Log : 04 -10 JUNE 2012

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Ray Lalleu
Hardcore Gold Piratear
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Log : 04 -10 JUNE 2012

Post by Ray Lalleu »

  • * * * * * MON. 04 JUN. 2012 * * * * * UK holiday (and in NL ?)

    6980,0 0458-0548 LASER HOT HITS, strong > v.weak, 0538 a 1966 chart, ID.

    6980,0 1726-2057 LASER HOT HITS, \F hams on 6983LSB, later atmos. 2057 ID, stream+fqs

    4015,0 0459-0500 LASER HOT HITS, ads OEM+ FSN, ID, mx.

    4015,0 2012-2232 LASER HOT HITS %, mx, some tk, 2108 some reggae

    6280,25 0501-0601 R. MERLIN INT, J. Frost p' rock and R. Caroline story, IDs, postal address. 0601 M DJ

    6294,5 0952-1023 UNID, pop, tk in E, then under strong PLC, no details. [ cf BOGUSMAN ]

    6220,2 0958-1341 R. MERLIN INT, \strong PLC, ID, later weak PLC, tk about Channel Z, ID+@

    6950,0 1201-1335 IMR R. %, v.weak, mx, some tk

    6950,0 1807-2056 IMR R., mainly soul mx from the 60s, some tk, IDs.

    6209,4a 1718-1906 XTC SW, e.weak > fair \PLC except at times, mx, tk about UK SW pirates, 1842 ID+rpt+@

    6304,3 1720-1723 R. UNDERGROUND, D yodl, ID, tk about UK SW pirates.

    6320,0 1809-1815 UNID, mx \soon strong PLC (1822 gone). [ cf MONTECARLO ]

    6300 v 1810-1833* R. FLYING DUTCHMAN, not rock stable, The Opera, ID, pops, rock, neat c'/d, 1833'43"*

    6290,1 1823-1907 R. OME JAN, v.weak, D mx/waltz, IDs (1834 ID in G by W).

    6319,9 1828-1914 R. NIGHT PIRATE, in E, g's, IDs in E, pops, D mx, humour in D, \PLC at times, 1913 c'/d

    6300,0 1853-1856* UNID, blank, mx, and off.

    6305,3 1908-1911 R. ALTREX, "Ma Buterfly" and other mx, many moohs!.

    6305,7 1947-1948* R. ALTREX, "American woman," and moohs! (to 6303,1)

    6303,1 1948-1950* R. ALTREX, still "American woman," and moohs!, and shifts again (not found quickly again)

    6510,0 1916-1920 MUSTANG - PONY R., v.strong, IDs, rpt from Gino and Sweden, c'/d, instrum and D mx.

    6920 L 1922-1930 BALTIC SEA R., mx in LSB, rock, La Macarena, IDs, pirate song (1937 gone)

    6324,9 1938-1946* R. SKYWIRE, e. weak, mx, 1944 ID over the mx.

    6304 V 1949-1956* trace only, quick drift back and forth between 6303,2 and 6304,5 no audio heard

    6290,6 1957-2000* R. CAROLINE INT, strong \fading, tk, JID not quite ckear, mx, sudden off.

    6245,0 2000-2003 R. ALTREX, v.weak, mx, some tk, ID by mooh! 2003 shifts again !

    6255,1 2004-2010 R. ALTREX, pop, mooh!, \occ. traffic QRM, 2010 v. difficult to hear.

    3934,9 2021-2134 R. RAINBOW, e.weak, some mx and tk in E, only IDs well heard.

    6319,6 2025-2055 R. CAROLINE INT, mx, JID, D song, gd night (..) mx, ID+@, D mx..

