LOG : 20 - 23 FEB. 2012

Logs from pirates on shortwave.
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Ray Lalleu
Hardcore Gold Piratear
Hardcore Gold Piratear
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LOG : 20 - 23 FEB. 2012

Post by Ray Lalleu »

  • *** MON. 20 FEB. 2012 ***

    6925Uv 0232-0307 UNDERCOVER R. drifts +/-0,5kHz! science fiction story, IDs+contacts+g's by Dr Benway, SF again, IDs, mx. 0306 ann' 1720kHz (not heard at 0307-0310 and then 6925 gone).

    4015,0 0603-0658* LASER HOT HITS, modulation very well managed, signal f/down, 0658'25 off.

    4015,0 1801-2055 LASER HOT HITS, het on 4016,3 (new), later ut.QRM on upper side.

    6959,6 0637-0735 ATLANTIC R., trace>buzz>bits, real f/in at 0702. strong \occ.deep fade., occ.ut

    6959,6 1646-1900 ATLANTIC R., non stop mx, ID at 19.00 (21.00 check : trace)

    6970,0 0708-0738 LASER HOT HITS, (trace before 0700), weak +odd peak \atmos

    6970,0 1646-1901 LASER HOT HITS, mx, 1658 "On the border", 1901 ID (21.00 check : trace)

    6325,0 1647-1648 FSM, strong \fading. mx, tk, ID, FSM(at)pirate.at (1706 gone)

    6305,0 1648-1706 R. OSAKA, weak \cornered(noisy ut., traffic). 1648 She's not there, ID.

    6220,1 1651-1706 R. TELSTAR INT, song in Spanish (+op!), D and F songs, v.bassy ID(joint with..)

    *** TUES. 21 FEB. 2012 ***

    4015,0 0557-0658* LASER HOT HITS, het on 4016,3 at first, mx, IDs, s/off at 0658'23"

    4015,0 1804-2136 LASER HOT HITS, "Mexico" and other pop songs, noisy at times, ID.

    6959,6 0710-0731 ATLANTIC R., (0600 trace) 0710 f'/in, 0712 strong. mx, tk, IDs

    6959,6 1539-2146 ATLANTIC R., easy with mx at checks before 1900, e.weak after 21.00

    6970,0 0711-0725 LASER HOT HITS, weak \fading, atmos, soon ut.QRM on 6972. tk about antenna works

    6970,0 1540-2145 LASER HOT HITS, mx and IDs before 1900, mx peaks \traffic after 2100

    6325,0 1506-1547* UNID, weak\noisy. 1530 J.L.Lewis special. 1540 synthe mx. 1547 c'/d [cf MISTI]

    6397,5 1507-1508* UNID, Anfrew Sisters "Rhum & Coca-Cola", and off?

    6373,8 1511-1514 UNID, \ut, PLC. v.gd aft', tk in E, mx.

    6304,9 1516-1540 FSM, \PLC. mx. 1529 tech tk in D, ID+@, mx again.

    6300,1 1541-1551 R. MERLIN INT, mx, many IDs+contacts (1602 on 6305,1)

    6305,1 1602-1835 R. MERLIN INT, mx, IDs++. 1623 ID in F+G. 1632 Blue Monday 1759 ment' DrTim

    6294,9 1551-1622* BAKEN 16, (1543 trace), mx, hum, 1605 ID,"Je t'aime moi non plus", 1622 JID.

    6295,0 1551-1559 UNID, hum with Baken 16, "stereo" mx at 15.56 (1559 off?)

    6325,1 1550-1551 R. FLYING DUTCHMAN, ID by W voice, mx (1609 gone)

    6316,1 1606-1608 UNID, unclear frequency, J.Hendrix mx. 1608 off?

    6324,8 1638-1653* UNID, mx with strong peaks, but audio player problem, s/off without annt.

    3935,0 1801-2202 R. BATAVIA, weak, mx wide mix, IDs (+name story). (2206-2219 messing with TX)

    *** WED. 22 FEB. 2012 ***

    4015,0 0645-0658* LASER HOT HITS, (0602 trace). Strong, mx, FSN. 0657 Sweet Caroline. 0658'21*

    4015,0 1759-2145 LASER HOT HITS, weak at first, ID, then good. 2145 rpt from Lviv.

    6959,8 0647-0730 ATLANTIC R., trace>buzz>f'/in at 0659. 0701 ID. Non stop mx.

    6959,9 1533-1922 ATLANTIC R., fair \het on 6262,4. mx, IDs on top/down hour. 1922 on 6959,6

    6970,0 0653-0710 LASER HOT HITS, buzz, 0658 f'/in to strong, usual format.

    6970,0 1728-1923 LASER HOT HITS, (1534 long blank). ut.QRM on 6973. mx,ID..

