746-0930 R. 6150 test %, v.weak \stn underneath, usual splashes, "Black is black", Beatles reprise...

    6304,0 0959-1030 UNID, nonstop D songs [ cf VENDOR ]

    6207,0 1000-1021 MISTI R., e.weak > v.weak, mx, D song, 1019 ID+@

    6915,0 1033-1037 UNID, strong \fading, testing "1-2-3-4-5 test" (maybe MIKE R. testing)

    6285,0 1613-1743 FOCUS INT, rock, ID+@, POB Herten, pops, tk in E, 1743 "last W.E. of thr month" (1758 f/out?)

    6285,0 1951-2026 FOCUS INT, \weak,PLC,stn underneath. mx, IDs, POB, 2004 Get it on, 2015 Mungo jerry, 2016 tk: R.Essex and Sealand, 2020 Elvis Costello.

    6285,0 1951-2026 UNID, D songs under Focus Int, even stronger around 2010-2015.

    6212,0 1615-1641 R. LUXEMBURG, pops, occ. D song, 1636 ID+@ by W.

    6374,9 1619-1629 R. OSAKA, \some ut., occ.traffic. D or G songs, R&R, C&W, ID, 50s pop...

    6937,5 1631-1755 IMR R., \some fading, usual noise underneath, mx, tk, 60s pop, IDs

    6985,0 1633-1950 LIGHTNING R., e.weak +weak peaks, mx, pop-rock, 1710 v.short ID "Lightning Radio, short wave"

    6295,0 1640-1725 MUSTANG R., strong, mx and blanks at first, 1649 Highway to hell, 1702 synthe mx, 1717 g's to UKdxer, ID, c'/d, rock, C&W, 1722 Hendrix"Purple haze", 1725 Whole Lotta love. (1736 gone)

    4026,0 1729-2037 LASER HOT HITS, \fading, deep fading, ID, tk, pop-rock, 1909 FSN,OEM, Elvis in 1971 (2358 ID)

    3460 L 1803-1931 UNID, Joe Cocker "Cry me a river", rock-blues, short comments from other stns

    3905,0 1910-2407 UNID, weak-fair \noisy, mix pop-rock-D mx, 1912 g's over mx, 1937 short tk in D. [ cf SKYLINE INT ]

    * * * * * SAT. 24 NOV. 2012 * * * * *

    4026,0 0755, 0910 LASER HOT HITS %, 0755 blank, 0910 trace +peaks with some audio, "studio" heard.

    4026,0 1702-1705 LASER HOT HITS, tk about cleaning the studio, IDs, fq 4026 announced.

    4026,0 2010-2313 LASER HOT HITS, weak, mx, tk, 2038 ID as LASER INT. Not the former good signals at night.

    6285,0 0755-0928 FOCUS INT, strong peaks, mx, ID+@+hl+POB, mx, 60s pops.

    6285,0 1238-1656 FOCUS INT, good, efficient mx mod \odd fade, mx, tk, 1238 duo tk about pirate radio equipment

    6260,0 0759-0842 UNID, weak +good peaks, Mike Oldfield instrumental, more mx, 0842 fade out.

    6070,0 0805,0908 R. 6150 test %, very weak mx (0805 John Lennon)

    7265,0 0859-0900 HAMBURG LOKALE R., ID in G, tk in G. (6190 relay scheduled at 1100 : not heard)

    6937,5 0904-0908 IMR R., weak, cleaner than on evenings. mx, ID and tk by W.

    6937,5 1312,1647 IMR R., 1312 v.weak mx, 1647 weak \fading, usual noise underneath, mx, tk ID.

    6304,8 1241-1247* UNID, weak \het from 6300 at times, D punk rock, and off. [ cf MERLIN ? ]

    6320,4 1258-1305 UNID, e.weak \noisy ut. accordion heard at peaks. [ cf new D stn RONEX R. ]

    6095,0 1307-1559* KBC, 60s pop-rock, ID, facebook, Arthur Alexander.

    6210,0 1323-1330* UNID, v./e. weak \noise around, PLC s/on. pops (maybe 60s?), no ID and s/off.

