LOGS : 23 - 29 SEPT. 2013

Logs from pirates on shortwave.
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Ray Lalleu
Hardcore Gold Piratear
Hardcore Gold Piratear
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LOGS : 23 - 29 SEPT. 2013

Post by Ray Lalleu »


A "new" long log. Look for : RMGP , Andromeda , Northsea Sound (?) , Korak (?) ,
and still 7613 kHz and a lot of other UNIDs even after checking many logs.

* * * * * MON. 23 SEPT. 2013 * * * * *

4026,0 0615-0624 LASER HOT HITS, weak/fair \noisy, mx, tk W voice on side, tk about RNI and weather
4026,0 1947-2024 LASER HOT HITS, mx, tk, ID

6302,5 1603-1657 trace \PLC. See next line
6302,5u 1833-1836 RMGP %, "Tubular bels", next track, and off?

6285,0 1658-1704* UNID, e.weak, JM Jarre"Oxygene", more instrum mx, 1703 tk (no copy), then off [ cf TINA ]

6285,0 1805-1919* R. TINA, v.weak\PLC, mx, tk, 1818 ID no copy, "c'/d", 1823 multi-ID, "Eine Cigarette", mx, 1843 ment' Likedeeler, ID+@, 1901 Man of action, ID, g's, 1909 "Eine Cigarette", 1915 c'/d-ID-Cigarette

6240,0 1808-1816 UNID, \ut.bursts, blanks & mx, CCR, Fogerty, 1815 allo test 1-2..., 1816 blank [ cf CASANOVA]

6210,4 1808-2103 R. TANGO ITALIA %, non stop tango

6374,8 1829-1831* UNID, \atmos, mx, off at 18.30'50" - - - - - - [ cf PYTHON ]

6307,5u 1838-1841 RMGP, \fishers QRM, ID over "Tubular bells", more pops, 1841 end?

7613,0 1859-2301 UNID, trace > v.weak > e.weak \atmos, mx, 2052 New Order"Blue monday"

6400,0 1922-2035 UNID via R.CAROLINE INT, "-- -- Radio", +Car.Int IDs, mx. 2033"Caroline" song [ cf RUSSIAN]

6290,0 1955-2108 R. TIDAL WAVE, strong > v.strong \bad fading at times(or overmod?), mx, many g's, IDs. 1957 Love to love.., 2010 Nena, 2014 IDs over "Ha ha said the clown", etc... 2059 "Stop the cavalry"

* * * * * TUES. 24 SEPT. 2013 * * * * *

6070,0 0615-0833 R. 6150 %, v.weak \fading, atmos, splash from 6060. mx, rock, 0703 R.London jingle
6070,0 1548-2042 R. 6150 %, e.weak / fair, pops, 2039 "Tommy" tune, Yesterday man.

6287 u 0708-0713* RMGP, IDs over "Tubular bells", bye-bye, off at 0712'50"

6745,2 1556-1609* UNID, fair, pops, 1606 polka and off. - - - - - - - - - - [ cf PIONEER ]

6240,0 1620-1642 R. CASANOVA, strong peaks, mx, IDs, g's(rpts)

6285,0 1755-1755 on/off station, said ".. Odynn .."

6210,4 1756-2216 R. TANGO ITALIA, \Andromeda het, usual s/on ID loop, later non stop tango,

6207,15 1757-1814 R. ANDROMEDA, v.weak \Tango het, mx, much duo tk (far from mike), 1809 ID

6207,2 2006-2013 R. ANDROMEDIA, e.weak \traffic, mx, tk, Greek? mx, IDs (W voice + reverb)

6261,1 1815-1912 UNID ?, strong het with CVC 6260. (much later : only a trace)

4026,0 *1825-2112 LASER HOT HITS, sudden s/on, mx, muffled ID, mx, 1958 about WPLJ, etc.

7613,1 1915-1950 UNID, e.weak, mx. (trace alr. at 1822 and still at 2059)

6290,5 1930-1950 R. SKYWIRE, v.weak \deep fades,atmos. I&T. Turner songs, from 1943 many IDs+@

6285,0 2015-2147 R. RONEX, trace/e.weak at first. 2044 Queen of hearts, ID+@, 2105 Popcorn, mx, IDs+@, g's

6285,0 2027-2029* RMGP %, stronger than Ronex at that time, tk with fq. in E over "Tubular bells", off.

