LOG : 30 MAR. - 1 st APR.

Logs from pirates on shortwave.
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Ray Lalleu
Hardcore Gold Piratear
Hardcore Gold Piratear
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LOG : 30 MAR. - 1 st APR.

Post by Ray Lalleu »

  • Tough job to check it all, specially above 15 MHz, we are not at home there, and some UNIDs maybe regular stations.
    Also a problem with 6423 kHz on Friday : if it was ROZ, at least it was ROZ relaying or hosting other station(s).

    *** FRI. 30 MAR. 2012 ***

    4015,0 0500-0657* LASER HOT HITS, weak \some fading, RTTY 4011. M.Andews; 5.36 Enigma.

    4015,0 1847-2215 LASER HOT HITS, strong at 2110. 2205 Martin Scott & the Mystery Year.

    6980,0 0557-0701 LASER HOT HITS, just f'/in, weak \ut. on 6984, later ut.QRM around.

    6980,0 1357-2200 LASER HOT HITS, weak >good \1835: LSB QRM in G. on 6979. 2125 repeat rock prog.

    6930,0 1358-1920 IRISH MUSIC R., v.weak before 1600 (mx, W DJ). IDs also as I.M.R. (2016 gone)

    6925,0 1404-1443 UNID, trace +peaks, mx, hotmail, 1440"Caroline", 1442 long ID, final?

    6324,9 1413-1455 R. ALTREX, v.weak\PLC, mx, ID, tk, 1455 tk, D song, mooh!

    6300,1 1414-1414 UNID, v.weak \PLC, mx. (1430 gone)

    6295,3 1416-1516* R. TINA ?, v.weak\PLC, D mx, tk, 1511 c'/d in E, said R.Tina and more, bye

    6239,9 1420-1703 FOCUS INT, strong, mx, 1421 Hot stuff, IDs+hl, about 5h06 loop till Sunday

    6240,0 1842-2203 FOCUS INT, strong, mx, 1927 slogan and "Hot stuff" again.

    6305,15 1456-1531 PAARDENKRACHT, v.weak\deep fades, mx, blanks, 1517 ID, play with reverb.

    6305,0v 1623-1716 UNID, Good golly.., ..Rising sun, 1634 "Ferry cross the Mersey" [ cf PAARDENK. ]

    6324,8 1621-1632 DELTA R., "Non-stop music" slogan, ID, mx. (Never can guess which Delta)

    6300,0 1626-1715 UNID, C&W, 1653 Ring of fire +hum 6300,1 1710 tk in D, "stereo" [cf WITTE REUS ]

    6300,1 1653-1711 UNID, only hum at first, 1711 R&R "Lucille" ("stereo" with 6300,0)

    6373,8 1633-1633 UNID, e.weak mx, much tweety QRM (1716 nothing heard) [cf TINA ]

    6373,8 1815-1917 R. TINA, v.weak\tweety QRM, like Monday?, 1825 SM, 1908"Tina Tina", ID

    6324,2v 1704-1708 UNID, drift down, mx, Santana, tk in D, 6325,8 het.(1716 gone)

    6973,0 1834-2200 GALEI TSAHAL %, v.weak \gurgling ut. various mx, occ.traffic. 2200 news ?

    6304,0 1837-1841 R. UNDERGROUND, D Hip hip hurrah, g's, ID, g's, g's, mx.

    6304,1 1900-1958* R. UNDERGROUND, E soldier song, ID-JIDs, tk over"Hocus pocus", global WE.

    3905,1 1848-2208 SKYLINE INT R., strong \fading+noisy at first. pops, g's in E and D.

