London Calling

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Radio Floss International

London Calling

Post by Radio Floss International »

Stations heard today in London;In reverse order.I want to save the worst till last.........

6275 - 1540 - 1545 - Radio Free London - Fair signal.
6305 - 1400 - 1410 - Radio Mazda - Fair signal -
6240 - 1040 - 1050 - Britain Radio Int - Fair/noisy
6300 - 0930 - 0940 - UNID - German? - Very strong with Pirate DX prog.
6260 - 0920 - 0930 - Tower Radio - Quite strong
6265 - 0920 - 0930 - Tower Radio - Quite strong
6270 - 0920 - 0930 - Tower Radio - Quite strong
6275 - 0920 - 0930 - Tower Radio - Quite strong
6280 - 0920 - 0930 - Tower radio - Quite strong
6285 - 0920 - 0930 - Tower Radio - Quite strong
6290 - 0920 - 0930 - Tower radio - Quite strong

This is not a joke! Tower Radio put out one of the worst signals that I have heard in over 30 years of Pirate radio!!!!!!!!I don't know if the "Tower" has any respect in Holland,but I think most Dutch operators will agree that his signal this weekend was awful.Splattering over half the band,under modulated and as for the programmes.........rubbish!!!!
I know Tower/Veronique has been around for a long time,but this weekends broadcast was shameful

Andy Richards.
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Tower and your comments

Post by Dave »

Andy, I couldn't agree more! At the risk of starting WW3,this has been the complaint against some Dutch pirates in the past, we thought it was over. But the way Tower was ranting on about RFL it seems that they are intent on causing trouble. They said that with their power they would smash RFL's signal so no-one would hear them,(they were wrong!) If thats not an admission of deliberate jamming I don't know what is. As for the quality of their signal, it was rubbish.Sidebands splattering down past 6235 and up past 6315 thats nearly 100 KHz of bandwidth not band on band 2 FM. But outrageous for 48M's. If their audio had been processed correctly to keep their sidebands to the correct level their signal would have been much stronger on the frequency that they were TXing on. Instead they wasted most of their power producing those wide sidebands.
Dave Martin.
For any reports on WNKR broadcasts, please Send to
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WNKR website The Commando and Corsair TXs.

powerful Tower Radio

Post by Guest »

Hi !

Tower Radio produces really very strong signal, so, offers a good reception for their listeners. But Tower Radio closed many frequencies for other pirate stations.
I think will be better if Tower Radio will find the another frequency a little outside of a pirate band 6200-6315 kHz. Their former frequency 6400 kHz wasn't really good due to the interferences from North Korean transmitter on the same frequency. Maybe 6396 will be better ?
Some interferences to Jolly Roger Radio relays on 6380 will be, I think.
Radio Floss International

Post by Radio Floss International »

Two posters with balls enough to tell the truth!Thank you Dave,thank you Robertas!
One English,one Lithuanian.No Dutch!
Don't get me wrong...........I am a great admirer of Dutch Free Radio,besides all the history,this site is set up by Alfred of ALI,one of the best short wave stations ever,I even,enjoy the mighty SPACEMAN whose great signals and entertaing programmes ensure him legendary status.Even when he's not completely sober!!
But as for "Tower",what a bitter disappointment.
I can't believe there are no Dutch operators out there without the balls to say what they really think.I know that many of you must know him,but free radio is bigger than this.We are INTERNATIONAL!!If you don't berate the bad operators now they will carry on making bad relations in the international Pirate scene.We are all in this together.........this is not about Dutch v English or v German or v Belgian or v French or whatever!!Let's get this ORGANISED!!!
More communication between stations is needed.Even if only by e-mail,but meetings would be good.Let's not have any more rows about who's frequency it is,we are all Pirates after alll!!!!

I want to hear more Pirates...................not lots of noise!!!