    6264,9 2029-2054 R. ALTREX, \splash from Cairo 6270, het from 6260, pops, Rose garden, mooh!,. ID, B52's, c'/d

    4026,5 2058-2138 UNID, f/up to strong peaks, rock, 2127"... your online rock radio network", drift 4026,3

    4026,0 2229-2244 UNID, maybe the same? but noisy QRM and het on 4029,9

    * * * * * TUES. 05 JUN. 2012 * * * * *

    4015,0 0459-0553 LASER HOT HITS, weak, Tony james tk about Engelbert Humperdick

    4015,0 2008-2106 LASER HOT HITS, mx, tk, IDs

    6980,0 0501-0602 LASER HOT HITS, strong \later it.traffic on 6980LSB, 0558 ads FSN+OEM

    6980,0 1640-2038 LASER HOT HITS%, first under F hams on 6983 LSB, later \atmos, mx, tk

    6280,2 1119-1126 UNID, mx and tk under strong PLC

    6281,1 1609-1652 UNID, mx under strong PLC [ cf OME JAN 6280 ? ]

    6290,5 1607-1608 UNID, mx and tk under strong PLC

    6209,9 1611-1626 R. TELSTAR SOUTH, about 4 Tops/Detroit, many Veronica jingles,1619 All right now

    6209,9 1959-2242 R. TELSTAR SOUTH, up to good, typical sound, with offshore radio story.

    6315,6 1627-1650 UNID, v.weak \strong PLC, mx, 1647 In a gadda da vida. [ cf DELTA R. ]

    6324,9 1855-1904 CAROLINE - RAINBOW, H.Alpert?, ID, blues, Crunchy Granola, ID

    6304,9 1857-1906* UNID, some tk (in ?) over filler mx, then over "Satisfaction"

    6291,9 1906-2005 R. ALTREX, v.weak, 60s soul and pops, ID by moohs !

    6209,3 1909-1915 R. PANDORA, v.weak, mx, ID at 1911.

    6260,0 1915-1915 UNID, some accordion mx, could be All india Radio ?

    6305,1 1920-1923* UNID, v.weak \ut.QRM, accordion, tk (maybe shift to 6300,1)

    6300,1 1923-1951 UNID, tk, accordion, 1945 g's in E (D accent), c'/d, 1951 ment' Lady Vampirella [ cf W. REUS ]

    6383,5 1926-1937 R. UNDERGROUND, mx and tk (known voice), JID, etc

    6920 L 1930-2006 BALTIC SEA R., oriental mx,Bacara, ID, mx...

    6920 L 2235-2236 BALTIC SEA R., v.weak, ID, mx (22.38 gone ?)

    6240,0 1953-2058 CAROLINE-RAINBOW, repeat, 60 min nice program in loop, Winchester cathedral, Green fields

    3934,9 2009-2111 R. RAINBOW, e.weak, mx, 2021 ID. (so around 2050 Rainbow is on 4 frequencies, not //)

    6325,0 2024-2114 CAROLINE-RAINBOW, same mx as around 1900, but long tk added about planet, democracy...

    3930,0 2052-2110 R. RAINBOW (relayed?), Blues Bros, ID, multi-IDs. After 2100 : seems a LHH recording, about UK

    * * * * * WED. 06 JUN. 2012 * * * * *

    4015,0 0458-0547 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak-clear, rpt, mx, ID, FSN, the e.weak.

    4015,0 2010-2140 LASER HOT HITS, \het from 4010, mx, ID.

    6980,0 0501-0600 LASER HOT HITS, poor \fading, atmo. mx, ID, repeat from "25 after 9 live on the stream".

    6980,0 1715-2242 LASER HOT HITS %, e.weak, then weak \various QRM. After 2200, maybe Caroline recording

    6920 L 1954-2027 BALTIC SEA R. %, mx in LSB, instrum of Those were the days, pops, parts..

    6290,6 2001-2005 UNID, mx and tk, very tiring wideband noise from Cairo 6270. [ cf ONDA CALIENTE ? ]

    3934,9 2010-2139 R. RAINBOW, v.weak, Man of action while visiting(?) the Galaxy of Peace.

    6720 L 2148-2206 UNID, sounds like BSR, but 2202: tk about democracy in Europe, E.European language

    * * * * * THURS. 07 JUN. 2012 * * * * *

    4015,0 0451-0555 LASER HOT HITS, weak \deep fades, mx, tk, IDs, 0555 brand new ad for FSN

    4015,0 2030-2042 LASER HOT HITS, M.Andrews p' California dreaming (reprise), ads OEM+FSN

    6980,0 0455-0550 LASER HOT HITS, \noise then it. traffic on low side, D.Simpson p' rock

    6980,0 2044-2047 LASER HOT HITS, \atmos, mx, tk, ID.