    6325 U 1933-1948* FOX 48, mx in USB \F fishermen QRM. 1948 ID +"This Free radio stn.." c'/d

    6311,9 1949-1956 R. ZODIAC, mx, ID+@, traffic QRM, bad mod. (2002 gone)

    6307aL 1958-2001* UNID, mx in SSB, seems in LSB but unstable. 2001 sudden off. [ cf TROPIQ but later ]

    6324,9 2002-2010 UNID, \tweety QRM upside, ZZ Top, mx. [ cf R. ZODIAC ]

    6423,0 2011-2222 R. UNTERSTATE?? from Germany, rough studio work, good various mx, confused translation of "Deutschland" (not "Dutchland"!). 2052 Bumble bee. 2057 Penny Lane instrum, 2059 Caravan, 2121 On the border, 2137 Indian ropeman, 2147 Kinks"All day.., 2152 Poupée de cire.. 2156 I'll be there, 2201 Baila(?). 2221 now 6422,8 kHz, "German combination .... and Interstate(?)". [ those who heard ROZ : details please! ]

    6920 L 2014-2015* BALTIC SEA R., Brand new Cadillac, seagull ID, sudden off.

    6990,0 2018-2334 UNID, v.weak \much various QRM, nonstop? mx.

    6920 L 2038-2044 BALTIC SEA R., R&R, seagull ID+@, BSR also. Then Finnish? songs.

    6324,3 2114-2121 R. UNDERGROUND, mx, ID, g's, blank, gd ev', c'/d now.. 2121"Oxygene.

    6299,6 2153-2216 DELTA R. %, pop, rock, same jingle "Non stop music, music, music" like Delta

    3930,0 2206-2215 POLARIS R., mx, rpts, IDs+@, 2210 Stray cats, mod a bit low.

    6308,0 2311-2337 UNID, e.weak \atmos, rock, blues, ID W voice. FOX 48 ?

    6308 U 2346-2354 R. FOX 48, in USB maybe 6308,1 still not clear, rock, 2349 ID.

    3934,9 2340-2345* UNID, mx, 2342 few words, then blues, 2345 sudden off.

    *** SAT. 31 MAR. 2012 ***

    6980,0 0709-1548 LASER HOT HITS, strong >v.weak>weak, 1051-1110 F hams on 6983 LSB. 1548 cities

    6980,0 2209-2255 LASER HOT HITS %, \fading, noisy, mx.

    6920 L 0710-0730 BALTIC SEA R., e.weak. 0723 Stray Cats, seagulls, Born to be wild, ZZ Top

    6250,0 0716-0720 UNID, false AM (no LSB), "Veronica story" song, Man of action [ cf GOESTAR ?]

    6240,0 0721-1546 FOCUS INT, strong, same loop ? w. "Hot stuff" at 10.47. Bit of low drift.

    6240,0 2150-2314 FOCUS INT, still strong at night. 2153 ID, focus(at)live.co.uk, hl

    6930,05 0803-1547 IMR, strong >e.weak after 1100. mx, annts, live IDs.

    4015,0 0810-0830 LASER HOT HITS %, v.weak > e.weak. Usual fmt.

    6305,0 0818-0830 R. ALTREX, e.weak \under PLC. 0818 ID, "bye bye", then mx only.

    6215 a 0825-0830 UNID, V.bad wobbling mod (only noise in ECSS), All you need is love, etc..

    15030,1 0837-0907 R. LATINO, v.weak\fades, F.R. slogan, IDs+@, "from S.Europe", latino mx

    15845 U 0907-1201 SPACESHUTTLE, fair>deep fades>strong. Many IDs, dance remixes (incl. Pop-corn), g's, 1020 calling Chris S.(USA), mx: speed trapped at 180 bpm! 1159 We are a pirate station.

    15055 a 1011-1044 UNID, e.weak \long fades, tropical mx.

    15050,0 1115-1158 UNID, e.weak/v.weak, mx, W voice in sp., M voice also.

    6095,0 1048-1332 MIGHTY KBC, powerful. C&W, R&B with Rosko, emperorrosko.co.uk

    6925,0 1055-1108 UNID, e.weak, theme from James Bond movie, tk \sunk in noise.

    6324,8 1203-1205 UNID, mx, slow tk, mid-voice, could be B.Bandit (in disguise?)