6325,0 2042-2043* RMGP %, \ut.QRM. "Tubular bells", off.

6710 L 2055-2056 UNID, Greek mx.

6305,0 2142-2146* UNID, mx, 2145 "thank you Paul"

6374,45 2145-2150* UNID, strong, mx, rock, s/off
6374,45 2202-2204* UNID, techno, blank and s/off

6285,0 2151-2215 QSO : RMGP, RONEX. 2207 Ronex: 10W carrier

* * * * * WED. 25 SEPT. 2013 * * * * *

6070,0 0600-0615 R. 6150 % , v.weak \muffled, 6060 splashes, 'toy mill' ut.bursts on 6072-6073. mx, Rose garden, M+W voice, Sugar sugar, rock, Man of action, more mx.

6070,0 1343-1828 R. 6150 %, e.weak > weak, 1824 Spirit in the sky, Tommy, live rock

6290,0 1340-1353 UNID, good, D song, reggae, Elvis?, "On the road again", ID? as FDB(?)twice, mx

6324,1 1829-1830* UNID \squeezed: stanag,het. Shadows, D instrum, and s/off. - - [ cf MALIBU ? ]

6285,0 1831-1908 R. RONEX, D songs, rock, g's, ID, low power.
6285,0 1951-1951 R. RONEX, instrum mx, tk in D, row of IDs - -(2009 gone)

6210,4 1835-2142 R. TANGO ITALIA, non stop tango, 2140 ID, "esperimentale", ads, multi-IDs, more tango.

4026,0 1837-2002 LASER HOT HITS, weak, mx, tk, ID+@, it's 31 degrees...

6305,3 1840-2011 UNID, trac/e.weak\much ut. around, 1844 "Do you really want...", pops, slow up drift 6305,4

6400,0 1916-2020 R. CAROLINE INT, \traffic, mx, JIDs, 1922 strong peak

6324,7 2002-2005* UNID, synthe mx, s/off.

6305,5 2011-2017* UNID, flattened 6305,4 stn, carrier, 2014 mx(low mod), D waltz, 2017 strong ut. bursts, QSY

6305,0 *2017-2028* UNID, ex 6305,5 still under strong stanags (all disappeared at 2028)

6930 L 2123-2125* UNID, mx \QRM from Brasil freebanders

7613,0 2128-2308 UNID, e. weak + odd weak peak \atmos,PLC. non stop mx

* * * * * THURS. 26 SEPT. 2013 * * * * *

6070,2 0629-0630 R. 6150 %, e.weak, \noisy,hets. 0629 "Tommy", 0630 back to 6070,0
6070,0 1854-1858 R. 6150 %, v.weak \noisy, splash. mx, 1858 "Tommy"

6306,5 *1635-1640* UNID, weak \het from 6304,9. D mx, 1636 tk ..polka..hotmail. 1637 keyboard mx [ cf RONALISA ?]

6304,9 1628-1812 trace, 1626 maybe with audio, never better. (But at 1840 something on 6305 u)

6309,9 *1658-1717 R. TARZAN, sudden s/on, "hoop la!" D mx, 1702 v.gd ev', IDs, messing with pops, 1714 deep fade

6306,5 1803-1812 UNID, \6304,9 het. instrum, "Final countdown", 1806 row of g's, mx. - - [ cf RONALISA ]

6290,5 1813-1830 UNID, e.weak, mx hits and rock. (1839 gone). - - - - - - - -[ cf EXPERIENCE ]

6210,4 1830-1846 R. TANGO ITALIA %, non stop tango
6215,4 1915-1915 R. TANGO ITALIA %, tango - - - - (1939 gone)
6205,4 2050-2132 R. TANGO ITALIA %, non stop tango

6207,1 1831-1938 R. CAROLINE INT, mx, canned IDs (incl' w. Rainbow at 1834), and talk (in Czech?)

4026,0 1901-2057 LASER HOT HITS, tk: offshore memories from G.B., RNI in 1970. 2030 : R. Mi Amigo. 2057 Laser.

6245,1 1907-1940 SLUWE VOS R., strong, mx, IDs, g's in E, D mx, 1927 G rock, 1940 duo tk in D.

