LOGS : 23 - 29 NOV. 2015

Logs from pirates on shortwave.
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Ray Lalleu
Hardcore Gold Piratear
Hardcore Gold Piratear
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LOGS : 23 - 29 NOV. 2015

Post by Ray Lalleu »


This log is (as usual) crosschecked with all the logs I could easily find on Internet, namely from :
Franja - Iann - Ihor - Irish Paul - Lowland - Maresme - NewfoundlandDXer - Rick - Terry(England) - Toutatis - UKdxer - ULX ...
... and also a part of the huge everchanging site of * Achim *

Thanks to all. I would like my browser not blasting on a few other ones (or at least not before it leaves something in its cache folder)

Puzzling tips :
-on Wed. and Thurs., loop for hours on 6215
-on Sat. afternoon, R. Skywire before Delta on the same frequency ?
-on Thurs. night, some '--UMNY'(?) station on 6950, maybe from USA

* * * * * MON. 23 NOV. 2015 * * * * *

6304,0 1500-1501* UNID, v.gd ev', accn, bugles, end - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf VENDOR ]

6290,4 1502-1648 R. GOOFY SW, e.weak\noisy; mx, most IDs not OK, 1511 a good one, 1533 Scatman

6380,1 1544-1559 UNID, v.weak; mx. \QRM 6380,0 then back and forth on 6381,9 / 6382,9, jamming ?
6380,1 1606-1623 BAKEN 16, \noisy,PLC; rock, mx, 1623 JID (Cucaracha tune)

6005,0 *1600-1700* R. MI AMIGO, weak\fading,het 6003; welcome, ID+web, R&B from the 60s

6400,8 1610-1716 R. GSV, e.weak; mx, 1615 Man of action, ID+@, 1619 ID, rock, 1642 barely heard

6305,1 1625,1637 trace - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf ETHERFREAK ]

6070,0 1632-1649 R. D-A-R-C, blues, JID, duo tk in G : news for hams

4026,0 1910-2320 LASER HOT HITS, fair\fading, var. ut's around, 2044 ID+@, rpt about 6400, mx, IDs

3934,9 2030-2100 R. RAINBOW, v.weak\noisy; 2037 Reggae night, 2041 ID+@, ment' LHH, etc

* * * * * TUES. 24 NOV. 2015 * * * * *

6265,1 1627-1631 UNID, trace \undermod? under strong PLC;

6325,3 1631-1636 UNID, e.weak\PLC,fades; mx. - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf GOOFY ]

6005,0 1638-1658 R. MI AMIGO INT, \QRM6003; 70s pops, IDs, Joepie Magazine, etc, Star Wars

3985,0 *1800-1807 R. MI AMIGO INT, welcome, ID, "golden era", online shop, pops, 1805 e.weak\noisy,beatings

4026,0 1759-2036 LASER HOT HITS, strong\noisy > good; Michel Polnareff, 1805 ID, etc (2103 trace)

3904,9 1925-2100 R.Z. ALICE, good-strong\fading; mx parts, IDs, D/G songs and pops, 1941 Angie

3935,1 1955-2047 MIKE R., good\slow fading; pop-rock, 2026 Spirit in the sky, 2030 \hum-QRM Rainbow

3934,9 2030-2101* RAINBOW %, hum under Mike R. at first, 2054 swamped, 2101 bit of mx, end

6985,2 2042-2320 QBC, trace-e.weak\loc.noise; 2104 short ID, mx

* * * * * WED. 25 NOV. 2015 * * * * *

6289,9 1655-1656 e.weak\PLC,atmos; lost.

6005,0 1658-1700* MI AMIGO %, fair-good\fading; mx, noname jingle, end (later : R. 700)

6307,1 1706-1717 R. GOOFY SW, e.weak\PLC; mx, usual bitchy ID (not OK, but usual)

6299,9 1707-1709* UNID, weak\splashing; mx, end?

6215,0 1717-2407 UNID, e.weak\ut.,breaking fading,strong stanag6220; pop girl in a loop for hours

6985,2 1845-2000a QBC, e.weak\noisy,ut; mx, 1905 v.clear ID+@ in E, \noisy again; rock (2030 gone)
6985,2 2213-2359* QBC, v.weak; mx, many short IDs

3985,0 1848,1857 MI AMIGO %, \under loc.noise; mx(barely heard). (Then R.Slovakai in G, f'/up)

4025,0 1850-1931 UNID, \under loc.noise;
4026,0 2032-2432 LASER HOT HITS, weak\noisy,RTTY4020 > good\occ.traffic; mx, tk, IDs, 2427 ad for OEM

3934,9 2035,2100 R. RAINBOW; 2035 trace. 2100 clear ID+@ by M, 2101 ID not so clear by W, end.