    6305,0 1516-1555 R. OSAKA, v.weak \PLC, mx mix and tk. 1531 ID+@

    6220,2 1519-1934 R. MERLIN INT, Blue monday, IDs++. 1924 Blue moon of K., Reveille rock, Twist

    6295,1 1538-1557 R. ALTREX %, v.weak \PLC, Living doll, fade, het 6294,8. Shifts at 1557.

    6294,8 1550-1555* UNID, het under Altrex, blank then bit of audio?

    6292,9 1557-1603 R. ALTREX, mooh!, ID, tk, unhappy? "6293 at the moment", ment' White Giant.

    6295,0 1608-1617 R. ALTREX back on 6295, mx, mooh!, ID, going e.weak (1622 trace).

    6300,0 1603-1608* UNID, v.weak \PLC, tk, instrum background

    6306,0 1617-1618* QSO, tk over "Knock on wood", ment' R.Rob, Black Arrow.

    6300,0 1619-1623* QSO, instrum mx, tk in D (B.Arrow ment' several times), OC calling! 1622'45*

    6305,0 1624-1628* QSO, mx+tk, rep. to Black Arrow.

    6306,0 1629-1637* R. BLACK ARROW, off 1630-1631'50, ment' Misti-W.Reus-Osaka(+"outer space?), ID

    6305,0 *1637-1639* UNID with "Gloria" rock (alr. at *1630-1631* sorry), g's, hello Norway.

    6300,0 1640-1643 QSO, instrum mx, ment' W.Reus, B.Arrow, Misti. 1643 song (Bowie?)

    6305,0 1642-1643 QSO, e.weak, ment' Osaka.

    6315,4 1639-1756 BAD BOYS R., QRM on upperside. mx, IDs+@ by W voice not clear. 1708 ID by M copied, but "from Denmark" was a real help. 1721 long tk (in Danish? far from mike). 1756 ID by W copied too. (1806 gone)

    6325,0 1653-1721* UNID, 1653 in E ann' 6325 in amplitude modulation, nonstop mx, some fading

    6310,0 1655-1658 R. SPACESHUTTLE, IDs, bits of mx, v.weak. (1702 gone)

    6306,0 1709-1718 R. SPACESHUTTLE, v.weak mx, 1713 ID Spaceshuttle Int, mx (1724 gone)

    6297,1 1710-1718 UNID, weak mx (1724 gone)

    6324,5 1740-1755 R. ZEEWOLF, La Macarena, nonstop mx, 1754 ID, c'/d, mx. 1755 v.strong "engine" ut

    6306,0 1747-1919 R. SPACESHUTTLE, weak \some QRM/QRN, rock(Finnish?), IDs++, ann' 6305.

    6925,2 2418-2435 UNID, v.weak \bad fading, strange/experim./altern. mx, tk at 2423 and 2431

    *** THURS. 23 FEB. 2012 ***

    4015,0 0643-0658* LASER HOT HITS, \fading, some carrier problem or QRM?, mx, ID tk. 0658'19*

    4015,0 1910-2200 LASER HOT HITS, slow fading, Mystery year, hl, D.Simpson

    6959,9 0648-0735 ATLANTIC R., buzz+e.weak peaks, 0700 ID, 0701 f/in to strong, nonstop mx

    6959,6 1643-2115 ATLANTIC R., clear mx. 2034 long tk (duo M+W).

    6970,0 0701-0736 LASER HOT HITS, v.weak, 0702 f/in to strong, M.Andrews ID, mx.

    6970,0 1643-2115 LASER HOT HITS, strong \noisy, mx. 2115 Laser goes DX, rec. of R.390

    6220,2 0720-0732 R. MERLIN INT, IDs+contacts, mx. 0722 Blue Monday. Seems a repeat.

    6232 U 1617-1623* R. FREE SPEECH, recordings p'd by ?? 1621 1 min off. Shouting play

    6240 U 1626-1638 R. FREE SPEECH, sounds like Marx Bros movie, ID+POB N.Y., home in Montana..

    6325,0 1639-1700* MISTI R., v.weak, pop-rock 1645 Plastic Bertrand, 1700 dinner time

    3935,0 2121-2123* UNID, D songs, sudden off (2124 OC, short) alr. Batavia ?

    3935,0 2133-2200 R. BATAVIA, D waltz, story, ID, g's, web site 2156"Sound of silence

    mx=music, tk=talk, D=Dutch, E=English, G=German, F=French, it.=Italian, rpt=report, v.=very,
    e.=extremely w.=with, c'/d=closing down, M/W=man/woman, g'=greeting, ut=utility,
    ID+@=ID+e-mail address, J=jingle, PLC=PowerLineComm'(noise), \=but, %=guess, hl=hotline
    [ between sq. brackets : best fit ID from quick logs ]

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