    6300,0 1642-1707 UNID, D mx, 60s pop incl' Daydream believer, later under strong PLC. [ cf LUXEMB.]

    6295,0 1642-1700 UNID, e.weak mx, soon under strong PLC. [ cf MIKE R. - low power ? ]

    6292,2 1643-1643 UNID, v.weak, rock from about 1970. (1646 gone)

    6308,2 1644-1653* R. FLYING DUTCHMAN, D mx, 1652 ID, now c'/d, real off !

    6289,1 1646-1647 UNID, e.weak \ut. bursts. (1659 gone)

    6305,7 1701-1714 UNID, \PLC, D and G songs, Voulez-vous, tk in D, hello Achim, bye bye [ cf B.ARROW ]

    6292,2 1707-1711 UNID, \PLC, song in G, D mx. (1714 gone)

    6294,4 1816-1900 THE GHOUL ?, good \some fading and atmos, G.Thorogood, rock, 1845 tk \PLC back, ID??

    6285,05 1825-1835* R. TINA, Dragon slayer : tk, IDs+a, bye bye

    6286,5 *1836-1839* R. PUMA ?, mx, ID not quite sure, in D. [ cf QSO round ]

    6285,05 1839-1843* UNID, v.weak, accordion, reply to R.Puma, IDs (no copy), tk in D.

    6304,7 1901-1950* DELTA R., in D: near the Belgian border (later in E too, on 6304,6), 1908 young D singer, IDs.

    6312,05 1911-1919 UNID, e.weak \PLC, ..Eisenach.., Mr Tambourineman, IDs Zero Delta? Tip Zero? Tipero?

    6314,05 1919-1925 UNID, ex-6312, mx, 1921 R. Zero ?, deep fade, 1925 shifts to 6311

    6311,05 1926-1926 UNID, ex-6314, e.weak \PLC, mx.

    6305,0 1939-1940 UNID, on - off - on again, mx

    6305,7 1940-1943* R. KAZA (?), D song, tk, IDs quite unsure. [ cf QSO round ]

    6305,7 1950-1953* R. SALLANDSE BOER, strong, polka, reply to Delta in D, ID, give rpt, D song, off at 1953'25"

    6290,0 1954-2014 R. SKYWIRE, e.weak, I&T.Turner"proud Mary, fade, mx, IDs, ...

    3934,9 2031-2041 R. RAINBOW, e.weak \atmos depleting the signal ?, tk, ID, mx, tk.

    6300,25 2048-2106 R. FLYING DUTCHMAN, synthe, song, hello-1-2-3-4-5, ID, g's:Klaius,UKdxer... , D mx.

    6300,05 2224-2309 R. OME JAN ?, rock, tk in D+E. Satisfaction, Don't bring me down, Born to be wild, Black Betty..

    * * * * * FRI. 08 JUN. 2012 * * * * *
    6980,0 0401-0643 LASER HOT HITS, good +strong peaks \some fading-atmos, mx, tk rpt from FNL, ID

    6980,0 1830-2230 LASER HOT HITS, weak, seems undermod at first, 1902 Mighty Quinn, ID

    4015,0 0405-0451 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak > e.weak, ID, mx, Martin Scott

    4015,0 1945-2100 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak +peaks > weak. ID, mx.

    6305,0 1640-1640 UNID, mx under PLC (D mx?).