6284,7 2039-2225 R. RAINBOW INT, 2044 ID ..new antenna working very fine.., "On the border", strong peak, strong mod (maybe overmod at times?), Atomic Kitten, "Scaramouche"(title?), IDs (also Peace stn), tk, g's, 2127 hum?, 2133 Beatles, 2220 in E+G+F, 2223 Reveille rock. (f/out ?, a trace at 2230)

* * * ** * FRI. 27 SEPT. 2013 * * * * *

6070,0 0646,1605 R. 6150 %, 0646 : mx, 1605 : v.weak \PLC, "Shaft", "Tommy"

6305,5 1028-1037 UNID, e.weak, non stop D mx. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf VERONA ]

6305,6 1355-1631 UNID, v.weak, non stop D songs, 1521 het from 6305,0 slowly growing to strong. [ cf VERONA ]

6284,7 1408-1632 FOCUS INT, soon strong, mx, IDs, 1549 'stereo' ?, ID tk : Caroline 773.
6284,8 1800-2126 FOCUS INT, strong, mx, duo DJs, IDs, 2118 Troggs, strange sound?. (later : f/out)

6745,2 1412-1636 PIONEER R., \PLC at times,occ.traffic 6745L. mix: D mx,disco, pops, 1534 ID+@

6245,0 1430-1445* UNID, e.weak\PLC>weak, mx, 1434 "hello, you're tuned to -- -- -- R. from the NL". D pops, instrum mx. 1445 "hello, we're c'/d, bye wherever you are in this beautiful world". Then s/off

6204,9 1436-1510* R. TINA, e.weak\PLC, mx, 1452 tk, 1457 Tina gmx mail, 1504 c'/d, studio1a ..

6299,9 1527-1548* NORTHSEA SOUND R. ??, 60s electric guitars, 1540 tk (Russian? accent), 1548 ID then "7.."

6305,0 1612-1632 UNID, trace from 1521 under Verona?, f'/up, some audio badly heard.

6374,8 1624-1626* UNID, v.weak \ut. on lower side. mx, then s/off.

6306,5 1703-1705 UNID, v./e.weak \het,traffic. mx, D W singer.

6325,0 1707-1709 UNID, mx under very strong traffic - - - - - - - - [ cf OLDTIMER ]
6324,9 1751-1759 UNID, strong \fading, true medley by W singer incl' "Bella Italia", D songs. [ cf OLDTIMER ]

6239,8 1801-1839 R. GOUDENSTER, weak/fair \ut.bursts, D songs, tk, 1827 IDs(also GOLDSTAR), accordion.

6210,4 1804-2228 R. TANGO ITALIA %, usual mx box, later non stop tango.

3905,0 1806-2226 SKYLINE INT R., mx, Friday night programme, 2226 ID, gd m'.

4026,0 1807-2225 LASER HOT HITS, weak \fax lower side, Martin Scott playing long tracks. 2105 ID

6206,5 1830-1838 UNID, hard to hear, D mx, 60s instrum mx, 1838 lost/end?

6324,2 1840-1848 R. UNDERGROUND, strong, accordion, ID+@, g's, robot voice JID, D waltz...

7613,1 1907-1920 UNID, e.weak \noisy,PLC. mx, mx.

6981 L 2133-2134* UNID, accordion mx (not Dutch!), then tk in Brasilian and s/off.

* * * * * SAT. 28 SEPT. 2013 * * * * *

6284,8 0640-0823 FOCUS INT, strong \overmod, Move it on over, ID+@+hl+POB, Applejack, 0738"Caroline"..
6284,8 1029-1305 FOCUS INT, strong \overmod, 1209 AC/DC, U2, "Soul man"..
6284,8 1837-2105 FOCUS INT, strong > v.weak, 1853 Little richard, 2034 I put a spell on you.

6070,0 0652-0737 R. 6150 %, e.weak \atmos (near storm),PLC. mx

6095,0 0824-0828 KBC, ad for KBC Import, E.Rosko "Coast to coast country"
6095,0 1027,1212 KBC, 1027 v.strong, po, 1212 ID, tk, speedy R&R "Peggy Sue got married"

6304,7 1028-1200a R. MERLIN INT, mx, 1033 ID, tk etc... lost around 1200 approx.

6309,9 1837-1907 R. TELSTAR SOUTH, \atmos, typ. sound, "Can't buy me love", Memories of Golden Boys...

