Trip log : 14 - 21 april 2012

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Ray Lalleu
Hardcore Gold Piratear
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Trip log : 14 - 21 april 2012

Post by Ray Lalleu »

  • Sat. 14 to Sat. 21 morning : portable+wire (not bad for hired rooms, 14-15 Paris, then Belgium)

    *** SAT. 14 APR. 2012 *** (portable, + - 2 kHz)

    6095 1248-1256* KBC, powerful. R&R, Tainted love(reprise), Good old R&R, 1256 breakdown

    6305 1300-1301 UNID, fading in & out, D mx.

    6305 1812-1812 UNID, D song.

    6300 1815-1831 SPACEMAN, strong, mx, g's in E+D, 1830 ID, allo Paris, bonsoir, bon appétit

    6295 1855-1926 SPACEMAN, strong, mx, ment' Batavier??, Live is too short for QRP, ID.

    6930 1828-1859 UNID, e.weak, mx, tk.

    3900 1831-1940 DELTA R. ?, fading, D mix of mx, shy IDs (and @ once).

    6425a 1928-1943 UNID (~R. ARAB?? INT), in SSB, pop-rock, 1930"7th army..", 1934 ID? by W.

    6910 1947-1947 trace

    *** SUN. morning 15 APR. 2012 *** (portable, + - 2 kHz)

    6300 0629-0743 UNID, >weak, mx (accordion, synthe...)

    6295 0632-0759 R. TARZAN, weak, D mx, IDs by W (no copy) then 0740 by M (clear) 0743 IDs+@

    9480 *0800-0801 EMR, s/on ID (after IS from MV Baltic R.), then rock. \loc.noise.

    *** SUN. evening 15 APR. 2012 *** (Belgium, portable, + - 2 kHz)

    6210 1310-1337 BLUESTAR R., easy, D song, J.Jett"I love R&R, ID, 60s pop.

    6325 1610-1627 R. RAINBOW INT, mx, tk, IDs, 1627 clear ID+@

    6325 1834-1944 R. RAINBOW INT, mx, 1850 Bonjour Paris, ID. 1916, 1920: IDs as R. RAMMSTEIN ! 1943 ID, Lio

    6312a 1618-1623 R. TITANIC, \moving het, R&R, tk, g's, ID, bye bye, "Caroline". Titanic day !

    6300 1630-1638 R. MERLIN INT, mx, IDs, 1632 Madness/Night boat to Cairo/. Still on at 1852.

    6307 1633-1640 R. ROB ? QSO ?, v.weak, mx, ..Rotterdam, allo, R.Rob, Scirocco...

    6295 1634-1637 REFLECTIONS EUROPE %, yodl, then relig. talk

    6295 1954-1954 REFLECTIONS EUROPE %, tk, // 6960 !

    6960 1954-1954 REFLECTIONS EUROPE %, tk, // 6295 !

    6265 1635-1641 R. GERONIMO, mx, modern jazz, JID, ID, tk

    6210 1636-1643 UNID, D mx, 1641 D mx with karaoke ?

    6210 1831-1948 UNID, D songs, maybe Elvis at 1838 and Rammstein at 1918.

    6240 1845-1958 SLUWE VOS R., G hard rock, prob. Rammstein (nonstop, IDs : 1917, 1958).

    6305 1853-1921 UNID, rock, Hocus pocus, Bad to the bone, (image fq does not help)
    6960? 1910-1914 UNID, maybe fq not well noted, Radio RCF ?? tk only, in E (M+W)

    4015 1948-1951 LASER HOT HITS, \RTTY QRM, mx, tk, Mystery Year.

    6980 1952-1952 LASER HOT HITS %, only short peaks fading out of noise.

    6300 1957-2003 UNID mx, no link

    *** MON. 16 APR. 2012 *** (portable, + - 2 kHz)

    4015 0630-0654 LASER HOT HITS, strong peak > v.weak, mx, ID.

    4015 1908-1948 LASER HOT HITS, weak \noisy, duo tk, ID, mx.

    6980 0643-0739 LASER HOT HITS %, V.weak at best,

    6980 1555-2023 LASER HOT HITS %, v.difficult \strong carrier on image fq. 2023 Nana hey hey ... goodbye ?

    6240 1849-1922 BAD GIRLS R., mx, IDs+@ by W. 1911 Because the night.

    6240 2006-2025 BAD GIRLS R., mx, IDs, "slogan "It's just rock, rock!" by M, 2015 Because the night, 2017 "From ..", ID

    6295 1920-1934 R. FLYING DUTCHMAN, I got you babe, ID, filler mx, 1934 ID.

    6210 1923-1943 R. AKADE (?) INT, 1924 ID, 1926 Clash (medley), 1930 ID?, more noise, lost.

    *** TUES. 17 APR. 2012 *** ( portable, + - 2 kHz)

    4015 0330-0640 LASER HOT HITS %, good at 0330, sunk in noise at 0640.

