Logs from South-West of France - March 15 to 17

Logs from pirates on shortwave.
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Hardcore Gold Piratear
Hardcore Gold Piratear
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Location: South-West France

Logs from South-West of France - March 15 to 17

Post by Toutatis »

Hi to all,

Stations heard this weekend:

Friday, March 15th

5040 1638 Radio Deltracks
5805 1833 Contikenzo
6285 1538 Radio Monique
6300 1532 Skyline Radio Germany - 1637 : end
6875 1748 Radio Europe - Italy
6931 1716 Indy Radio

Saturday, March 16th

3905 1943 Radio Alice
5015 0806 Radio Deltracks
5805 1822 Contikenzo
5880 0820 Radio Rock Revolution
6060 0758 Radio Casanova
6140 0847 Radio Onda
6195 0835 Gringo Radio
6210 1806 King Shortwave
6275 1839 Sunrise Radio
6290 1639 Radio Ronalisa
6290 1649 Radio Scotland International - QSO with Ronalisa
6290 1829 Weekend Music Radio
6295 1755 Radio Abu Dhabi - (Johnny Tobacco)
6375 1810 Radio Uferlos
6390 1948 Radio Joey
6397 1800 Radio Pandora - UK
6875 0830 Radio Europe - Italy
6931 1815 Indy Radio

Sunday, March 17th

5010 1529 Contikenzo - // 5800 kHz
5015 2059 Contikenzo - // 5800 kHz
5035 1728 Radio Deltracks
5040 0803 Radio Deltracks
5800 1022 Contikenzo
5880 0808 Radio Rock Revolution
5910 1016 Central Radio International - UK
6020 0849 Radio Casanova - 1003 : end
6110 0812 Radio Delta International - // 12030 kHz
6140 0841 Radio Onda
6195 0837 Gringo Radio
6210 1715 King Shortwave
6240 1515 Radio Monique
6265 0905 Radio Cuckoo
6275 2010 Radio B4 - (Batavier)
6278 0827 Mexico Radio
6278 1426 Radio Joey
6290 0822 Weekend Music Radio
6300 1047 Radio Blauwe Panter
6325 1642 Radio Batavia
6931 1719 Indy Radio
6940 0934 Radio Jan Van Gent
6940 1946 Zeppelin Radio
7684,6 1952 Charity Radio
12030 0815 Radio Delta International - // 6110 kHz
13865 0915 Radio Piepzender

+ some unid stations not listed

Tecsun S-2000
Elektor SDR
Grundig Satellit 2000
Yaesu FRG 7000
Grundig Yacht Boy 400
Silvercrest KH 2029
Long wire antenna
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