Andy Richards.
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Post by alfred »

Yes, I must agree. What these guys are doing is Crap [-X , If you cant behave when you drink lots of beer :beerparty: you,ll have to stay clean. I was also once invited to put my rig on top of them, They made lots of comments about station Alfa Lima :ahoy: . If it happens by mistake i would say, shit happens and nobody is perfect but it seems they do it on purpuse. Also trying to profoke other stations by loudmouthing is not the way to make friends.
Spoke to one of the Tower/Veronique guys on a baarle meeting and he seemed to me to be a nice guy, but he was not the leading man at Tower/Veroniqeu. :(
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Post by alfred »

Radio Floss International wrote:Two posters with balls enough to tell the truth!Thank you Dave,thank you Robertas!
One English,one Lithuanian.No Dutch!
Don't get me wrong...........I am a great admirer of Dutch Free Radio,besides all the history,this site is set up by Alfred of ALI,one of the best short wave stations ever,I even,enjoy the mighty SPACEMAN whose great signals and entertaing programmes ensure him legendary status.Even when he's not completely sober!!
But as for "Tower",what a bitter disappointment.
I can't believe there are no Dutch operators out there without the balls to say what they really think.I know that many of you must know him,but free radio is bigger than this.We are INTERNATIONAL!!If you don't berate the bad operators now they will carry on making bad relations in the international Pirate scene.We are all in this together.........this is not about Dutch v English or v German or v Belgian or v French or whatever!!Let's get this ORGANISED!!!
More communication between stations is needed.Even if only by e-mail,but meetings would be good.Let's not have any more rows about who's frequency it is,we are all Pirates after alll!!!!

I want to hear more Pirates...................not lots of noise!!!

Andy Richards.
Hey Andy, Thanks for you kind words. I agree that we should hear also more from Dutch Pirates that they absolutely not agree with this kind of behaviour. Often some stations complain about dutch pirates, and often i say, It can happen, going on top of eachother, simple reason, the last station that came on could not hear the other. So therefor i often say, dont complain too fast as most of the times it only happens due the reason just said. But this,,,, well, we know that they don't care a lot for other pirates so i dear to say.. done on Purpuse and therefor i realy wish they would be REALLY raided. (Lot of you might already know what i mean with REALLY) This all makes me think about some word of RFL way back, Don't know anymore who it was but it was than about bluestar. he was that a week ago ontop of RFL. DJ in question spoke for Bluestar and said that bluestart should have thought, Fuck the others, Let god sort them out., i will look for the audio file and put it on
Greetings a Good DutchY??
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Post by alfred »

Just reading wnkr his posting,,,


Tower was ranting on about RFL it seems that they are intent on causing trouble. They said that with their power they would smash RFL's signal so no-one would hear them,(

Showofs are they, with high power, with IQ of 50??? I condem action like tower do.
Andplease.. I tryed to explain many times that due the fact there are so many dutch stations the change is higher to get qrm of a dutchy, But,, Dutch stations are not divirend compaired to stations from other country's So leave the word dutchys and name it like it is, by station name and not the dutchy's did it again.
alfred.zoer [ad]


Post by SWS »

First a big hello to all! I think I know a little bit more about the show of Tower last sunday. It was no good to come on top of RFL. I know more things, but I can not say more. What I can say is that Robby ask friendly to RFL to come not on that freq. , because Tower only once in two months come on the freq.!! They were in the past several times on the 6275. But if RFL thinks they must come on that freq. whole weekends with repeating stuff, okay. More people complain about that, their programs can't be understand by most people on the continent. Because of the non stop fast English talking.
I hope we come to a good understanding with all the stations from the different countries, I think Andy has a good statement to meet each other and talk about it. I know a lot of pirates and when you know each other it a lot better to make friends!!
Radio Floss International

Post by Radio Floss International »