6300,0 1842-2153 R. TOWER, \atmos,PLC. tk in D, D songs, polka, 2030 D mix, 2103 clear ID+@, I got you babe

6290,9 1848-2151 ODYNN R., \atmos, My Sharona, Still loving you, 2007 ID, 2102 "Tonight"

6210,4 1854-2152 R. TANGO ITALIA %, tango.

6249,7 1908-2108 UNID, D mx, 2105 tk over mx, g's, c'/d, bye, sound, long blank. [ cf GROENTE BOERTJE]

6423,0 1911-2126 STUDIO 52, D mix, 1921 Baby I want you.., 2025 Highway to hell, ID+@

6749,3 1927-2125 PINK PANTHER R., 70-80s medley, 1941 ID+@, medley goes on...

6324,8 1949-2127 R. NORTON, hard \2nd stn QRM ?, Puppet on a string, 1959 ID, 2055 strong peaks, Moonlight shadow

6449,9 2014-2025* R. UNIVERSE, \ut,fading. mx, 2019 We love the pirate stns, tk about QRM, ID+@, ad for Odynn

3904,9 2042-2147 R. ALICE, \atmos, mx, 2141 ID (+coop, duo tk far from mike).

4026,0 2046-2143 LASER HOT HITS, \some atmos, tk, ID, mx, 2142 repeat from 2013-08-04.

6305,0 2056-2057 UNID, e.weak, pops. (2101 gone)

6305,0 2109-2111 UNID, pop, s/off. - - - - - -[ cf UNICUM ]

6305,0 2127-2149* R. UNICUM, \bad QRM, R.Stones, Do wah diddy, All by myself, 2134 ID, 2135 clear now

6305,0 2127-2134 R. PAARDENKRACHT \QRM w. UNICUM, f'/up till 2133 ID, tk in D, then lost (end).

* * * * * SUN. 29 SEPT. 2013 * * * * *

6284,8 0643-0840 FOCUS INT, strong \overmod, pop,rock, duo tk(R.Caroline), repeat 32' later than Sat.
6284,8 1022-1023 FOCUS INT, strong, very bad mod for mx! (voice barely OK)
6284,8 1234-2036 FOCUS INT, strong \overmod at times, tk, IDs, rock, pops, 2038 R.Caroline in '64

6070,0 0648-0650 R. 6150 %, v.weak \atmos "You were on my mind" (also 1340-1345 e.weak, rock)
6070,0 1708-1725 R. 6150 % \het, noisy(ut?), rock, tk(no copy), sounds like R.Stones blues and alt. mx

6300,0 0722-0745 UNID, e.weak \sticky PLC, mx, tk. - - - - - - - - - - [ cf WALDMEISTER ]

7310,0 0752-0752 R. 700 %, strong \fading, noisy, mx, tk

7310,0 0803-0900*ATLANTIC 2000, strong \mixed with a German stn IDing as "-- -- FM"(0811), it soon appeared that both stns had the same fading ups and downs. Check on 6005 : exactly the same problem. Both stns were on par for the mx, but the French talking was quite better (better studio work). At 0900, R.700 clear on both 7310 and 6005.

6045,0 0908-0936 SW ROCK, strong, almost non stop mx, 0935 ID+@, Fleetwood Mac, NYC towers in 2001.

6095,0 0936-1021 KBC, strong, Trucker Radio show, 1010 "LA Connection" by Rosko.

6974,7 0942-1018* R. RONALISA, v.weak, mx, many IDs(only once OK). Free electric band, Plaisir d'amour(trumpet), Lady Madona, Oxygene, YMCA, Rivers of babylon, polka for c/d at 1018'40.

6745,2 1024-1036 UNID, e.weak, mx, mx.. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ cf PIONEER ?? ]

6210,0 1036-1038 UNID, e.weak, mx, then G rock.

6325,0 1207-1209 UNID, trace, just a peak with pop at 1208. 1209 lost.
6325,0 1218-1331* R. PAARDENKRACHT, e.weak +peaks, 1225 ID, 1314 La Bamba, Who's that girl, 1325 spelled ID, several IDs till 1331.

6306,0 1211-1217 UNID, e.weak \PLC, mx, tk, lost at 1217.

6301,4 1233-1233 UNID, barely heard boom-boom mx.

6265,0 1238-1430 UNID, relaying Free Radio Weekly(DX progr. from USA), incl' European pirates heard in USA, played in a loop (maybe 72 min. loop). Maybe 2nd stn underneath, but can be from the clips too.