    6305,05 1205-1205 UNID, weak mx \fading, happy whistlers from the 60s.

    6300,0+ 1207-1209 UNID, D song "Corina" (title?). Maybe R. TOWER already.

    6300,1- 1310-1354 R. TOWER, phone tk about Titanic, hl, pops+D mx, IDs(shy) 1339 Massachussetts

    6300,1 1543-1550 UNID, non stop mx: D songs [ cf TOWER ]

    6325,0 1316-1322* R. ZODIAC, L.Wray"Rumble", IDs in D, instrum mx and off.

    6325,0 1333-1333* UNID, tk and off. (so 6325 was probably the QSO fq)

    6285,0 1339-1358 UNID, various pop and D songs (still D song at 1545), [ cf OSAKA ]

    6510,0 1344-1350 UNID, e.weak mx (1547 v.weak: Pretty Flamingo) [ cf RISING SUN ]

    15059 U 1403-1404 UNID, v.diff mx in USB \QRM from arabic stn on 15065), then lost.

    15060,1 1408-1426 R. SCOTLAND INT, strong-fair \het, pop, careful IDs

    15080,0 1415-1423 UNID, v.bad mod, tk program, maybe Cairo ??

    15020,0 1417-1427 R. MUSTANG (and TIDAL WAVE, heard "Thai Way"), mx, IDs+@, 1427 KISS"I was...

    15055 U 1509-1536* R. TROPIQ, 15055,1 ? rock with latino bridges. 1529 piano boogie, annt

    ---- long away ----

    6305,1 2148-2237 R. MERLIN INT, strong, splashing. techno mx, 2230 ID, JID, 2237 ELO (2241 gone)

    6566,1 2156-2225 UNID strong, various songs in E, ~rap, folk, Nirvana... [ cf WILSKRACHT ]

    6547,9 2158-2245 UNID GREEK, weak \fades, mx, oriental mx, tk: "Salonike" heard (4x1637?)

    6990,0 2210-2310 UNID, weak \much traffic there!; mx, This is ..., mx.

    4015,0 2233-2237 LASER HOT HITS, mx, tk, ID.

    6299,9 2238-2303* FOX 48 ???, rock, 2302 ID over rock, quite unsure.

    6324,2V 2256-2311 R. UNDERGROUND, 6324,25 down to 6324,1. D mx, ID, yodl, JMJarre, global WE

    6299,0 2312-2314 FOX 48, v.weak, mx, ID by M+W, said "just rock".

    6950 U 2351-2413 WOLVERINE R., good mod USB, quite clear signal, "one" mx theme, abrupt IDs

    6936 U 2404-2418 UNID, weak, unclear, Dylan? 2414 ID?? over rock. [ cf FOX 48 ]

    *** SUN. 01 APR. 2012 **

    6910,0 0640-1108 R. WAVES INT, weak >strong \6907 roar, drift 6909,8 C&W, F songs, 0703 ID

    6980,0 0647-1110 LASER HOT HITS, weak >v.weak \noisy, bad day

    6980,0 1322-1945 LASER HOT HITS, weak \traffic (6979 L and 6983 U hams), later atmos

    6300,0 0652-1315 R. TOWER, strong, 0652 ID+contacts in D, then D mx. 0814 hl, still jerky mike.

    6240,0 0654-2119 FOCUS INT, strong, 5h loop w.Nights in white satin at 1107, 1613, 2119.

    6205,25 0655-0743 R. TORENVALK, weak \fading, mx, IDs. 0705 humorist show

    6150,0 0745-0840 UNID, strong \sounds bassy. mx

    5820,0 0747-0838 ORION R., weak\fading, mx,SM2012,OEM. 0822 accordion, ID+@ in D, SMS

    6930,05 0752-1322 IRISH MUSIC R. %, e.weak/v.weak \noisy, bad day

    6930,05 1601-1921 IRISH MUSIC R., weak\noisy > fair at end. mx, tk, IDs (also as IMR)

    6254,6 0817-0817 UNID, trace only

    6265,0 0839-0839 UNID, v.strong pop. . . . . [ cf GERONIMO ]

    9480,0 0844-0900* ATLANTIC 2000 INT, strong, F song,ID,Wh.Houston, F OEM no more printed..