Thanks SWS and Alfred for your replies.(I knew you would have the balls,Alfred!......for readers who do not understand slang English;balls means means testicles.....look it up in a dictionary :D
Tower did say on air that he asked RFL to stay off air because his gear was tuned to 6275.Maybe Dave Martin will get back to us on this.But this is a poor argument.
RFL have used 6275 for the last few weeks.Tower have used it occasionaly for a very long time.So whose frequency is it?................the airwaves are free!!WE ARE PIRATES!!It is not anyones of course!What needs to happen is sensible communication between operators.
Also,I cannot believe Tower's splatter was not deliberate.He turned his graphic up on purpose to cause as much splatter as possible.In his previous broadcasts I have never heard him splatter like this.
Either it was deliberate or he does not have the technical knowledge to operate a proper station.
Maybe Tower will be man enough to post a response.I don't think this group would be unforgiving,we all make mistakes,especially in the heat of the moment,or when we have had a drink too many.
I would welcome a response from Tower Radio.

Andy Richards.


Post by robbie »

hai folks,

the first,i ask the rfl friendly to not come on the freq.ok this for every one.But Whe broadcast once in the eight weeks.And whe broadcast now a couple of weeks on 6275 khz.
And now is broadcast also rfl on the same freq.But now whe must every thing make ready in 1 day to make a program.
Ower antenna ower transmitter ower studio and a lot of stuff.And whe must testing also in 1 day.
The next time whe are looking for a other freq.again,And whe hope whe make not to many people angry.Whe trying to come back on a other freq.
so friends i`m sorry for the last sunday,And hope for a better future.
greeting robbie.
Nu ff in het nederlands kan ik beter typen hihihihihi,Oke sorry van af deze kant,maar we gaan weer op zoek naar een andere freq.en hopen hierbij van harte dat deze dan ook ,Als wij draaien vrij zal zijn,Omdat wij gewoon niet vaker kunnen uitzenden,we hadden graag gewild maar dat is niet mogelijk.Mensen gegroet robbie
Radio Floss International

Post by Radio Floss International »

Hi Robbie,

I thank you for your posting to this message board and admire your courage too.I understand your comments and accept your apology on behalf of the Pirate community.
These things happen,as Alfred posted earlier,often by accident,but sometimes on purpose.We cannot do anything about these things happening by accident,but we can do something about when they happen deliberately.
All operators need to keep in touch more.And not just with operators from your own country.We all need to actively try to contact Pirates from other countries to avoid this type of misunderstandiing happening again.
It may seem a little brash,but I think Robbie & Dave Martin should contact each other & talk.A friendship could be created here.In fact I would encourage all international dialogue between Pirates.Let's include the Americains too.As I have said before,Pirate Radio is Interntional & has no boundaries.
I will close this post saying that I hope a good lesson has been learnt by last weeks events and that this never happens again and if it does,the Pirate Community will stand up & complain.My hope is that relations will improve & that we will all come closer in a feeling of mutual respect.
I look forward to this weekends broadcasts,it is a Public Holiday in the UK,so expect some activity on Monday.Is it a Public holiday in Holland or anywhere else in Europe?

Andy Richards.
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Post by Dave »

Andy I can honestly say I have no control over what RFL do.I'm over a 100 miles away from the rest of the guys.I just do my shows and upload them to the net.Oh and I do build some of the rigs, like the 6275 one which is only 20 watts.
Radio Floss International wrote:Tower did say on air that he asked RFL to stay off air because his gear was tuned to 6275.Maybe Dave Martin will get back to us on this.But this is a poor argument.
RFL have used 6275 for the last few weeks.
Andy Richards.
For any reports on WNKR broadcasts, please Send to
or SMS to + 44 (0)7961096954
WNKR website The Commando and Corsair TXs.
Radio Floss International

Post by Radio Floss International »

Understood Dave.But at least Robbie of Tower/Veronique realises that what he did was wrong and most people reading this realise that it was wrong ,hopefully we will reach a situation where we can control ourselves and stamp out any unruly behaviour.
I look forward to this weekend's listening,hopefully many Pirates of all nationalities on the band........AND NO INTERFERENCE!!!!!!!!!

Andy Richards.

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