Logs from South-West of France - December 1 to 3

Logs from pirates on shortwave.
Log van piraten op korte-golf. (Ned & Eng)

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Hardcore Gold Piratear
Hardcore Gold Piratear
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Location: South-West France

Logs from South-West of France - December 1 to 3

Post by Toutatis »

Hi to all,

Many stations on the air again this weekend:

Friday, December 1st

5140 1716 Charleston Radio International
6205 1711 Superclan Radio - via relay
6300 1655 Radio Deltracks
6320 1725 Radio Ronalisa

Saturday, December 2nd

5140 1750 Charleston Radio International
5801 1704 Radio Deltracks
5880 0811 Radio Rock Revolution
6020 0827 Radio Casanova
6110 0834 Radio Delta International
6205 0947 Radio Deltracks
6205 1709 Scandinavian Weekend Radio - via unknown relay - // 11690 kHz
6280 0819 Radio Mexico
6285 1727 Radio Ronalisa
6300 0910 Weekend Music Radio
6320 1718 Kiss AM
6875 0901 Radio Europe - Italy
7405 1742 Radio Piepzender
11690 1713 Scandinavian Weekend Radio - Virrat - Finland - // 6205 kHz
12030 0926 Radio Delta International - // 6110 kHz

Sunday, December 3rd

3905 1957 Sluwe Vos Radio
3920 1706 Zender Akenzo
5140 0949 Charleston Radio International
5780 1720 Radio Harmony
5801 0922 Radio Deltracks
5835 0808 Golden Oldies Radio - via Mike Radio
5845 1737 Zender Akenzo - // 3920 kHz
5880 0816 Radio Rock Revolution
5940 0904 Radio Piepzender - // 7405 and 13865 kHz
6020 0850 Radio Casanova
6110 0841 Radio Delta International
6195 0908 Gringo Radio
6259 1702 Radio Joey - end of transmission
6270 0827 Radio Mexico
6280 0821 Radio Deltracks - 0849 : end
6283 1651 Radio Lowland
6300 0832 Weekend Music Radio
6320 0836 Kiss AM
6380 1103 De Wittereus
6700 0845 Polka Radio
6875 0928 Radio Europe - Italy
6940 0934 Radio Jan Van Gent
6955 1659 Radio Voyager - 1702 : end
7405 0900 Radio Piepzender - // 5940 and 13865 kHz
7590 1012 Radio Pamela
12030 0917 Radio Delta International - // 6110 kHz
13865 0856 Radio Piepzender - // 5940 and 7405 kHz

Tecsun S-2000
Elektor SDR
Grundig Satellit 2000
Yaesu FRG 7000
Grundig Yacht Boy 400
Silvercrest KH 2029
Long wire antenna
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