    6295,7 1332-1401 UNID, v.weak \PLC, D songs, Eurovision? song, nonstop. [ cf VERONA, cf RACEMONSTER ]

    6295,7 1610-1716 UNID, D songs, 1627 tk about BLUE something. [ cf VERONA, cf PIRATEN TEAM ]

    6305,0 1341-1400 UNID, weak-v.weak \PLC, tk in E, DX news, 1352 BBMS recording? , R. Underground ??

    6324,9 1601-1610* R. ALTREX, v.weak \PLC, tk in D+E, ID, c'/d, till tomorrow, mx, mooh!, ut.QRM, off

    6266,4 1613-1636 R. BLACKBEARD, e.weak. mx, ID+@, hl, mx, IDs "live from the UK". (1656 gone)

    6214,0 1619-1619* UNID, W voice, jingle, M voice "I'll be back" and s/off. [ cf SLUWE VOS ]

    6206,5 1620-1643 R. UNDERGROUND, mx, ID+@, JID over techno mx, "rainy all day", tk:Skyline... D song.

    6215,1 1636-1642 RWI, "Be bop a lula"(reprise), ID, tk in E, sth about "1 kW"(not RWI !), "Africa" (1657 gone)

    6985,0 1650-2105 UNID, e.weak \occ.traffic. mx. 2008 tk in E, (unusual if Lightning) [ cf LIGHTNING R. ]

    3955,0 1705-1711 UNID " -- -- FM", mx, IDs in G, ment' R. 700, JID, mx. [ cf DELUXE FM ]

    6304,0 1718-1718 UNID, D song (end of listening for a while). [ cf VENDOR ]

    3904,4 2012-2023* R. ALICE, Acropolis adieu, I only want to be with you, Bad case of loving you, ID, bit mx, s/off.

    3495,0 2025-2053 NEW R. CAROLINE, v.weak in AM, mx, JID, Twist again, more mx from early 60s.

    3905,0 2042-2049* UNID, e.weak, mx and tk, under noise. [ cf U-BOAT 66 ]

    3955,0 2311-2322 BNL ROCK R., Hendrix"All along the watchtower", ID, rock, S.Davis G. "Gimme some loving", ID

    3435 L 2315-2318 UNID, Greek mx, disturbed by traffic, then QSO.

    * * * * * SUN. 25 NOV. 2012 * * * * *

    6205,3 0659-0859 R. ORANG UTAN, weak \bad fading, pops, 0842 splash fr/B.Hunter, 0857 c'/d, "monkey radio"

    6070,0 0701-1034 R. 6150 test %, v.weak \2nd stn tk', mx, 1033 ttk,jingle,"45 years old", This is R.(Pacific??), lasers

    6070,0 1545-1545 R. 6150 test %, v.weak, Donna Summer "Hot stuff", W DJ

    7265,0 0703-0759* EUROPEAN MUSIC R., mx, IDs, 0710 OEM, ID, Flashback, Crocodile rock, 0759 c'/d

    6285,0 0751-1220, FOCUS INT, pop, rock, 0833 "They're going to take me away ah ah"0928 ID

    6285,0 1431-1812 FOCUS INT, \PLC. E.Costello"Our lips are sealed", ID, duo tk:O'Rahilly, rpts (repeat)

    6240,1 0752-1049 RWI, weak \fading, tk + ID in E, "29 years", C&W, drift to 6239,9 (also mx at 1220)

    6265,0 0756-0804* R. NORA, gd m', ID, c'/d soon, @, "On the border", instrum mx, Booker T.

    9480,0 0800-0845 EMR, \fading, (7265 was better). ID, fq, 0801 Iona Lewis, mx, IDs, tk 0844 mailbox

    7590,5 0810-0811* UNID, synthe-drum song, switch to 7605,5 [ cf SHORELINE ]

    7605,5 *0811-0812 UNID, ex 7590,5 same track, then mx with too much effects, enough. [ cf SHORELINE ]

    6306,9 0816-0955 UNID, v.weak \fading, 0832 Jefferson Airplane, 0925 Puppet on a string, 0952 "Days of Pearly .Spencer" [ NEW WAVE ? ]

    6195,0 0819-0851* BORDERHUNTER R., strong, some splashing. Roll over Beethoven, ann' ABBA, IDs...