    4015 1903-1955 LASER HOT HITS %, v.weak, 1926 Nana .. kiss him good bye.

    6980 0645-0715 LASER HOT HITS %, v.weak mx at best

    6980 1905-1957 LASER HOT HITS %, e.weak > v.weak, mx.

    6295 1525-1643 R. TARZAN, weak, D songs (pop/euro flavor), tk in D, IDs in E, g's. 1643"It's raining men".

    6295 1901-1953* R. TARZAN, rock, pop, D songs, almost nonstop, 2005 ID.

    6303 1617-1626 UNID, rock, quiet song, Black Betty. (1633 gone)

    6240 1901-1953 R. CAROLINE INT, ment' Caroline-Rainbow, mx, ID, 1953 ID, "peace and love", off.

    *** WED. morning 18 APR. 2012 *** ( portable, + - 2 kHz)

    4015 0630-0659 LASER HOT HITS, weak + peaks, mx, tk, 0639 OEM+FSN, 0648,0659 IDs

    6980 0642-0733 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak > trace+peaks, OEM+FSN, mx, ID by T.James.

    *** WED. evening 18 APR. 2012 *** ( Belgium, 2nd place, portable, + - 2 kHz)

    6980 1644-1925 LASER HOT HITS %, trace+peaks > v.weak, mx, tk.

    4015 1848-2335 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak, ment' Eurovision contest, 1903 ID. After 2300: good, mx, tk, IDs+@

    6240 1905-1919 R. CAROLINE INT, mx, JID, mx... (1927 gone)

    *** THURS. 19 APR. 2012 *** ( portable, + - 2 kHz)

    4015 0607-0626 LASER HOT HITS, fading down, mx, tk, ID.

    4015 1828-2000 LASER HOT HITS, mx, tk, 1844 Laser Int, 1846 ID+POB+@.

    6980 0620-0753 LASER HOT HITS %, trace only. Evening : impossible under image from strong carrier 7880

    6240 1855-1901 UNID, v.weak \fading, mx.

    6300 1941-2000 R. TARZAN, C&W"Teenage queenie, then D songs. 1955 IDs in D then E

    6305 1948-2000 SPACEMAN, "Major Tom", ID, D mix, g's in D, Dady's cool, ID, mx...

    *** FRI. 20 APR. 2012 *** ( portable, + - 2 kHz)

    4015 0430-0630 LASER HOT HITS, 0430: strong, ID. 0615: weak, rec. of Caroline 558.

    4015 1908-2031 LASER HOT HITS, ID+@ by T.James, Blondie. 2031 POB

    6085 0748-0800 PUR R. 1 %, mx, She's a lady, 0800 news in D.

    6256 1516-2038 FOCUS INT, pop-rock, IDs+hl (+@). 1548 Bette Davis eyes 1907 Baker St., 1931

    6975 1530-1541 UNID, mx in SSB, but mod seems strange.

    6305 1616-1640 R. OSAKA, mx mix incl. C&W, 1620 ID.

    6295 1621-1623* R. ALTREX, ID, c'/d, bye bye, mx, mooh, blank.

    6325 1631-1640 R. MERLIN INT, strong, mx, 1640 ID.

    6295 1858-2038 BOGUS/GHOUL, strong, tk about nuclear weapons, mx. 1933 ment' Armadillo.

    6980 1910-1910 LASER HOT HITS %, v. disturbed by image fq 7880.

    6240 1922-1949 R. CAROLINE INT, difficult, but clear JID at 1925, mx.

    6510 1936-2045 UNID, nonstop mx, 1936 Great balls of fire, 2006 pop from 60s. [ cf RISING SUN ]

    3905 2010-2055 UNID, e.weak \noisy, mx, 2047 a few words, rock, 2051 blues-rock. [ cf U-BOAT 66 ]

    6325 2018-2042 R. ZODIAC, mx, rock, IDs, hl.

    6307 2024-2027 UNID, \het from image fq, mx, 2027 Michel Sardou? with "Connemara" in a medley ? [cf SALL. B. ]

    *** SAT. morning 21 APR. 2012 *** ( portable, + - 2 kHz)

    4015 0608-0742 LASER HOT HITS, strong, mx, laserr effects, 0742 FSN, ID

    6980 0612-0653 LASER HOT HITS %, image QRM, then e.weak, tk, mx.

    6280 0615-0633 UNID, v.weak, Man of action, R&B, soul mx, 0633 tk over. [ cf GEOSTAR ? ]

    6256 0621-0736 FOCUS INT, weak, 0626 Nights in white satin, 0652 ID, 0736 Hot stuff

    6510 0631-0742 UNID, weak, mx. [ cf RISING SUN ]

    6150 0738-0742 RADIO 6150, good peak, mx, ID, tk about QSL and fades down.

    mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, rpt=report, v.=very,
    e.=extremely w.=with, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility, a=approx.
    ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline
    [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]

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