    6950,0 1655-2258 IMR R. %, e.weak > fair, 1829 it.QRM on 6950LSB, 1915 Cream, tk, 2227 60s pops, some tk

    6424,9 1659-1659 UNID, sunk in PLC

    6300,0 1824-1825 UNID, mx \some PLC, and lost

    6300,2 1833-1835* UNID, v.weak, Dragon slayer, tk in D, off at 1835'35"

    6300,2 *1836-1844* R. FLYING DUTCHMAN, mx and IDs, 1844 c'/d, off at 1844'25"

    6940,1 1846,1853 R. TRANSEUROPE, mx, ID+@, \ut.QRM on upside (not at 1901) [ many fq shifts ]

    6920 L 1854-1931 BALTIC SEA R., v.weak at first, mx, Baccara, ID, mx from S.E. Europe, rock, Baccara..

    6300,0 1909-1935* UNID, e.weak, long blank?, 1933 mx, 1935 tk and s/off. [ cf LUXEMB. ]

    6930 L 1922-1927 UNID, mx in LSB, much disturbed by ut.QRM. 1927 lost.

    3905,1 1937-2250 SKYLINE INT R., v.weak > strong \noisy, nonstop mx, 2118 ID, lots of g's.

    6319,6 1956-2048 CAROLINE-RAINBOW, e.weak at first, repeat of nice mx program (incl' Green fields)

    6319,6 2216-2252 R. RAINBOW INT, v.weak > e.weak, nice mx loop, 60s trumpet (H. Alpert?)

    6306,5 1957-1959* UNID, I&T.Turner"Nutbush City limits", other mx part and off.

    6309,7 2023-2123 DELTA R., gd ev', IDs, said short test, mx w. annts, g's to DXers, 2051 said 30W.

    6300,3 2034-2039 UNID, D retro songs, accordion. (2046 gone) [ cf LUXEMBURG ]

    6293,5 2057-2212 UNID, (up to 6293,7) mx, 2125 Radar love, 2136"..funky music", tk, 2205 She's not there
    [ cf FARMER, then SALLANDSE B. ]

    3934,8 2102-2121 CAROLINE-RAINBOW, again nice mx program incl' Moricone

    6282,0 2128-2133 R. SPACESHUTTLE, V.difficult in Cairo noise, mx, ID+@, Mungo Jerry

    6305,0 2147-2202* UNID, e.weak \wide band noise like an Egyptian. 2202 jingle from F RTL ? , and off.

    6310,0 2203-2253 UNID, e.weak > trace \PLC, mx.

    6930 L 2222-2238 UNID, mx in LSB \het on 6925a, maybe a relay by Baltic Sea R. ?

    6383,5 2239-2257 R. UNDERGROUND, ut.squeezed, mx, tk, ID, hl, tk: the recent public holidays

    * * * * * SAT. 09 JUN. 2012 * * * * *

    4015,0 0610-0614 LASER HOT HITS, e.weak, mx, tk about radio, ID+@

    4015,0 2241-2241 LASER HOT HITS%, fair, ZZ Top"Gimme all your loving"

    6980,0 0615-0703 LASER HOT HITS %, good \fading > v.week, long recording of Caroline 558 "25 years old"

    6980,0 2207-2212 LASER HOT HITS %, good \atmos, mx, tk. (also around 1400 : e.weak, PLC, mx)

    6085;0 0627,0750 PUR R. 1 %, pops.

    6290,0 0704-0743 RMGP, v.weak \some PLC > trace, Papa l'americano, ut.bursts, 0709 spelling ID

    6294,9 0735-0823 UNID, e.weak\some PLC, mx, tk, 0745 Troggs"Wild thing". [ cf ALTREX ]

    6215 a 0749,0820 UNID, weak \noisy, some mx heard (only in AM mode, no carrier whistle with BFO)

    6305,1 0816-0831 UNID, D or G songs, incl' "Corina" (?title), bit of tk. [ cf OME JAN ]

    6309,6 1323-1415 UNID, e.weak \some PLC, mx (mostly non stop, some tk at 1411)

    6095,0 1337-1520 KBC, strong \some PLC ! rock, pop oldies, some tk, 1520 ad KBC Import.

    6950,0 1340-1455 UNID, e.weak\loc.noise, mx

    6320,6 1407-1431 UNID, not rock stable, tk, said c'/d, goes on but down to a trace.

    6400,0 1440-1515 UNID, e.weak, mx clips, We are the champions, Birdie song, D mx, waltz [ cf ORANGE ]

    6325,0 1430-1458 UNID, trace under PLC, peak at 1456 with mx and sunk again. [ cf AC-DC ]

    6315,0 1500-1503 UNID, trace under PLC + peaks with some mx.