    6180,0 0822-0957 R. ALTREX, e.weak +weak peaks, pops, 0931 tk, ID. (1050 still a trace)

    6214 a 0841-1028 UNID, wide wobbling, self noise jamming [ cf KING SW ]

    9480,0 *0900-0915 ATLANTIC 2000 INT, multi ID, live IDs+@, Stevie Wonder, synthe+F singer, M.Sardou?

    6937,5 0916-1045 IMR R., v.weak, rock, jingles, IDs, pops. (also at 1224)

    6937,5 1529-1810 IMR R., v.weak, mx, tk, ID

    6375,5 0920-1001* R. ROCKEFELLER, D mx, 0958 tk in D, c'/d IDs+@ in E

    6375,6 1002-1005 R. ASCONA, accordion, ID, tk in D (later around 6375 : long QSO round)

    6095,0 0933-1051 KBC, powerful, mx, tk by duo, 1051 duo with W by phone. (also at 1543, tk, mx)

    6045,0 0935-0941 UNID, pops, tk in E, rpts received (200-300 each month !) [ cf ICEMAN ]

    5835,0 0943-0951 R. THUNDERBIRD, v.weak \fading, bad audio, rock, canned +live IDs in E+G, Moonlight shadow

    9480,0 1013-1053 R. GLORIA, in G, Dave Clark 5"Everybody knows", Gerry &Pacemakers1018 JID, audio problem

    12257,2 1020,1052 UNID, trace (modulated). [ cf WRI ]

    6300,0 1036-1047 TOP R., accordion, synthe-song, 1046 D or G song, JID+web site

    6320,5 1038-1041 UNID, e.weak \under 6317 noisy ut. tk, mx, 1041 lost. [ cf RONEX ]

    6279,9 1441-1448* UNID, v.weak \PLC, side noisy ut. in E+D, mx, IDs incl' "Twente", SW-- @gmail, Neede [ cf ODYNN ]

    6254,9 1448-1502 UNID, pops. [ cf LUXEMB. ? ]

    6220,0 1450-1455 WITTE REUS, weak \ut bursts, mx, pop, 1455 disturbed by Morse, shifts to 6215

    6215,0 1455-1458 WITTE REUS, ex 6220, 1457 ID, Dragonslayer, mx.

    6215,0 1541-1541 UNID, mx [ cf TELSTAR ]

    6305,0 1504-1510 UNID, e.weak \noisy, hard to hear, mx [ cf JOEY ? ]

    6323,9 1510-1515 R. ZODIAC, weak \fading, noisy ut. rock"Let's go", ID, the Doors "L.A. woman"

    6450,5 1516-1528 R. READYMIX, \PLC, side noisy ut. D and other songs. 1528 ID in E, tk in D.

    6985,0 1530-2008 UNID, e./v.weak \noisy, ut.QRM. mx, " -- -- SW", 1929 Red Chili HP"Give it away" [cf LIGHTN. ]

    6307,0 1533-1556 UNID, e.weak, Romeo&Juliet, pops, Romeo&Juliet again, child voice over. [ cf JOEY ]

    6555,0 1644-1805 UNID, e.weak > v.weak > \PLC. pops [ cf JOEY ]

    6239,5 1654-1712 R. UNDERGROUND, strong \fading, ut bursts. D? song, test, "house" mx, 1706 ID

    6215,1 1656-1713 UNID, tk in D, ment' Casanova R., g's to Marco, D mx. [ cf TELSTAR ]

    6205,0 1658-1706 BORDERHUNTER R., mx, distorted IDs, 1700 ID+@, instrum. 1706 J.Jett"I love rock 'n roll"

    6289,9 1812-1830 UNID, trace-v.weak \het, 1821 D song, accordion, tk in D, 1826 some C&W

    6289,1 1813-1821 UNID, pops, some reggae, 1821 s/off?

    3450 L 1939-2028 UNID, Greek mx

    3455 L 2012-2028 UNID, instrum mx, other st. disapproval, 2028 back v.strong now, but bad audio.

    mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, rpt=report, v.=very,
    e.=extremely w.=with, ', c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility,
    ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline
    > =becoming/then, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
    Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