* * * * * THURS. 26 NOV. 2015 * * * * *

6300,0 1325-1456 Su - - (??) R., fair_good\PLC; rock, bitchy IDs no copy. - - - - - -[ cf SHORELINE R. ]
6300,1 1516-1520* UNID, rock, ID sounding like Cool AM R. (??), end

6325,4 1350-1603 R. GOOFY, v.weak\PLC; mx, usual bitchy IDs (no real copy)

6285,0 1506-1515 UNID, v.weak\PLC,noisy; D mx. (1524 gone, or deep fade?) - - - [ cf HITMIX ]
6285,0 1525-1533 UNID, e.weak\PLC; mx, accn, 1533 lost, end?

6215,0 1537-2212 UNID, e.weak\much noise, ut's,etc, v.hard to hear; maybe a 3 min loop with W singer and annt ??

6005,0 1606-1700* R. MI AMIGO INT, fair-good\QRM; pops, IDs, 70s hits, Caroline chart, 1658 noise all around

6299,9 1617-1703* R. NORTON, \PLC; ID, G singers

4026,0 1908-2331 LASER HOT HITS, fair>good \ut's around; mx, IDs

6985,2 1925-2325 QBC INT, e.weak\het 6986,deep fades; 1959 ID+@, some gospel-like, mx, short IDs

3934,9 2050-2101* R. RAINBOW INT, v.weak\traffic 3930u; mx, ID, ment' Caroline Int, web site...

6299,6 2119-2135 UNID, e.weak \stanag QRN; some mx, v.hard to hear

6950 u 2218-2244 UNID, e.weak\noisy; mx, tk in E (phone call), IDs as "--UMNY" (?), rock guitar

6950 u 2303-2324* R. FREE WHATEVER, mx, 2317 Paint it black (alt take), 2319 IDs, T-shirts, c'/d, last song, ID

6850,5 2312-2316 UNID, e.weak\v.noisy,'motorboating' QRM; mx (2327 gone)

* * * * * FRI. 27 NOV. 2015 * * * * *

6295,0 1141,1316 UNID(s?), 1141-1145 \stanag; trace of mx. 1316-1325 trace-e.weak; bit of tk, bit of mx

6304,8 1302-1602 R. MARABU, good\PLC; mx, tk in G, 1307,1501 ID, 1522 W on phone, 1602 classic mx (1712 out)
6304,8 1942-1948 R. MARABU %, e.weak \much ut.QRM, v.hard to hear, 1942 mx, 1946 duo tk

6989,9 1433-1438 R. KOMINTERN %, e.-v.weak\ut.QRN; russian song. (1518 gone)

6390,0 1504-1558 UNID, fair; pops, 1510 a few words in E, 1530 occ. song in G(?), 1554 Karma chameleon [cf PIONEER]

6400,7 1546-1558 R. GSV %, \traffic from S.E. France, occ. jammed by 'tchacs'; mx, tk

6285,0 1607-1618 S. HITMIX, v.weak\ut.QRN; 1607 c'/d bye-bye, 1615 v.gd aft', ID, pops \hum?; (1636 gone)

6372,95 1621-1626 UNID, mx, D mx ?, mx. (idea: ex-6390 ?)

6005,0 1630-1634 R. MI AMIGO, fair \usual het; pops, mailbag, Caroline nostalgia, ID+contacts, etc

6290,0 1636-1646 ANTHONY(?) R., e.weak \occ.dropouts; mx, tk in E (mike problems), 1645 ID (not OK), R&R

6875,1 1651-1653 UNID, jazz, \f'/out, lost;

6395,1 1658-1704 UNID, mx, mx, lost

4026,0 1807-2204 LASER HOT HITS, fair\fading; mx, IDs, 2042 comedy "I sentence you to listen to the BBC", pop-rock

3985,0 1808-1900* R. MI AMIGO, fair\fading,noisy; mx, tk, prize winner, ID, "19-65" jingle, S.Quatro, etc

6985,1 1823-2405 QBC, e.weak\noisy, fades, drift to 6985,3; mx, short IDs, 2033 ID+@, 2125 weak, ID, etc

3905,0 1902-2203 SKYLINE, fair\fading >good; D/G mx, G sirtaki, D "Oh Mexico", 2108 accn pops medley, polka, euro-pops, 2148 accn: Rosamunde-Pirea's children, 2158 tk, ID, D pops, "OK Studio 52"

6395,3 2409-2434 UNID, e. weak; pops, Ha ha said the clown, 2428 loop("Tiger feet"+rock track) [cf STUDIO 52]

6270,0 2416-2419 J. TOBACCO %, good; D mx, messing, D 'bourrée' ?, 2419 audio dropouts [ cf STRESS ]