    12257a 0843-1006 only a very tiny trace here, drifting up slowly

    15015 0758-0810 R. LATINO, v. weak, latino mx (Cuban mx ?), movie? in it., ID, mx

    15014,1 0906-1004 R. LATINO, weak \fading, IS, 0909 bassy ID, Buon giorno song, IDs, Santana?... 0918 Papa l'americano, 0944 "..free radio", jig, 50s jazz. 1003 ID in E.

    15845 U 0921-0943 SPACESHUTTLE, I got the power (+tk, shifted ??), power hammer mx, 0934 ID, tk about Idi Amin - Kampala@ ( [ April's fool] ), now c'/d, then R&R songs.

    15055 U 0947-1005 R. TROPIQ, Elton John ?, P.Clark"Down town, R&R, Tropiq bridge, R&R...

    15050AM 1117-1122 UNID, e.weak, mx, annt in E? mx (sounds oriental), India??

    15065,0 1526-1534 UNID, latino? mx, then greek? mx, maybe legal stn

    9480,0 1010-1200* R. GLORIA INT, mx, 1112 Johnny Depp, ID, D.Springfield.. next 22 April

    6294,9 1013-1024 R. CONDOR, synthe+drum, tk, anorak mx, tk:Aquarius?? 1024 R.Condor +@hotmail

    6220,2 1025-1154 BOGUSMAN, weak today, typical chat and mx. 1154 humorist.

    6095,0 1031-1315 KBC, powerfl. 60s pop, KBC ad, 60s.. 1315 Emperor Rosko.

    6289,4 1059-1316 R. RAINBOW INT, Tainted love, tk v.bassy (said Pluto?), 1152 ID

    6245,0 1105-1105 UNID, e.weak station, close to strong Focus Int.

    6285,0 1317-1317 UNID, mx, good peak but fades under PLC

    6510,0 1320-1320 UNID, tk (sunk in PLC) (already a trace at 1108) [ cf RISING SUN ]

    6324,6 1538-1628* DELTA R., The Opera, JID, .. 1602 Barracuda, 1621 tech tk, 1622 last ID, live

    6324,7 1629-1632* KLAAS SNOEK (B.Bandit in disguise w. bad mod?), rpt (1633-34 Delta tnx)

    6305,0 1543-1636 R. TARZAN, D songs, J.Cash, g's, 1607 ID copied at last

    6374,8 1746-1945 R. CAROLINE INT, tweety. ID, mourning broadcast for dog "DJ Bobby"

    6423,0 1746-1811 UNID, diff. Sunny? R.Stone"2000 light years..? Four Tops? then 10' undermod? 1811 in D [ cf ROZ ]

    6920,0 1800-1801* R. GERONIMO, rock, short ID and off.

    4015,0 1805-2056 LASER HOT HITS, 75 mb is noisy here, mx, tk, ID.

    6304,0 1914-1915 R. UNDERGROUND, tk in E, D mx and ID, gd ev' to Fox48.

    6325 U 1927-1947 RWBI %, mx, can't name the many relays he got, etc. [ cf FSM ? ]

    3905,1 1949-2122 R. CENTRAAL, v.weak \atmos, 60s pop-rock, IDs copied at last.

    3912,0 2020-2123 R. LIKEDEELER, cramped fq, 60s pop, R'nB,C&W, many IDs+hl in E (also W in G). Suzy Q, Whiter shade of pale, Israelites, Kinks"All day.., Ring of fire, Johnny B.Goode, Lili Marlen, rock.

    mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, rpt=report, v.=very,
    e.=extremely w.=with, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility, a=approx.
    ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline
    SM2012=Summer Meeting 2012. [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID, thanks quick logs ]

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