Logs from South-West of France - February 23 to 25

Logs from pirates on shortwave.
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Hardcore Gold Piratear
Hardcore Gold Piratear
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Location: South-West France

Logs from South-West of France - February 23 to 25

Post by Toutatis »

Hi to all,

Stations heard this weekend :

Friday, February 23rd

5016 1953 Radio Deltracks
5140 1645 Charleston Radio International
6280 1653 Radio De Mi Amigo
6290 1716 Johnny Tobacco
6931 1705 Indy Radio

Saturday, February 24th

3943 1830 Misti Radio - 1858 : end
3975 1705 Weekend Music Radio - via Shortwave Radio
5015 1805 Radio Deltracks
5016 0829 Radio Deltracks
5140 0833 Charleston Radio International
5804.5 1820 Central Radio International
5840 1815 Contikenzo
5880 0837 Radio Rock Revolution
6060 0842 Radio Casanova - 0952 : end
6195 1540 Gringo Radio
6210 1637 King Shortwave
6258 1844 Radio Joey - 1856 : end
6275 1649 Moon Air Radio
6290 1536 Weekend Music Radio
6320 1953 Radio Joey
6398 1548 Radio Pandora - UK
6480 1553 Polka Radio
6931 1943 Indy Radio

Sunday, February 25th

3975 1732 Weekend Music Radio - via Shortwave Radio
5140 1254 Charleston Radio International
5840 0918 Contikenzo
5880 1025 Radio Rock Revolution
6020 0929 Radio Casanova
6110 0935 Radio Delta International - 1128 : end - // 12030 kHz
6140 1039 Radio Onda
6160 0907 Skyline Radio Germany - via Shortwave Radio
6200.5 1007 Technical Man
6210 0844 King Shortwave
6230 1809 Laser Hot Hits
6240 1510 Radio Monique
6250 0829 Moon Air Radio
6260 1744 Radio Ronalisa
6280 0953 Contikenzo - // 5840 kHz
6290 0900 Weekend Music Radio
6300 1049 Johnny Tobacco - 1133 : end - identification via Chat, thanks to Misti
6300 1505 Radio Batavia
6301 0823 Mexico Radio
6320 1243 Radio Joey
6400 1524 De Wittereus - 1545 : relaying Contikenzo
6931 1300 Indy Radio
6940 1001 Radio Pamela
12030 0941 Radio Delta International - 1128 : end - // 6110 kHz

+ several unid stations not listed (no id = no report)

Tecsun S-2000
Elektor SDR
Grundig Satellit 2000
Yaesu FRG 7000
Grundig Yacht Boy 400
Silvercrest KH 2029
Long wire antenna
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