    6305,0 1504-1509 UNID, e.weak, accordion and some talk, 1509 shifts to 6301,8 carnaval, 1510 f/out [ W.REUS]

    6320,4 2045-2137 UNID, \atmos, bit of RTTY, mx, bit of tk at 2137. [ cf R. COUNTDOWN ]

    6300,0 2047-2049 UNID, mx \hets all around 6300.

    6295,0 2049-2100* UNID, D mx, "The --- from the NL", pop, Booker T, Pop-corn (medley?), tk in D, off.
    [ cf NACHTPIRAAT ]

    6308,1 2101-2220 R. FLYING DUTCHMAN, mx, 2103-2106 on 6310,1 and back, ID, Pop-corn.

    6240,1 2112-2228 F.R. VICTORIA, \Cairo noise, 2128 MrSunshine, tk, ABBA, 2227 Oxygene, ID, bye bye

    6205,0 2117-2250 UNID, pop, disco, yodl, D songs. Duo DJ (W shouting, singing). [ cf VIKING ]

    6295,1 2138-2246 R. OME JAN, rock, IDs (incl' IDs in G by W). 2222 Knock on wood.

    6290,1 2146-2246 R. SPACESHUTTLE, v.weak \Cairo noise, occ. faxQRM. mx, IDs.

    6390,05 2149-2217 R. SCOTLAND INT, strong, test new TX (not full power), mx, tnx, IDs (also 2252 ?? problems)

    6424,6 2155-2220 UNID, strong peaks, pops. (2229 gone)

    6920 L 2200-2253 BALTIC SEA R., Born to be wild, quick ID, ZZ Top, sounds bad tonight.

    6930,0 2204-2254 IMR R., good \atmos, Eloise, ID, mx...

    3905,0 2231-2243 UNID, weak \noisy > v.weak. mx, 2232 accordion. [ cf ANTONIO ]

    3995,0 2239-2243 UNID in E, tk, old jazz, other mx.

    * * * * * SUN. 10 JUN. 2012 * * * * *

    6300,0 0738-0950 R. TOWER %, fair \PLC, D song, tk, L'aventura, Let it be, 0904 >e.weak, 0950 f/out

    6300,0 1304-1657 R. TOWER, weak \PLC, mx, 1313 ID+hl, 1530 on 6300,1 accordion, 1657 Ma belle amie

    6280,05 0739-0951 R. MERLIN INT, Let's go to the hop, Apache, Caroline story, 0816 ID, 60s mx, f/out under PLC

    6206,4 0740-0740 R. ORANG UTAN %, mx (0817 gone)

    5820,0 0741-0806 ORION R., v.weak today, \PLC, 0806 ID in D or G ?, hl in G, mx.

    6980,0 0822-0953 LASER HOT HITS, 0824 weak, ID+@, 0953 e.weak, Laser 558 recording.

    6980,0 1649-2048 LASER HOT HITS, first under F hams, 1748 rock, bad signal, 2000+ \strong atmos, IDs

    9480,0 0828-0900* ATLANTIC 2000, good \some fading, stn story in F: c/d 1988 back 2007 & relayed... mx, IDs

    6095,0 0900-1507 KBC, only good \PLC!, mx, tk in E+D, IDs, R&R

    6140,0 0901-0901* UNID, last seconds of strong carrier, what was there before 0900 ?

    6294,5 0905-0950 BOGUSMAN ?, v.weak \PLC much disturbing, tk in E, said "Bogus", mx, 0950 sunk in PLC

    6210,0 0908-0917 UNID, v.weak\strong PLC, Nena"99..", Hello everibody this is --- 48", mx, rock. [ B.HUNTER ]

    6304,0 1308-1318 trace, het with R.Tower

    6930,0 1320-1759 IMR R., trace > f/up slowly, mx, 1751 now fair but traffic QRM, 1759 ID.