* * * * * SAT. 28 NOV. 2015 * * * * *

6005,0 0809-0851 R. MI AMIGO INT, pops, Web-store, 0851 \strong noise, ID, M.Gaye. (Also at 1142, //9560)

6304,8 0811-0849 R. MARABU, strong \occ.weak,PLC; pop-rock, 0847 tk in G, ID+@

6400,7 0840-0844 GSV %, mx and tk under noise

6875,1 0853-0917 UNID, \noisy; jazzy mx. - - - - - - - - - - - -[ cf EUROPE ]

6304,85 1137-1753 R. MARABU, strong; non-stop Marabu, 1409 mx,tk in G; by 15-16 \het6305,9; 1700 good, 1753 e.weak

9560,0 1143-1146 R. MI AMIGO INT, good; //6005, mx, tk in G, g's, ID, e-store

7310,0 1147-1149 R. 700 %, pops, tk in G (not Mi Amigo). (Also 1301-1302 pops, //6005 and it's R.700)

6315 a 1324-1324* R. Z. ZODIAC, last seconds with mx and ID.

6324,65 1326-1337 R. SKYWIRE, v.weak\noisy; mx, tk, 1327 ID, long blank, mx
6324,6 1351,1408 UNID, mx, rock, 1408 W singer
6324,5 1431-1440* UNID, pop, 'space' mx [ cf DELTA with "War of the worlds" ]

6393,9 1340-1343* ZWARTE PANTER ?, D mx, tk in D, This is - - - 19(6)1@hotmail, D song, sudden s/off

6989,9 1346-1350 R. KOMINTERN %, e.weak\noisy; mx, W tk in Ru

6287,4 1503-1717 MAGIC AM, \slow drift to 6287,8; ID, "Oh lala", 1505 ..Amsterdam ..short test, mx, IDs, 1714 c'/d

6281,0- 1507-1530 RADIO 42, weak-fair\noisy; "Twist again", multi-ID, Polnareff instrum, mx, IDs

6205,2 1518-1643* UNID, v.weak\traffic6200u at first, noisy, light mod., drifty; Dylan"Hurricane", quiet mx [cf KING ]

6392,8 1536-1558 R. WAVES INT, \ut.QRN,drifty; Ruby don't take your love to town, ID+Rueil, C&W, IDs

6985,1 1542-1929 QBC, e.weak\ut.QRN,it.freebanders,deep fades; mx, barely heard short IDs

6399,9 1600-1602 RADIO 42, pop "Slow down", ID, "short test", tnx rpts, IDs+@, some reggae mx

6207,3+ 1615-1623 DELTA R., e.weak\het; "one-two", mx, "only 2W of power", D-like mx, 1623 allo, ID

6240,0 1647-1655 ANTHONY R., v.weak\noisy; mx, IDs, "Marylou"(euro)

6289,9 1718-1718 UNID, e.weak, some mx heard, lost

4026,0 1736-1828 LASER HH, tk about 35W, 120W max, free FM in Nottingham, 1823 clip, 1827 ID
4026,0 1958-2320 LASER HOT HITS, weak > strong; mx, IDs, 2124 Friday on my mind

6209,9 1743-1745 UNID, e.weak; mx, "- - Radio", lost - - - - - -[ cf RONALISA ]

6402,0 1932-1932 UNID, trace-e.weak; mx, lost - - - - - - - - - [ cf ASCONA ]

6245,3 1945-1957 UNID, trace-e.weak \up to 6245,4; mx, tk in E, "allo allo", mx

6235,4 2015-2058 TECHNICAL MAN %, e.weak\noisy; mx, tk, hl(part), allo..., v.gd ev'... 2052 "Blue monday"

3934,9 2058-2101* RAINBOW %, e.weak\v.noisy; mx, sudden s/off

6989,25 2111,2336 QBC, \v.noisy; mx, short IDs

* * * * * SUN. 29 NOV. 2015 * * * * *
>much local noise at 0900-1200 approx.

6070,0 0719-0752 R. WAVES INT, fair\fading, QRM underneath; C&W, Terrible Twins, Cancan, ID, "Comme un avion sans ailes", ID in F, Renaud"Mon HLM", Jamel, 0752 "In the army now"
6070,0 0800-0836 SUPERCLAN R., pops, offshore story (Veronica...), ID
6070,0 0900-0933 ATLANTIC 2000, weak\noisy; IDs, Adele, etc
6070,0 1124-1127 R. WAVES INT %, v.weak; "Let's go", C&W