6238,15 1307-1313* UNID, v./e.weak \stanag bursts, D (or G) songs. - - - - [ cf FLYING DUTCHMAN ? ]

6256,0 1333-1338* RZ. BOOMERANG, tac-boom mx, tk, ID in D, 190+ bpm! off at 1338'25*

6305,0 1346-1358 R. PAARDENKRACHT, v.weak+peak \some atmos, tac-boom mx, 1353 ID, testing, c'/d

6210,5 1402-2058 R. TANGO ITALIA %, trace/e.weak at first, slowly f'/up, non stop tango

6240,2 1412-1442* UNID, Suzy Q, La vie en rose, CCR... 1442 sudden off. - - - - [ cf ZOMERZON ]

6240,2 1454-1509 R. ZOMERZON, mx, 1457 IDs, Peru flute, 1509 Radar love.

6250,0 1424-1426 UNID, e.weak \deep fades, mx - - (1439 gone?) - - - - - - [ cf DIGITAL ]

6300,0 1432-1433* UNID, e.weak, "Johnny B. Goode", sudden off - - - - - - - -[ cf ZODIAC ? ]

6207,9 1443-1505* UNID, Can stop loving you, more mx, drift to 6208,05 then back, and s/off.

6324,8 1512-1705* R. BATAVIA, IDs, mx, long g's in E (and G), 1520 ID+@, tango, tango-rock! 1653 I'm the walrus

6422,0 1521-1640 UNID, The letter, Tambourineman, 60s pops, R&B, Spirit in the sky. - - - -[ cf LOWLAND ]

6749,4 1526-1642 UNID, \occ. 'helico' like ut., non stop Beatles show. - - - - - - [ cf PINK PANTHER ]
6749,5 1854-1908* PINK PANTHER R., mx, 1856 Julien Clerc, 1900 tk, 1907 ID+@, cartoon mx, 1907'51*

6745,15 1529-1534 R. ZOMERZON ?, het with PINK P., mx, 1534 downshifts 2 kHz.
6743,15 1534-1546 R. ZOMERZON ?, mx OK, v.bad voice & IDs. Katabush, Time after time, I put a spell on you

6921,9 1552-1611 R. KORAK ??, e.weak, "low power stn", hotmail, SW(?) of the NL, ID not sure, 2 watts

6929,9 1614-1652 R. KORAK ??, e.weak, D? mx, IDs, spelled K-O-R-A..., low power.

6310,05 1630-2040 R. TELSTAR SOUTH, typ. sound, IDs, GB offshore story, 2011 Caroline 319 clip

6249,4 1632-2056 BOGUSMAN, humour on relig. b-casters?, mx, 1655 'ID'.., much tk, 2036 DifferentRadio@yahoo

6239,2+ 1656-1702 MAGIC AM, strong, gospel intro & cajun accordion..., ID, "short test", 1702 ID+@

6235,0 1727-1730 R. FLYING DUTCHMAN, mx, background mx, gd ev', ID.

6205,0 1828-1840 UNID, weak\atmos,PLC. My Sharona, Play thet funky music, Rasputin, D? song.

4026,0 1932,2102 LASER HOT HITS, \atmos, strong RTTY 4020a, tk, ID, "Baker street". 2102 mx.

6323,2 1935-1948 R. ZOMERZON, Suzy Q, House of Rising sun, ID, tk, mx.

6400,2 1948-1954* UNID, song in E, then some rock, off at 1954'02".

7613,2 2004-2056 UNID, e.weak \PLC,atmos. mx, mx...

6205,05 2018-2035 UNID, e.weak \PLC,occ.ut, Tango QRM. pop, jazz, pop, tk, songs in E - -[ cf EXPERIENCE ]

6320,1 2041-2045* UNID, v.weak \atmos,splash. anorak mx, "short test", g's, N. NL, ID=?, bye [ cf ETHERFREAK ]

mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, rpt=report, v.=very,
e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility, SM=summer meeting ad
ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline
> =becoming/then, bb=boom-boom mx, bpm=beat per min, [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]
Please note that c'/d is a period from a few seconds to well more than an hour before the real switch off !
"Strength" notes (from e.weak to V.strong) are rather S/N notes by ear, not S-meter levels.

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