    6930,0 2004-2320 IMR R., strong \deep fades, atmos. Twist & shout, Troggs"Wild thing, 2302 J.Mayall

    6240,0 1323-1644 SPACEMAN, fair \fades > strong at bye bye, pops, rock, tk (IDs 1324, 1638)

    6279,9 1510-1525 UNID, e.weak \QRM from 6275 ut. 1525 Lene Lovitch ? then lost. [ cf LUXEMB. ]

    6309,8 1642-1656 UNID, v.weak, slow v. of Birdie song, accordion. [ cf W. REUS ]

    6990 L 1650-1654 UNID, \traffic splash, R&R

    6255,0 1657-1659 UNID, v.weak mx \some PLC

    6302,2 1744-1810* MAGIC AM, \PLC, ID+@, mx, "short test from the capital of Holland", ID in G, g's, etc..

    6910 L 1751-1803* UNID, \noisy ut. QRM from 6905, mx, rock.

    6289,0 1812-1902 R. ALTREX, e.weak, drift to 6288,7, mx, ID by mooh!

    6285,0 1818-1819 UNID, e.weak \PLC, mx, some tk, mx. (still a trace at 1928)

    6240,2 1821-1850* UNID, e.weak+peaks, 60s pop-rock, "This is the new Radio ---- ", Troggs here too, why?

    6279,8 1855-1904 UNID, e.weak, accordion-polka-waltz... > good\PLC. [ cf LUXEMBURG ]

    6324,1 1905-1915* UNID, jazz, synthe, mx, some words, het calls from 6325,0 but none at 1913 blank.

    6300,0 1916-1937* LUXEMBURG, e.weak > fair, filler mx, g's, ID, 1924 If I only could, 1933 Après toi.

    6325,0 1925-1926* UNID, mx and off [ cf UNDERGROUND ? ]

    6203,0 1930-1933 SLUWE VOS R., D song, ID, then difficult, it. song. (follow? 2109)

    6299,9 1938-1942* LUXEMBURG ?, accordion, op sings, ment' W.Reus ? and Lux. 1942'30"*

    6307,2 1943-2040 R. CAROLINE INT, weak, mx, JID+@, 2039 tk: democracy... Russia...

    6325,05 1944-1952 Z. ASCONA, D songs, then many IDs, ID+@+hl, "piraten" song, ...

    6383,5 1952-2018 R. UNDERGROUND, mx, ID, tk: Zodiac, D mx.

    6525,0 1956-1956* UNID, last seconds of mx and off. [ cf MUSTANG ]

    6550,0 1956-2044 UNID, e.weak \traffic QRM, 1959 ID no copy, 2008 Let me go home. [cf PINK PANTHER ]

    6910 L 2005-2318 BALTIC SEA R., \ut.6905, traffic. mx incl' Finnish mx?, 2317 ID, Jungle rock.

    6400,7 2009-2017 UNID, Beatles songs.

    6299,9 2020-2028* DE WITTE REUS, instrum, tk (cooking it.), c'/d, @, 2028 clear ID and off.

    6255,5 2030-2034 UNID, squeezed, v.difficult, mx (Led Zeppelin?), 2032 blank, 2034 off.

    6285,05 2036-2038 BORDERHUNTER, strong \fading, D song, ID in it. or sp.? D song.

    6215 U 2056-2144 SPACESHUTTLE R., in USB, 2101 ID as PLUNDIT R. ?? 2103 russian? and others, 2104 good IDs, mx, 2144 The final countdown, ID+@.

    6203,0 2109-2151 SLUWE VOS R. %, weak and clear, mx, 2145 tk, like Shuttle at 2103

    5799,6 2116-2257 R. MI AMIGO, \loc. noise, atmos rising. mx, tk ("bad" voice..), ID+@, mx

    3934,9 2121-2142 LASER HOT HITS, relayed ? tk: Gemini, ID+POB, Tony James, Kinks.

    4015,0 2128-2313 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak, mx, tk, ID, JID.

    mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, rpt=report, v.=very,
    e.=extremely w.=with, '=..ing, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility,
    ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline
    > =becoming/then, SM2012=ad for Summer meeting 2012.
    [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]

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