6005,0 0732-0735 R. MI AMIGO INT, weak; ID, tk, Leon Keezer, web store, soul mx
6005,0 0903-0934 R. MI AMIGO INT, weak\noisy; "Layla", 0909 ID, // 9560, etc
9560,0 0909-0958 R. MI AMIGO INT, // 6005 but quite better, 0910 "War"
9560,0 1127-1220 R. MI AMIGO INT, ID, DJ Leon Keezer?, // 7310 but time-shifted, 1220 webstore
7310,0 1128-1318 R. MI AMIGO INT, ID, DJ, 1209 // 9560 but time-shifted, 1317 ID

6199,9 0735-0940 TECHNICAL MAN, fair-good, not at 0930; rock, D mx, etc, 0916 ID, 0935 maybe QSOing

6205,1 0737-0740 UNID, v.-e.weak\QRM6200,noisy; mx - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf KING SW ]

6280,3v 0741-1326 R. WAVES INT, downdrift, settling on 6280,0; "Le cimetière des éléphants", ID, 0855 ID, 1004 "32 ans sur les ondes courtes", accn, 1326 QSL Award, C&W

6304,9 0743-0743 R. MARABU, good-strong; ID. (6304,8 0926-1655, blank carrier)

6989,9 0746-0750 UNID, \too much loc.noise; mx, tk, pop

7265,0 0801-0853 ATLANTIC 2000, in AM-USB, good; ID, Adele"Hello it's me", ID+contacts, "Imagine", then pops in F or E and news about radio (in F). ELO, Patti Smith, Petula Clark, Claude Nougaro, les Innocents

7300,0 0829-0851 RADIO 66, \fading; mx, 0844 buongiorno, 0846 "Vous écoutez Radio 66" in F+it+..., 0847 Barracuda

6285,0 0856,0919 UNID, weak\loc.noise; J.Cash? (alike "Le fiacre" but in E). 0919-0921 pops. [ cf LOWLAND ]

9485,0 *0900-1000* ATLANTIC 2000, in AM-USB, good; 45" late, repeat, 0911 Nancy Sinatra "These boots..."

6295,0 0922-0925* UNID, weak\loc.noise; mx, sudden s/off

6095,0 0930-1530 KBC, good-strong > v.strong; pop-rock, tk, ads, 1106 Play that funky music

6210,0 0941-1020 SLUWE VOS R., e.weak\loc.noise; H.Rising Sun, Lust for life, from 1017 many IDs

6252,0 1006-1141 UNID, e.weak>trace \loc. noise; mx, 1012 "- - Radio", mx, 60s/70s hits [ cf QUADZILLA ]

6239,3 1014-1042 UNID, e.weak\loc.noise; rock, mx, tk in G ?, c'/d ? - - - - - - - - -[ cf LIKEDEELER ]

6264,0 1046-1140 R. TELSTAR INT, mx, g's, IDs (1105 OK at last), Silver machine, American woman

6324,7 1130-1322 R. RAINBOW INT, e.weak\loc.noise; mx, IDs, tk about UKR and Russia, 1320 c'/d

6240,2 1535-1543 FR. VICTORIA, fair; "Tequila", tk in D, D song, ID, Paint it black, testing audio filter (OK)

6286,0 1544-1551 R. TELSTAR INT, \bit of 2nd carrier; pops, g's, ID, mx

6309,8 1552-1559 OZNRH %, e.weak \noisy; cool jazz

6384,0 1600-1609* BAKEN16, mx, long list of stns (incl' own name?), Rock your baby, 1605 ID under burst, 1609 JID

6390,0 1610-1611 UNID, \stanag; mx, lost

6399,6 1612-1707* DELTA R., weak\loc.noise; half rock show, IDs, g's to FNL and It.

6975,0 1626-1640 UNID, fair\noise underneath; mx, 1634 "Africa", techno sirtaki ! - - - -[ cf BLUE DRAGON ]

6985,1 1629-2402 QBC, e.weak; indie rock, short IDs

6330,0 1645-1646* R. LOWLAND, ID+SMS hl+@, live from NL.

6240,0 1650-1652* UNID, old jazz, giving a phone nr.

4026,0 1715,2103 LASER HOT HITS, 1715 fair\loc.noise; mx, "Laser", "non-stop music". 2103 good; mx, long tk

3934,9 2055-2101* R. RAINBOW INT, radio memories, mx, ID, also "Peace station", R&R, sudden s/off

kHz UTC1-UTC2 Station-ID, signal \QRM-QRN etc...; details

(Sometimes : UTC1,UTC2 : no intermediate check)

Tips in time order, except when linked with a "|" in the spacing line.

Letter after kHz : a=approx., u=USB, L=LSB, v=bit of drift, V=real drift, w/W=drifting both ways, wandering

mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, sp.=Spanish, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility, SM=summer meeting ad
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline, accn=accordion
> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
"Strength" notes (from e.weak to V.strong) are rather S/N notes by ear, not S-meter levels.

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