Logs from South-West of France - January 20 & 21

Logs from pirates on shortwave.
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Hardcore Gold Piratear
Hardcore Gold Piratear
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Location: South-West France

Logs from South-West of France - January 20 & 21

Post by Toutatis »

Hi to all,

Stations heard this weekend:

Saturday, January 20th

3925 1813 Misti Radio
5140 0846 Charleston Radio International
5811 1511 Contikenzo
5880 0824 Radio Rock Revolution
6060 0839 Radio Casanova
6070 1532 Channel 292 - Rohrbach-Waal - Back on the air!
6205 1804 Technical Man
6210 1636 King Shortwave
6270 1108 Radio Blackstone - 1120 : end
6285 0812 Radio Deltracks - 0815 : end
6290 1648 Mexico Radio
6295 0829 Kiss AM
6295 0901 Weekend Music Radio - via Kiss AM
6295 1703 Kiss AM
6931 1947 Indy Radio

Sunday, January 21st

3975 1648 Weekend Music Radio - via Shortwave Radio
3975 1816 Skyline Radio Germany - via Shortwave Radio
5140 1822 Charleston Radio International
5810 1359 Contikenzo
5872 1643 Central Radio International
5880 0951 Radio Rock Revolution
5980 0845 Golden Oldies Radio - via Mike Radio
6020 0829 Radio Casanova
6110 0834 Radio Delta International
6195 1631 Gringo Radio
6200.5 0938 Technical Man
6205 1323 Technical Man
6210 0932 King Shortwave
6270 1513 Radio Joey
6275 1414 Radio Batavia - 1419 : end
6280 0818 Superclan Radio - // 6070 kHz - via Radio Deltracks
6280 0909 Radio Deltracks
6280 1522 Mexico Radio
6285 1750 Skull and Bones Radio System
6290 0822 Enterprise Radio - 0823 : SSTV
6290 1310 Radio Monique
6290 1430 Radio Batavia
6300 1531 Radio Deltracks
6320 1351 Radio Joey
6375 1638 Baken 16
6375 1800 Sunrise Radio
6700 0838 Polka Radio
6875 1016 Radio Europe - Italy
6931 1742 Indy Radio
9295 1055 Radio Pamela - extra weak signal
12030 1011 Radio Delta International - // 6110 kHz
Tecsun S-2000
Elektor SDR
Grundig Satellit 2000
Yaesu FRG 7000
Grundig Yacht Boy 400
Silvercrest KH 2029
Long wire antenna
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